Why are some businesses successful while others can’t make it through the first year? Chances are its not just luck but a carefully crafted plan of products or services, more importantly they understand the art of creative marketing. Options and strategies available for today’s small business abound. How do you sort it all out and stop spinning your wheels to losing financial resources and fast-forward your the increase to your bottom line? Join Connie Pheiff on Marketing Masters each week for insider tips to guide your business into the black and stay there!
GUEST: Deb Ingino
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AndroidRSSWe’re always looking for highly motivated guest for Marketing Masters. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenofmarketing. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
When there is no ‘real’ fear, the goal is to feel the fear and do it anyway. Here are three suggested practical steps to conquer your fear, take control of your life and lead with your strengths.
If you were following along I just gave you the acronym to lead with your strengths. A.C.T.
About Our Guest
Deb Ingino is the CEO of Strength Leader Development. A highly sought-after executive coach, consultant and speaker worldwide, Deb is well versed in business operations and in the importance of asking key questions most business leaders won’t ask themselves. She brings deep experience in leadership development, strategy, high performance team building, global operations, brand management, design, product development and training to her work. Her passion is for leading people to discover and maximize their strengths as well as those of fellow team members, while offering advanced strategies to achieve high performance.
Most Successful Failure
When I first launched my business under the brand My Wired Style, I was targeting parents to help them to identify their children’s strengths. The problem was that the minivan Mom’s and I had very little in common other than being a parent. They pull up to the workshop in their minivan with cheerio’s flying out the rear window while I was pulling up in my Mercedes after having just having come off a flight from Paris. My story wasn’t theirs and while knowing and nurturing your children’s strengths was important to both of us, they needed to hear that message from someone else. It became really clear when the parents would say “hey do you do this for adults?” I then regrouped, reset my plan, and changed my brand to better reflect what I did and Strength Leader Development was born.
Magic Takeaways
Pay attention, lean into your strengths and trust your gut.
Favorite Success Quote
“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”
Favorite Business Book
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
Check back often for more great stuff on how you can accelerate your business.
Until next time, Stay Brilliant.
Contact Information
Website: www.strengthleader.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StrengthLeader
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StrengthLeader
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/strengthLeader
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/strengthleader/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+DebIngino/posts
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GUEST: Christopher Cumby
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AndroidRSSWe’re always looking for highly motivated guest for Marketing Masters. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenofmarketing. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
Have a $5M business… now what do you do? Do you change direction? Do you Coast? If you coast, you spiral downhill. Learn how Christopher Cumby and some of the greats achieve success and continue to look for opportunities to grow and give back helping others grow personally and professionally.
About Our Guest
Christopher Cumby’s very first company reached $5,000,000 in sales in less than 18 months. Today Christopher helps entrepreneurs launch their business strategically using his step-by-step sales formula. With strengths in business negotiation and new business development, Chris continues to seek opportunities to grow his business and give back to others. Chris has a book soon to be released “The Success Playbook.”
Magic Takeaways
You can achieve anything when you believe in yourself.
Favorite Success Quote
Nothing happens until something moves. ~Albert Einstein
Check back often for more great stuff on how you can accelerate your business.
Until next time, Stay Brilliant.
Contact Information
Website: www.ChristopherCumby.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuccessPlaybook
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuccessPlaybook
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christophercumby
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/successplaybook/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/1/+ChrisCumbySuccessPlaybook/about
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – If you could grow a $5M business, what would you change appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
We’re always looking for highly motivated guest for Marketing Masters. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
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AndroidRSSWelcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenofmarketing. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
Self-publishing, hybrid publishing, traditional publishing… Oh my! Learn which is best for you so you too can turn your stories into dollars.
About Our Guest
Rick Frishman is a publisher with Morgan James Publishing and is a leading book publicist in America for over 37 years. Rick has worked with some of the greats such as Howard Stern, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Whoopi Goldberg, even President Jimmy Carter. Rick knows the publishing business.
Magic Takeaways
Don’t give-up on your dream of becoming an author. Start small and be ready to market your book and turn your story into dollars.
Favorite Success Quote
“It is your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude.” ~Zig Ziglar
This special show includes special opportunities to attend Author University 101 in Los Angeles CA April 9, 10, and 11, 2015. When you register use the promo code CONNIE to receive your $100 discount on the conference registration. Scholarship opportunities are available. See you there.
Check back often for more great stuff on how you can accelerate your business.
Until next time, Stay Brilliant.
Contact Information
Website: www.rickfrishman.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rickfrishman
Twitter: www.twitter.com/rickfrishman
LinkedIn: www.Linkedin/in/rickfrishman
Google Plus: plus.google.com/+rickfrishman
Phone: 516 308-1524
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Turn Your Stories Into Dollars appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Karen Yankovich
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AndroidRSSWe’re always looking for highly motivated guest for Marketing Masters. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenofmarketing. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
Karen Yankovich is the Social Media Evangelist. She’s been there ~ don’t that. She is a woman on a mission focused in business and life. Karen coaches entrepreneurs on the power of social media.
Could you imagine having fun while growing your business? Then get ready to have some F.U.N.
F = How are people finding you when they GOOGLE you.
U = How can you manage what people uncover about you; and position yourself the way you want them to see you.
N = How will you go BIG, claim your authority, expert status, share it with the world and say NEXT!
Magic Takeaways
Social Media isn’t as confusing and difficult as you think. Think BIG and claim your authority.
Karen’s Favorite Success Quote
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” ~Henry Ford
Check back often for more great stuff on how you can accelerate your business.
Until next time, Stay Brilliant.
Contact Information
Website: www.karenyankovich.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/karenyankovich
Twitter: www.Twitter.com/karenyankovich
LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/in/karenyankovich
Pinterest: www.Pinterest.com/karenyankovich
Google Plus: www.Google.com/+karenyankovich
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Three Ingredients to Claim your Authority and have F.U.N. on Social Media appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Thom Singer
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AndroidRSSWant to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenoftheask. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around, subscribe on iTunes and get ready to accelerate your business ~ we are live… uncensored… and sometimes raw.
Join us to listen with Thom Singer, the conference catalyst about the value of networking. Of all the ways to get clients, there is no better way than having a personal connection. Call this what you want, but when you make a personal connection, it adds to your credibility. When you make that personal touch, clients will call you. Of course, you still need to follow up with an exceptional website, content rich blogs, writing hundreds of articles for other publications and perhaps your own book. Get to know your client; what are their needs and get them on your list. Use this show as your guide to create your marketing strategies. When you make a personal touch, your clients will be calling you.
About Our Guest
Thom Singer is the co-founder and director of training at Davis / Hill Solutions LLC. He is a professional speaker, corporate trainer, author, and consultant. His latest venture is as a podcaster, and he is the host of the “Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do Podcast”. As someone who has taught networking and communication skills for a decade… in just three months he proclaims his podcast is the BEST networking tool he has ever seen in his career.
Thom has over 20 years of sales, marketing, public relations, business development and networking experience with Fortune 500 Companies, AM Law 100 law firms, and entrepreneurial ventures. He regularly speaks at corporate seminars, conventions and law firm meetings around the country teaching professionals the importance of cultivating business relationships and presentation skills as a means to furthering their careers.
He also keynotes conference sessions or serves as the Master of Ceremonies as “The Conference Catalyst” (www.ConferenceCatayst.com) at multi-day business events. His program is focused on helping create a connection culture and positively impact the conference attendee experience.
Thom and his wife, Sara, make their home in Austin, Texas and are the parents of two “highly-spirited” daughters.
Most Memorable Business Failure
Early in my career I met a key person who could have helped me, and I blew the chance by talking too much. I am one who likes to tell stories, but I learned that you have to ask more questions when you meet someone new. This person trashed me to some other key people (who told me), and never would give me a second chance to get to know each other. I learned to not blabber on (as much)… and I learned to be a person who gives second chances easily.
Ah-Ha Moment
I had spent years hoping and wishing…. But on April 1st 2009 I got laid off from a corporate marketing job… and had to take the leap. I never looked back.
Favorite Success Quote
Man in the arena ~Theodore Roosevelt
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Favorite Business Book
7 habits of highly effective people (yes, over 30 years old, but had largest impact on my life)
Most Influential Person
My dad.
Contact Information
Web site: http://www.thomsinger.com
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Are You Ready … to Network? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Patty Farmer
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AndroidRSSWe’re always looking for highly motivated guest for Marketing Masters. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenofmarketing. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
After listening to this show you will have a better understanding of the importance of leveraging your connections and growing your list. But how do you make this happen? Imagine you’re attending a networking event and you don’t know what to say. Here are three questions to help you begin developing relationships. Ask:
Leveraging your connections helps to grow your list. You become an industry expert and the ‘go to’ person serving others, no sales.
As you’re wrapping up the conversation don’t leave without asking, “what social media platform do you hang out. Get back to the office and make a connection?”
Magic Takeaways
Strive to be a people connector ~ not a business card collector!
Contact Information
Website: www.pattyfarmer.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/pattyfarmerCEO
Twitter: www.Twitter.com/pattyfarmer
LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/in/pattyfarmer
Pinterest: www.Pinterest.com/PattyFarmerCEO
Google Plus: www.Google.com/+pattyfarmer
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Leverage your Connections and Grow your List appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Kimanzi Constable
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AndroidRSSWe’re always looking for guest to help our listeners find themselves. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenofmarketing. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
Kimanzi Constable is a true rag to riches success story. Hear an inspirational story of building a platform, getting published and getting out of debt. You’ll learn why it’s important to STOP wasting your time chasing influencers and every shiny object. You will flop, your will have failures, but when you get back up you too can find your success.
Magic Takeaways
The need to stop wasting their time chasing every shiny object, here’s how you build an audience, influence, and your business.
Contact Information
Website: http://kimanziconstable.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kimanzi-Constable/180997105343665
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KimanziC
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Stop Chasing Influencers and Shiny Objects appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Rick Frishman
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AndroidRSSWe’re always looking for guest to help our listeners find themselves. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenoftheask. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
“It is your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude”
~Zig Ziglar
This special show includes special opportunities to attend Author University 101 in Los Angeles CA April 9, 10, and 11, 2015. When you register use the promo code CONNIE to receive your $100 discount on the conference registration. Scholarship opportunities are available. See you there.
Rick Frishman is the Publisher at Morgan James Publishing in New York and founder of Planned Television Arts (now called Media Connect), has been one of the leading book publicists in America for over 37 years. Rick works with many of the top book editors, literary agents, and publishers in America, including Simon and Schuster, Harper Collins and Random House. He has worked with bestselling authors such as Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Sophia Loren, Smokey Robinson, Nelson DeMille, Salmon Rushdie, John Grisham, Yogi Berra, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Dershowitz, Arnold Palmer, Jackie Collins, Whoopi Goldberg, Gov. Mario Cuomo, and Senator John Glenn.
Morgan James Publishing publishes fiction and nonfiction books and by authors with a platform who believe in giving back. Morgan James gives a portion of every book sold to Habitat for Humanity.
Rick has also appeared on hundreds of radio shows and more than a dozen TV shows nationwide, including Oprah, Fox News and Bloomberg TV. He has also been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Selling Power Magazine, New York Post, and scores of other publications.
He has appeared on stage with notables such as Sir Richard Branson, The Dalai Lama, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Tony Hsieh, David Bach, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar and Brendon Burchard.
Rick is the coauthor of fifteen books, including national bestsellers “Guerrilla Publicity”, “Where’s Your Wow”, “Guerrilla Marketing for Writers”, “The Expert Success Solution”, and “250 Rules of Business. Rick’s 15th book, “Networking Magic-Second Edition” was published in January of 2014.
Rick has a BFA in acting and directing and a BS in communications from Ithaca College. He is a sought-after lecturer on publishing and public relations and a member of PRSA and the National Speakers Association.
Rick and his wife Robbi live in Long Island, New York with their two Havanese puppies, Cody and Cooper. They have three children: Adam, Rachel, and Stephanie.
Magic Takeaways
Learn how to get hundreds of thousands of dollars of free publicity.
Contact Information
Website: www.rickfrishman.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rickfrishman
Twitter: www.twitter.com/rickfrishman
LinkedIn: www.Linkedin/in/rickfrishman
Google Plus: plus.google.com/+rickfrishman
Phone: 516-308-1524
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Become a Rock Star with the Media and get FREE publicity appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Kim Somers Egelsee
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AndroidRSSWe’re always looking for guest to help our listeners find themselves. Want to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenoftheask. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
After you listen to today’s show you will understand how to sculpt your life by design by only saying YES to the things that are 90-100% on your list. Manage your work, manage your life, and learn how to manage your unconscious competent. Follow through with your goals and actually achieve them without losing your momentum.
About Our Guest
Kim Somers Egelsee is a confidence expert, the #1 best selling author of “Getting Your Life to a Ten +”, a multi award winning confidence expert, TEDx speaker, inspirational speaker, life coach, hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, TV host, author and columnist. She specializes in helping people get every area of their lives to a “ten plus”, exude confidence, connect authentically and discover their life’s purpose. Kim has a degree in Speech Communication and credentials in Educational Psychology with over ten years experience life coaching, over 12 years in the field of special education with both children and adults with an emphasis on behavior modification, and is also a SAG member and has worked in the entertainment industry for over 18 years hosting, acting and producing. Kim is the founder of Willow Tree Women’s Circle L.A. and O.C., has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, including her own web series with Hallmark Channel’s Spirit Clips, writes for several newspapers and magazines, and hosts her own web series, “Passion Power Confidence.” Kim speaks at over 40 events and workshops per year and also certifies people as life coach in her Ten Plus Life Coaching certification program.
Magic Takeaway
Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. ~Jim Rohn
Contact Information
Web site: http://www.kimlifecoach.com
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Manage Your Work, Manage Your Life, and Learn How to Manage Your Unconscious Competent appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Steve Lishanski
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AndroidRSSWant to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenoftheask. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around and remember to hit the button to subscribe on iTunes because you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff.
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do” ~Rumi
Steve Lishansky (Li-shan-ski) is a leading expert in optimizing the performance, effectiveness, and results of top sales professionals, leaders, and teams. Are you ready to learn from the master at winning more business at premium prices, including how to get paid for your value – rather than your time or efforts?
Founder of the Institute for Sales Innovation 23 years ago, Steve has brought his highly effective principles and practices to top professionals and executives from more than 40 countries around the world, and leading companies as diverse as: MetLife, Johnson and Johnson, Accenture, Fidelity Investments, and Cisco, to name just a few. Steve is an experienced CEO and business leader who also founded and led two fast growing, multi-million dollar, and sales-driven businesses.
Get ready to soak in these power-packed, results-generating insights that will accelerate and expand your business results!
Magic Takeaways
-That the keys to amazingly successful communication and relationships are available and accessible to all – except no one has taught us the key principles of human dynamics that drive effectiveness in these key areas of life
-You can be far more successful in every kind of sales, if you understand the fundamental human dynamics that drive success – and these are common sense, not some obscure, difficult process.
Contact Information
Website: www.OptimizeIntl.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Steve.Lishansky
Twitter: www.twitter.com/slishansky
LinkedIn: www.Linkedin/in/SteveLishansky
Google Plus: plus.google.com/+SteveLishansky1
Phone: 978.369.4525
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Let the Beauty of What You Love be What You Do appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
GUEST: Jay Forte
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AndroidRSSWant to be a guest on Marketing Masters? Contact TEAM PHEIFF to receive a guest application.
Welcome to #Marketing Masters radio hosted by @ConniePheiff the #queenoftheask. Each week Connie Pheiff connects you with the best of the best thought leaders from around the globe sharing marketing strategies and best practices so you too can grow your market.
Stick around, subscribe on iTunes and get ready to accelerate your business ~ we are live… uncensored… and sometimes raw.
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join me. And the world will live as one.
Join us as Jay Forte shares ideas about achieving more and taking it to the next level. I want you to determine and design your destiny and become the CEO of YOU!
Who wants more than they had in the past? That means you got to change. The three things I live by is Change… Sustainability… and !nnovation. Developing a reputation for excellence means you need to change… go after your dreams.
About Our Guest: Originally trained as a CPA and spending years as a CFO, I found my true calling of teaching and helping the next generation get ready for life well into my 50s. My life was a series of the wrong decisions – career and life – because I had limited self and world awareness. I spent most of my life listening to the directions/voices of others – which constantly guided me to places and relationships that were not a good fit. I also came out late in life and now act as an advocate for each of us building our lives around who we truly are and what is best in us – to use our unique lens to create value in our world (to build our lives around we are and what we do best).
Business: By learning how to tune in to my talents, strengths, passions and interests, I discovered is that I have a “process brain.” What I do best is to build the steps to achievement. I published my process in how to attract, hire and retain today’s best talent in my book, Fire Up You Employees and Smoke Your Competition. I published my process to be more self and world aware in my book, The Greatness Zone – Know Yourself, Find Your Fit, Transform The World.
As a certified life, workplace and career coach, I now work both in the workplace and with today’s millennials and their parents through workshops, tools and books to help them learn a process to always be in their greatness zone – of knowing themselves, knowing their world and finding their fit. In addition to teaching this process, I train others to be instructors in this process – I am creating a team of certified instructors that use the Fire Up! And Greatness Zone processes to significantly affect personal and professional results.
Magic Takeaways: The key to a successful, happy and life of significance is in discovering and your greatness – your unique talents, strengths, interests and passions – then connecting them to meaningful applications in today’s world. Most of us don’t know this about ourselves and as a result, we constantly make work and life decisions that don’t play to our greatness – we don’t bring our A-game, we don’t focus on excellence – we are in a “good enough” zone, not a “greatness zone.” Through self and world awareness, this can all change.
Most Memorable Business Failure: I wrote a book that outlined a new process in how to attract, hire and retain the best people in today’s intellectual workplace, but never marketed it well; the process and the books are still in my garage. I felt like a total failure –all the work creating the process and the tools was a waste of time and $. The failure was thinking that you have the solution the world needs and if you just publish it, others will find you. Lesson: Great ideas don’t get heard because of the distractions in today’s world. It requires having a plan, working the plan and developing the grit to stay on task.
Ah-Ha Moment: The business dean of a college read The Greatness Zone and asked me to create a course for incoming business freshmen that uses its thinking. This introduced me to the fact that today’s millennials (high school and college age young adults) are completely unprepared to show up successfully in today’s world. Schools and parents have not gotten them ready for life – they have limited self and world awareness, and therefore don’t know how to build their lives around what they do best. This realization inspired the workshops, new books and tools that are now offered. This is more than a business – it is a mission to help the next generation learn how to be ready for life.
Lessons Learned: Network. Bring your ideas out to the world through conversation, blogging, videos and other ways – see what sticks. Ask more than tell. See what others want and need. Become an opportunity hunter. Spread your ideas everywhere. Don’t get married to your idea – it is just an idea.
Favorite Success Quote: Buckminster Fuller – “What is it on this planet that needs doing that I know something about that probably won’t happen if I don’t take responsibility for it?”
Favorite Business Book: John Spence – Awesomely Simple
Most Influential Person: Tom Morris – philosopher and business speaker
Hobbies: Gardening, writing, cooking (as a good Italian!)
Contact Information
Website: www.TheGreatnessZone.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/jayforte1
Twitter: www.Twitter.com/greatnesszone
The post Marketing Masters: Innovate, Captivate, Convert! – Are You in Your Greatness Zone? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.