Light on Life Podcast

Emery Horvath: Bible Teaching and Commentary Author

Practical preaching, teaching, precepts and study from the Bible on everyday life and living.

  • What’s the Powerful Lesson of the Star of Bethlehem?

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifty-Two

    What's the Powerful Lesson of the Star of Bethlem?

    The Star of Bethlehem was part of the plan of God established before the world was created. Over time, specific events occur to highlight different aspects of God’s wisdom and plan. Today, we will examine the birth of Jesus from this perspective. Additionally, we will explore a thought-provoking question regarding one of these events: the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. The question is: “What would have occurred if the Star had never appeared?” This week’s edition of Light on Life will delve into the powerful lesson behind the Star of Bethlehem.

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    Just Who Is Jesus to You?

    [Tweet “God’s plan for your life was thought up and set in motion before the foundations of the world.”]

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  • Why Growth Is An Essential Mindset For Jesus Followers

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifty-One

    Why Growth Is An Essential Mindset For Jesus Followers

    As with any earthly parent, the expectation of God, our Heavenly Father, is that His children grow. Now, that’s a valid expectation because that’s how God wired creation in the first place. All of creation grows. It never stops growing. Way back in Genesis when God said, let there be light, that was actually a statement of growth. When God spoke those words, light propelled forward from inside of Himself at the magnificent speed of 186,000 miles a second. Light has never stopped traveling, never stopped growing since that day. It’s no surprise that things grow. One day a lady asked a question of her landscape gardener. The question caught him off guard. “Will you say that again, ma’am,” said the landscape gardener? The lady-of-the-house waved her hand to include several acres of the woodland she was having landscaped. This is what the lady said — “I want a picture of how it will all look when it’s finished—fish pond and rose garden included. Could it look like this picture in Better Homes and Gardens?” The gardener replied, “Hard to say, you know, we’re dealing here with living things. I can show you a pattern, I guess, but these things grow. Okay? So you’re going to have to keep on planting, cultivating, and trimming. Who’s to say what it will look like some day? It’s just never going to get finished growing!” … “I had no idea I was hiring a philosopher,” [my friend] said over coffee. “But that little speech reminded me that growth doesn’t stop when we reach our full height.” 1 We’re talking about growth today. Why Growth Is An Essential Mindset For Jesus Followers all on this week’s Light on Life.

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    Why Jesus Shocking Bread of Life Statement is the Only Way to Heaven

    Bible reading is not just about gaining knowledge, it’s about providing food for your spirit man so that your spirit man can grow.
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  • What Does A Spiritually Mature Jesus Follower Look Like?

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifty

    What Does A Spiritually Mature Jesus Follower Look Like?

    What does a spiritually mature Jesus follower look like? Great question, right? If we are asking — ‘what does a mature believer look like? — it stands to reason that there must be a picture somewhere that we can compare to. How else would you be able to measure yourself? In the physical world, a tape measure is a must when you need an accurate measurement. How long is that bolt that you need? About 4 inches? Maybe 5? If you need one that is exactly 4 inches, you’ll need an exact measurement. If you’re trying to set a piece of furniture in your house, do you just wing it or do you measure? A random measurement is not effective when you need to be precise. Take this idea over into our spiritual life. Do we live our live’s randomly? Are we just coming to church and winging maturity? Is there a way to measure our maturity in Christ accurately? There must be — after all, we’re talking the Creator of the Universe here. The one who according to Job [26:7], stretched out the north over the empty places and hung the world on nothing. God never wings anything so a random measurement is simply not His style. So in the Bible, God laid out for us how we are to gauge spiritual maturity. What are the fundamentals of Christian growth? In Hebrews, God gives us six elementary precise principles all tied up for us in chapter six. Throughout the rest of the Word of God, we are given other benchmarks like, a thankful heart for example, or your body as a house of prayer, or the joy of the Lord as a measure of strength. There are other bull eyes to hit of course. We may get into some of them later on. These measured pictures are in place so that we can lift our eyes and look upward. The images of maturity are available — God took the guess work out of it for us.1 So in this podcast, we are going to take a walk on the mature side of the Jesus life as we endeavor to answer the question, ‘What Does A Spiritually Mature Jesus Follower Look Like?’ All on this week’s Light on Life.

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    Spiritual maturity is the destination on the ‘yellow brick road’ of Holy Spirit life.
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  • Why Quality Decisions Can Positively Frame a Better Tomorrow

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Nine

    Why Quality Decisions Can Positively Frame a Better Tomorrow

    Quality decisions, good God honoring choices, frame the future. You are where you are today because of the decisions you made yesterday. On her golden wedding anniversary, a certain grandmother revealed the secret of her long and happy marriage. “On my wedding day, I decided to choose ten of my husband’s faults which, for the sake of our marraige, I would overlook,” she explained. A guest asked her to name some of the faults. “To tell the truth,” she replied, “I never did get around to listing them. But whenever my husband did something that made me hopping mad, I would say to myself, ‘Lucky for him that’s one of the ten.’”1 You see this grandmother made a decision and stuck to it so much that she realized fifty successful years happily married to the same man. You are today the total of the decisions, commitments, goals, and systems you made yesterday. You may think, wow, “I’m not a good place today — life is messed up for me right now.” Well, here’s some good news for you. God is a good God and the game of life is not over yet. As long as you have breath in your lungs, you can make different decision that will frame your tomorrow. Why Quality Decisions Can Positively Frame a Better Tomorrow, that’s our focus on today’s edition of Light on Life.

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    The Role of the Spirit in the Life of A Believer

    Walking in love is a decision and not a feeling. God’s love is not an emotion. It’s a policy.
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  • Why the Holy Spirit Connection between Morals and Thanksgiving Matters

    Encore Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Eight

    Why the Holy Spirit Connection between Morals and Thanksgiving Matters

    This is Thanksgiving week, and it just so happens that we are coming to a verse in Ephesians chapter five that contains an admonition to thankfulness. How cool is that? Right on time — right on target. So, thankfulness is the subject today, and Mark Tidd of Webster, New York, describes an experience from his college days in line with this theme. He said, — An old man showed up at the back door of the house we were renting. Opening the door a few inches, we saw his eyes were glassy, and his furrowed face glistened with silver stubble. He clutched a wicker basket holding a few unappealing vegetables. He bid us good morning and offered his produce for sale. We were uneasy enough that we made a quick purchase to alleviate both our pity and our fear. To our chagrin, he returned the next week, introducing himself as Mr. Roth, the man who lived in the shack down the road. As our fears subsided, we got close enough to realize it wasn’t alcohol but cataracts that marbleized his eyes. On subsequent visits, he would shuffle in, wearing two mismatched right shoes, and pull out a harmonica. With glazed eyes set on a future glory, he’d puff out old gospel tunes between conversations about vegetables and religion. On one visit, he exclaimed, “The Lord is so good! I came out of my shack this morning and found a bag full of shoes and clothing on my porch.” “That’s wonderful, Mr. Roth!” we said. “We’re happy for you.” “You know what’s even more wonderful?” he asked. “Just yesterday I met some people that could really use them.1

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    Who Do You Say Jesus Is to You?

    [Tweet “When it comes to being compassionate, there is no better example than God the Father.”]

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  • What Tools Do You Need to Pray for Others?

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Seven

    What Tools Do You Need to Pray for Others

    Today, we are going to examine some tools that are declared for us in the Word to God to help us with our prayer lives. The Lord did not just leave us on our own in these matters. The Word of God contains distinct prayer principles that we should become acquainted with. You know your enemy has some tools as well. Tools that will hinder your prayer endeavors. One gentleman said that he read once that the Devil was having a yard sale, and all of his tools were marked with different prices. They were a fiendish lot. There was hatred, jealously, deceit, lying, pride—all at expensive prices. But over to the side of the yard on display was a tool more obviously worn than any of the other tools. It was also the most costly. The tool was labeled, DISCOURAGEMENT. When questioned, the Devil said, “It’s more useful to me than any other tool. When I can’t bring down my victims with any of the rest of these tools, I use discouragement, because so few people realize that it belongs to me.”1 The enemy uses discouragement as a tool especially when answers to prayer are not manifesting as fast as we think they should. Of course, it’s easy for us to have opinions on such matters. This is where the Word of God helps us. And that’s why we are focusing today on “What Tools Do You Need to Pray for Others” all on this week’s Light on Life.

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    [Tweet “Praying for the rulers and leaders of your nation is both right and pleasing in the sight of God.“]

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  • Why Faith and Prayers Are Vital in God’s Great Plan

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Six

    Why Faith and Prayers Are Vital in God’s Great Plan

    You know faith and prayer are two marvelous twins in God’s economy. Last week, I thought we were finished with our series on the Holy Spirit. But yet, there is one more area the Lord wants us to look at together and that’s the Holy Spirit’s involvement with us in prayer. Jesus mentioned a phrase that we want to examine today and that’s ’the House of Prayer.’ There are some organizations that have taken these and actually put together prayer teams that bear the name House of Prayer. Here is the testimony of one such group. “God is currently doing wonderful things through small clusters of Christians who are interceding for their neighbors in Houses of Prayer. A House of Prayer is two or more believers who gather to release God’s power upon their neighbors through prayer and to convey His blessing through deeds of love and kindness. A House of Prayer may be a nuclear family praying in its home. It may be Christian neighbors who don’t actually meet together but network their prayer efforts. Or it may be neighborhood believers who meet regularly for prayer. The House of Prayer strategy comes out of Paul’s charge in 1 Timothy 2:1–4: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone.” Everyone includes neighbors, especially nonChristians, because “God our Savior wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” Houses of Prayer are attractive today because the method is so simple. If you have neighbors, if you detest Satan’s influence, and if you can devote 15 minutes or more a week to intercession, you are a House of Prayer candidate. Houses of Prayer can be started anywhere.1 This effort is rather structured. Today, I’m going to home in on something not quite as structured but powerfully effective. Why Faith and Prayers Are Vital in God’s Great Plan, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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    #S4-049: What the Bible Says about the End of the World [Podcast]

    [Tweet “You can’t ask God for more faith because faith doesn’t come by praying for it. Faith comes via God’s Word. It comes by hearing the Word.“]

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    12 November 2024, 8:00 am
  • Why God’s Greatest Glory Manifests In His Temple

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Five

    Why God’s Greatest Glory Manifests In His Temple

    The Temple of God is our focus as we continue our series on the Holy Spirit in John fourteen through sixteen. We’ve covered the Holy Spirit in us as Jesus followers. Shared about the actions of the Holy Spirit out in the world. Then looked at the Holy Spirit coming on us — not in us but on us. And today, we are concluding with the Holy Spirit among us. In us, on us, and among us. We’re going to see that the Temple of God is the focal point for the manifestation of the Glory of God. I’m talking God’s glory Himself — I’m not referencing the statement ‘let’s do something for the glory of God.’ You know, ‘we built this church for the Glory of God.’ ‘We are living our lives for the glory of God.’ There’s wrong with that. The Word of God tells us that whatever we do in word or deed, we should do to the Glory of God. What we will focus on is the Holy Spirit Himself moving in our midst. Manifesting God’s Glory — God’s very Presence sometimes to a remarkable and unforgettable degree. There’s some powerful life changing truths here. If you are a person who struggles with self-esteem, than this podcast is for you. Once you understand the truth about ‘God’s Temple’ and ‘what it really is,’ self-esteem issues will melt like a snowball in a hot August sun. Why God’s Greatest Glory Manifests In His Temple, that’s our point of focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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    #S4-049: What the Bible Says about the End of the World [Podcast]

    [Tweet “God considers the Temple — the local church — the group of believers coming together in Jesus Name as holy, sacred, separate.“]

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  • Why The Spirit Upon You Is An Incredible Life Changer

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Four

    How The Holy Spirit Deals With A Lost World

    Today, we will be examining a unique aspect of God’s work through the Holy Spirit. Specifically, we will be exploring the concept of the Holy Spirit coming ‘upon’ or ‘on’ individuals, as opposed to residing within them. It is important to note that every person who has been born again has the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. However, it is equally important to understand the significance of having the Holy Spirit ‘on you’. Does this experience extend to every follower of Jesus, or is it limited to a select few? Let me address this question right away – the Holy Spirit coming upon a believer is not exclusive to a chosen few, but rather it is available to every child of God who has been born again. Unfortunately, many individuals have yet to fully embrace this possibility presented in the Bible. If God has made this experience accessible to all, it must indicate a remarkable dynamic that we are missing out on if we fail to reach out in faith and receive what God has promised. Therefore, in today’s podcast, we will focus on understanding the profound impact of having the Spirit upon you, as it has the power to bring about incredible transformation in your life. Join us this week on Light On Life as we delve into this topic.

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    Why Turning from Idols Is A Super Exceptional Move of God

    [Tweet “There is another dimension of the Spirit’s work and that work is empowerment.“]

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  • How The Holy Spirit Deals With A Lost World

    Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Three

    How The Holy Spirit Deals With A Lost World

    John 16 unveils for us a work of the Spirit of God in connection with the lost that is not often accounted for in our thinking as Jesus followers. Yet, Jesus laid it for us in plain language what the Holy Spirit of God would do when he came from heaven to earth. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. Many years ago there was a pastor of a church in Alabama, he was preaching a revival in the church. On Sunday night the service had been on radio. This pastor had preached a simple sermon on the plan of salvation. On Monday afternoon he was calling on some of the families on the other side of the city. Suddenly the thought crossed his mind, “Go to the church.” He was to meet the guest singer there at four o’clock, so brushing it aside he continued his planned visitation. But the thought continued. “Go to the church.” Finally the thought became so persistent, with seemingly no purpose in doing so, that he returned to the church building. The church secretary had the afternoon off so he was there alone. In a few moments he heard someone at the office door. Turning, he saw a young woman. She asked if he was the pastor. When he told her that he was, she asked, “Will you tell me how to be saved?” This pastor and this young woman sat on the front pew of the auditorium as she unfolded her story. She lived in a boarding house with her husband. For some time she had been having an adulterous affair with her husband’s best friend. After dinner on the previous evening, all the boarders were visiting in the large living room. The radio was on. Hearing a few words of this pastor’s sermon, she sat down before the radio on a small stool, turned the volume down low, and listened to the service. At the close of the sermon, she was under conviction by the Holy Spirit. She decided to seek this pastor out to find out how to be saved. In simple language he told her how to receive Christ as her Savior. That night in the revival service she made a public profession of her faith in Christ, and later was baptized. She became a faithful Christian and an active church member. Just suppose she had not been listening to the radio. Just suppose that this pastor’s sermon had not been on the plan of salvation. Or suppose that she had brushed it off. Suppose that he had not gone to the church like he was prompted to go. Like, what if he over rode that nudge he had. Or that she had come and found no one there. But, none of these ‘what if’s’ took place. The Holy Spirit guided the events and led this young woman to Jesus for her salvation and God’s glory!1 Isn’t that a great story! The Holy Spirit convicted, this woman convincing her of her need of Jesus. This specific work of the Spirit is what we’re going to be looking at in today’s podcast. That’s why we entitled this ‘How the Holy Spirit Deals with a Lost World.’ All on this week’s Light on Life.

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    #010: Questions to Ask Jesus about Lost People [Podcast]

    [Tweet “Convicting the world of sin is one way the Holy Spirit operates with those who are of the world.“]

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