Traci Thomas is the creator and host of The Stacks Podcast, a show about books featuring interviews with authors and book lovers. New episodes out every Wednesday!
In this episode, we discuss my choice to put First Draft on indefinite hiatus, effective immediately.
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Nina LaCour is the bestselling and Michael L. Printz Award-winning author of five critically acclaimed young adult novels, including: We Are Okay, and Hold Still. She joins to talk about her first picture book, Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle, and her debut adult novel, Yerba Buena.
THIS EPISODE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BYOut of the Blue, the queer YA rom-com by Jason June, author of the breakout Jay’s Gay Agenda, available now!
Links to Topics Mentioned In This Episode:
Hear Nina’s previous appearances on First Draft, here and here!
Hear Sarah Enni on Nina’s podcast, Keeping a Notebook, here!
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Samira Ahmed is the bestselling author of Love, Hate & Other Filters, Internment, Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know, and Amira & Hamza: The War to Save the Worlds, as well as a Ms. Marvel comic book mini-series. She joins us to talk about her latest YA contemp, Hollow Fires.
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Kristin Dwyer is the debut author of YA romance, Some Mistakes Were Made.
Fundamentals of Design, a crash course in design tailored specifically for authors. Head to to enroll, and use promo code FIRSTDRAFT20 to save $20 off the $79 price through the end of May 2022.
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Shannon Hale is the New York Times best-selling author of over thirty children's and young adult books, including graphic novel memoirs Real Friends, Best Friends, and Friends Forever, and multiple award winners The Goose Girl, Book of a Thousand Days, and Newbery Honor recipient Princess Academy.
Fundamentals of Design, a crash course in design tailored specifically for authors. Head to to enroll, and use promo code FIRSTDRAFT20 to save $20 off the $79 price through the end of May 2022.
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Zibby Owens is the founder of the podcast Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, and new publishing company Zibby Books, as well as author of picture book Princess Charming and forthcoming memoir, Bookends: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Literature.
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Adrienne Celt is a cartoonist and author of The Daughters, Invitation to a Bonfire, as well as cartoon collection, Apocalypse How? An Existential Bestiary. She joins to talk about her latest, End of the World House.
Links to Topics Mentioned In This Episode:
The Last Unicorn by Peter Beagle (the animated movie)
The Loft Cinemas in Tucson, AZ
Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgment, which covers aesthetics and teleology
French feminist philosopher Hélène Cixous, author of The Third Body
French philosopher Paul-Michel Foucault, author of The Order of Things: An Archaeology of Human Sciences
Love Among the Lampreys, Adrienne’s webcomic
Story Studio, writing center in Chicago
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino
Emma Patterson at Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents Inc., Adrienne’s literary agent
Russian Doll (TV show)
Groundhog Day (movie)
Being John Malcovich (movie)
The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film by Michael Ondaatje
Arrival (movie)
Valentines For People You Are Committed to Destroying in Secret (cartoons by Adrienne)
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nobokov
Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu
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✍️ Track Changes Learn how the traditional publishing industry works in the Track Changes podcast mini-series.
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Elissa Sussman is the author of adult romance Funny You Should Ask, and YA novels Drawn That Way, Burn, and Stray.Â
This episode is brought to you by Revision Season, the seven-week virtual master class in novel revision led by award-winning author Elana K. Arnold. The Spring 2022 course will run from May 1 to June 23 and enrollment is open now! Learn more at
Links to Topics Mentioned In This Episode:
Elissa’s previous interviews on First Draft here and here (with illustrator Arielle Jovellanos)
Kate Spencer is the co-host of the award-winning podcast Forever35, and author of the memoir The Dead Moms Club. She joins to talk about her first novel, In a New York Minute.
Jennifer E. Smith, author of YA novels The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between and more. She’s here to talk about her first picture book, Creature of Habit (with illustrator Leo Espinosa), and her first adult novel, The Unsinkable Greta James.
“Chris Evans: American Marvel,” by Edith Zimmerman for GQ
“Tom Hiddleston on Taylor Swift, Heartbreak, and Great Bolognese,” by Taffy Brodesser-Akner for GQ
“The Full Tatum,” by Jessica Pressler for GQ
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✍️ Track Changes Learn how the traditional publishing industry works in the Track Changes podcast mini-series.
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Mac Barnett, two-time Caldecott Honor and #1 New York Times bestselling author of picture books like Extra Yarn and Sam and Dave Dig a Hole with illustrator Jon Klassen, and the Jack book series with illustrator Greg Pizzoli. Mac joins us to talk about The Great Zapfino, his new picture book with illustrator Marla Frazee (hear her First Draft interview here).
Links to Topics Mentioned In This Episode:
In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak
David Foster Wallace, author of Infinite Jest and A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again
The Stinky Cheese Man by Jon Scieszka, illuistrated by Lane Smith
Wanda Gág, author of Millions of Cats
Margaret Wise Brown, author of Goodnight, Moon (hear Mac and other writers talk about Margaret Wise Brown and Goodnight Moon on this Remember Reading podcast episode)
The Far Side by Gary Larson
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
Billy Twitter and His Blue Whale Problem by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Adam Rex
Dinotopia, A Land Apart From Time by James Gurney
826LA and its Time Travel Mart
Dave Eggers, author of The Circle, What is the What, and A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and founder of McSweeny’s and the 826 Literary non-profit
No Country For Old Men (movie)
Dear Genius by Ursula Nordstrom
Steven Malk, Mac’s literary agent with Writer’s House
“Picture Books No Longer a Staple for Children,” by Julie Bosman for the New York Times
Carson Ellis, author and illustrator of bestselling picture books Home and Caldecott Honor book Du Iz Tak?, talks about her newest picture book, In the Half Room.
Marla Frazee, two-time Caldecott Honor-winning author and illustrator of The Boss Baby, A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever, All the World, and many more. She joins us to talk about the Farmer series: The Farmer and the Clown, The Farmer and the Monkey, and The Farmer and the Circus, out now. Hear her First Draft interview here.
Jon Klassen, Caldecott Award-winning and New York Times bestselling author and illustrator of the I Want My Hat Back series, who is back with a book he wrote and illustrated: The Rock From the Sky. Hear his First Draft interviews here and here.
The Real Dada Mother Goose: A Treasury of Complete Nonsense by Jon Sciezka and illustrated by Julia Rothman
The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen
The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Shawn Harris
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Jon Scieszka, former National Ambassador for Children’s Literature and New York Times bestselling author best known for picture books with illustrator Lane Smith, including The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, Math Curse, and more. Hear his First Draft interview here.
Ben Zhu. author, illustrator, and founder of Gallery Nucleus, talks about his debut picture book, Dessert Island. Hear his First Draft interview here.
Oliver Jeffers, visual artist, climate activist, and author and/or illustrator of several New York Times bestselling picture books, including The Day the Crayons Quit, How to Catch a Star, The Fate of Fausto, and Here We Are, joins us to talk about his newest picture book, There’s a Ghost In This House. Hear his First Draft interviews here and here.
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Amanda Oliver, former librarian and author of OVERDUE: Reckoning with the Public Library.
Links to Topics Mentioned In This Episode:
Reza Aslan, professor at U.C. Riverside’s MFA program and author of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
Claire Comstock Gay, author of weekly horoscopes for New York magazine’s The Cut, and her debut book about astrology, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars,
Recollections of My Nonexistence: A Memoir by Rebecca Solnit
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Ibi Zoboi, New York Times bestselling author of National Book Award Finalist American Street, Pride, My Life as an Ice Cream Sandwich and co-author with prison reform activist Yusef Salaam of Punching the Air. She joins us to talk about her first work of non-fiction Star Child: A Biographical Constellation of Octavia Estelle Butler. Hear her First Draft interview here.
Kekla Magoon, award-winning author of many novels and nonfiction books for kids and teens, including How It Went Down, The Season of Styx Malone, and her newest, Revolution In Our Time: The Black Panther Party’s Promise to the People. Hear her First Draft interview here.
Helen O’Hara, film critic, editor-at-large for Empire magazine and co-host of the Empire film podcast, talks about her newest non-fiction, Women vs Hollywood: The Fall and RIse of Women in Film and its accompanying podcast, Women vs Hollywood With Helen O’Hara. Hear her First Draft interview here.
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John Cho, actor, producer, writer, and author of debut middle grade novel, Troublemaker, with Sarah Suk.
Links to Topics Mentioned In This Episode:
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Fifth Chinese Daughter by Jade Snow Wong
The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts by Maxine Hong Kingston
Sarah Suk, author of Made in Korea and the forthcoming The Space Between Here and Now
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Seth Meyers, host of Late Night with Seth Meyers and former head writer for Saturday Night Live, talks about his debut picture book, I’m Not Scared, You’re Scared with Rob Syegh. Hear his First Draft interview here
Jacqueline Woodson, 2020 MacArthur Genius fellow, National Book Award winner, Newberry, Caldecott, and Coretta Scott King winner, former National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Brown Girl Dreaming, Red at the Bone, Another Brooklyn, Before the Ever After and many, many more. She joins us to talk about her picture books with Rafael López, The Day You Begin and The Year We Learned to Fly. Hear her First Draft interview here.
Maurene Goo, author of Somewhere Only We Know, The Way You Make Me Feel, I Believe in a Thing Called Love, and Since You Asked. Listen to her First Draft interviews here, here, and here.
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