Outer Limits Of Inner Truth

Outer Limits Of Inner Truth

If Science & Mysticism got married, the Outer Limits of Inner Truth (www.outerlimitsradio.com ) radio show would be their child. OLIT (Outer Limits of Inner Truth) is a program about introspection, discovery, and evolution. It premiered on February 2014 and within a few short months, was picked up for national syndication on Starcom Radio Networks (44 AM Stations). In 2018, OLIT was picked up by Mental Health News Radio Network (a large media network that features programs about psychology and mental health). OLIT is also the world’s only show about “Forensic Soul Analysis” and it has landed several high profile and exclusive interivews with individuals such as: Publishing Legend Judith Regan, Actor Frank Vincent, Actor & Bestselling Author Richard Belzer, Award Winning Journalist & Bestselling Author Jane Velez-Mitchell, David Wilcock (The History Channel's "Ancient Aliens"), World Renowned Heart Surgeon Dr. Frank Sinatra, Dr. Ron Paul, and others.

  • 50 minutes 38 seconds
    The Coming Great Default with Martin Armstrong
    Legendary economic forecaster Martin Armstrong, discusses what is worrying the elites and how people can protect themselves from the coming great default. Martin also unveils what is behind the climate change agenda and reflects on how historical cycles foretell the future of America. About Martin Armstrong Martin Armstrong is a legendary economic forecaster, pro-freedom advocate, and a brilliant observer of history and human nature. Once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, Martin developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy (he predicted the October 1987 Black Monday crash to the very day and the Russian financial collapse in 1998). In the early 80’s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts were in great demand worldwide. As Armstrong’s recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join “The Club” to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused he was put in a cage for over ten years (see 2014’s documentary “The Forecaster” – . Learn more about Martin here:  Website Link:
    12 July 2024, 3:41 am
  • 46 minutes 51 seconds
    Opening Galactic Consciousness with Eesha Patel
    Opening Galactic Consciousness with Eesha Patel Eesha Patel, the world’s foremost authority on first contact strategy and galactic consciousness, invites you to embark on a transformative journey beyond the ordinary. With over a decade of personal experience and research, Eesha is at the forefront of the global discussion about extraterrestrials, interdimensionality, and the profound link between consciousness and otherworldly experiences. Website link: Eesha Patel, first contact strategy, galactic consciousness, transformative journey, extraterrestrials, interdimensionality, consciousness and otherworldly experiences, global discussion, personal experience and research, forefront of extraterrestrial discussion
    12 July 2024, 2:40 am
  • 49 minutes 9 seconds
    Conscious Resistance with Derrick Broze
    Derrick Broze is an author, journalist, documentary filmmaker, and activist based in Houston, Texas. In 2010, Derrick founded the activist alliance The Houston Free Thinkers, organizing protests, music festivals, community gardens, skillshares, and other community events. In 2011, he began broadcasting his radio show Free Thinker Radio, which continues to air on 90.1 KPFT in Houston. In 2013, he founded The Conscious Resistance Network, a site dedicated to multimedia journalism that exposes corporate and governmental corruption while highlighting solutions. Derrick has been producing videos, essays, and articles since 2011. In 2015, he began writing books and has released one every year since. He co-authored The Conscious Resistance trilogy with John Vibes and authored The Holistic Self-Assessment. Derrick started writing and producing documentaries in 2015. Since 2013, he has spoken in the United States, Europe, and Central America. His goal is to create a conscious agora of free humans who desire to be free of force, coercion, and violence. Motto: “Leading by example and helping others in their pursuit of Freedom.” https://freedomcells.org/  
    15 June 2024, 3:11 am
  • 52 minutes 28 seconds
    Peaceful Parenting & Deeper Perspectives with Stefan Molyneux
    Peaceful Parenting & Deeper Perspectives with Stefan Molyneux Stefan Molyneux discusses his upcoming book "Peaceful Parenting" which applies the logic and reason of science, psychology, evidence and rigorous morality to the healthy and ethical raising of our greatest treasures — our own children. Stefan Molyneux is the founder and host of Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophical show in the world. With more than 3,500 podcasts, 10 books and 250 million downloads, Stefan has spread the cause of liberty and philosophy to listeners throughout the world. Prior to launching Freedomain Radio, Stefan built a thriving career as a software entrepreneur and executive. In 2006, he left his work in the tech industry to devote his efforts to Freedomain Radio. Now a full-time parent and philosopher, Stefan has given speeches at liberty-themed events all over the world. His speeches cover subjects ranging from politics, philosophy, economics, relationships, bitcoin, parenting and how to achieve real freedom in your life. Past live appearances include presentations at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Libertopia, Students For Liberty, FreedomFest, LibertyNow, Capitalism and Morality, LibertyFest West, the Brazilian Mises Institute's Idieas em Movimento, Freedom Summit, and The Next Web Europe Conference. Stefan has participated in a number of live debates, among them: "Bitcoin vs. Gold: The Future of Money" with Peter Schiff, "Zeitgeist Versus the Market" with Peter Joseph, "The Function of the State in Society" with Professor Vladimir Safatle and "How Much Government is Necessary?" with Michael Badnarik. -------- Website Link: Link to Stefan's books:  
    14 June 2024, 10:10 pm
  • 46 minutes 24 seconds
    Sonic Geometry : The Language of Frequency & Form
    Eric Rankin is the creator of the highly successful two-part sonic geometry documentaries. He is now furthering his studies and theories with some of the world’s top physicists and mathematicians including Nassim Harramein. Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form. ​ How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation…. again? Though it defies all logical explanation, it appears that our ancient ancestors living in Sumeria 6,000 years ago were “gifted” by “sky-visitors” with certain information that could only be verified by present-day technology. ​What is this information? It is the explanation of how frequency reveals mechanical movements found throughout the universe, how certain harmonics contain keys and codes to unlock the very process of creation, and how one particular math system reveals the very matrix of existence. Is this information new? No it is not. It has been laying dormant in our geometry, in our system of keeping time, in the way we measure our world, and in certain symbols we find all around us but have lost the connection to their true meaning. Website:   
    23 May 2024, 2:00 am
  • 47 minutes 55 seconds
    The Perils of Geoengineering with Dane Wigington
    The Perils of Geoengineering with Dane Wigington According to , global weather engineering operations are a reality and the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails that we all see in the sky - it's not just condensation. It's the fate of our very existence and the inevitable grim consequences of sinister intentions. The Outer Limits of Inner Truth presents an introspective interview with Dane Wigington. Dane is the executive producer for the ground breaking climate engineering documentary, "The Dimming". As the lead researcher for GeoengineeringWatch.org Dane has investigated all levels of geoengineering, solar radiation management and global ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP. Dane has appeared on an extensive number of interviews and films to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level from the ongoing climate engineering assault. Dane discusses how these jet aircraft trails are having a direct impact on our environment, where we are headed, and if there time left to turn things around before vast portions of the planet become inhabitable. In addition, we ask Dane about Christian Westbrook's (of the ) perspective of earth actually going into a Grand Solar Minimum (a substantial cooling period). ------------------------------------- Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org ----------------------------------- Geoengineering, climate engineering, chemtrails, global warming, Grand Solar Minimum, new ice age, how the world will end, collapse
    21 May 2024, 5:44 am
  • 44 minutes 37 seconds
    Surviving and Thriving in the Coming Crisis With Doug Casey
    Surviving and Thriving in the Coming Crisis With Doug Casey Doug Casey has garnered a well-earned reputation for his erudite (and often controversial) insights into politics, economics, and investment markets. Doug is widely respected as one of the preeminent authorities on “rational speculation,” especially in the high-potential natural resource sector. Doug wrote the book on profiting from periods of economic turmoil: his book Crisis Investing spent weeks as #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and became the best-selling financial book of 1980 with 438,640 copies sold; surpassing big-caliber names, like Free to Choose by Milton Friedman, The Real War by Richard Nixon, and Cosmos by Carl Sagan. He has been a featured guest on hundreds of radio and TV shows, including David Letterman, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Phil Donahue, Regis Philbin, Maury Povich, NBC News, and CNN; has been the topic of numerous features in periodicals such as Time, Forbes, People, and the Washington Post; and is a regular keynote speaker at FreedomFest, the world’s largest gathering of free minds. Doug has lived in 10 countries and visited over 175. He currently spends most of his time in Argentina and Uruguay, and traveling to various dysfunctional hellholes. Today you’re most likely to find him at La Estancia de Cafayate, an oasis tucked away in the high red mountains outside Salta, Argentina. Cafayate most resembles the isolating beauty of Bryce Canyon, Utah combined with the lush vineyards of Napa Valley. Residents enjoy economic and social freedoms not found in the US and some of the best wine and golf on the planet. Website Link: https://internationalman.com ================================================= Check out some of Doug’s books! Speculator (High Ground Novels Book 1) The original International Man and #1 New York Times bestselling author Doug Casey joins forces with Dr. John Hunt to create a new type of hero. Charles Knight is young, but he knows right from wrong. He’s well educated because he decided to drop out of high school, and considered college a misallocation of both his time and money. Instead, he reads and listens, works and creates. He figured out that you can’t become a Renaissance Man by sitting in a classroom. Charles Knight is a modern Count of Monte Cristo, the sort of hero we haven’t seen since Atlas Shrugged. He is a leader, but with no interest in leading. A soldier of fortune who tries to avoid fighting. He becomes rich, famous, powerful, loved–and hated. He changes the course of world history as he follows his code. Join Charles Knight on his quest to live a good life, an exotic life, a life of adventure. It all starts with Speculator. –This text refers to the paperback edition. Assassin: Book 3 of the High Ground Novels Charles Knight is released from an especially unpleasant stay in prison, only to rejoin a society overwhelmed by looting, riots, arson, viral panic, mob-think and economic decay . . . with a presidential election in the balance. The cronies are in charge, abetted by their media lackeys and political puppets. They’ll do anything to get what they want. How can Charles stop the deadly crimes committed by those who control the law, print the money, and confuse the minds of the people? Crimes that push millions into poverty, servitude and ignorance. Will a highly unorthodox presidential candidate and a cryptocurrency network that turns the surveillance state on its head be enough to expose and defeat them? Or do some people just need to be killed? The cronies are moving fast. Charles Knight needs to move faster. Doug Casey interview 2024, Cash withdrawal limits, Currency debasement, Phasing out cash, Financial privacy, Empire Decline, Collapse Dynamics, Historical Degeneration, Swift Empire Fall, Empire Lifecycles, Indicators of Decline, Economic Warfare in Empires, Historical Insights on Decline, American Empire's Fate, Global Dynamics post-Empire, Government control, Surveillance system, Universal surveillance, Eliminating privacy, Trend towards loss of privacy
    2 May 2024, 3:29 am
  • 54 minutes 9 seconds
    Leaving The Matrix with Jeff Berwick
    Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick founded  (TDV) in 2010 with Ed Bugos. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including , his own annual event in Acapulco, Mexico currently going on its 10th year. Jeff’s background in the financial markets dates back to his founding of Canada’s largest financial website, , in 1994. In the late ‘90s the company expanded worldwide into 8 different countries and had 250 employees and a market capitalization of $240 million USD at the peak of the “tech bubble”. To this day more than a million investors use Stockhouse.com for investment information every month. After selling the company in 2002 he tried to sail around the world and sank his boat in El Salvador. He then carried on via backpack to over 100 countries in a quest to understand the world through his own eyes and not the lens of the fakestream media. Since founding TDV in 2010 he was the first financial analyst in the world to recommend Bitcoin at $3 in 2011. He also recommended Ethereum at $2 in 2016. Bitcoin went on to record a gain of 2,300,000% and Ethereum gained 239,900% from his recommendation price making him the most prolific financial analyst in the history of the world. He has since been banned nearly everywhere for exposing the globalist and central bank systems but still publishes regular videos on  with his dog Lucy. He published a worldwide best selling book, ‘’ in 2020 and was one of the first to expose the entire Covid plandemic psychological operation which he outlined in his book. Berwick is no longer allowed on mainstream television, Youtube, Facebook and most other mainstream platforms as he constantly exposes government narratives and helps people to not only survive but profit from the financial collapse and the apocalypse. Berwick also helped found the anarcho-capitalist country  and is currently the Ambassador and Diplomat for Liberland in Mexico. The Dollar Vigilante TV –  Jeff Berwick Interview 2024, Anarcho-Capitalist, Libertarian, Dollar Vigilanted, Globalist, Central bank systems, Controlled Demolition of the American Empire, Government narratives, Financial collapse, Apocalypse, Liberland, Ambassador, Diplomat, Sovereignty, Free market, Gold standard, Fiat currency, Decentralization, Cryptocurrency, Precious metals, Economic freedom, Alternative currencies
    4 April 2024, 2:20 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    God Consciousness with Michael Monk
    God Consciousness with Michael Monk Michael Monk's journey began in 1999 when he spontaneously received a powerful communication from the voice of God followed by many experiences of reality bending miracles through prayer. Seeking to understand the mechanisms behind the miracles he experienced led him to the arts of spiritual energy mastery. Guided by the Holy Spirit Michael quickly obtained a very high level of conscious understanding and demonstrable abilities including a telekinetic influence over the elements. He created the Avatar Energy Mastery Institute in 2011, an online school where thousands of people from all over the world have been able to successfully study and train in the arts of healing, clairvoyance, out-of-body travel, telekinesis and mastery of mind and body. In 2019, due to extremity of spiritual experience, he was withdrawn entirely from public presence (websites, YouTube channel, etc) and focused on healing himself and integration of the new knowledge he was exposed to. Now in 2023 he has returned and created the Metaphysical Church of the Tree of Life, a free to join online spiritual community where Michael shares his latest teachings. He has also once again made the Avatar Energy Mastery Institute available.
    21 March 2024, 1:31 am
  • 45 minutes 36 seconds
    A Map Of Archetypes & Cultivating Free Will with Beth Martens
    A Map Of Archetypes & Cultivating Free Will with Beth Martens Beth Martens had it all. She was the young, beautiful, Vice President of a successful Public Relations company. She was also a talented musician and yoga instructor who traveled eight times to India to live and study Eastern Philosophy, meditation, and Yoga. She was living the dream. Then one day she discovered a lump on her neck. The doctor diagnosed her with a stage four lymphoma, and she was thrust into a three-year medical nightmare. After doing everything possible, conventional and natural, nothing worked. The last available treatment was a stem cell transplant, whose mortality rate was half. Synchronicity took her back to research she did in university with archetypes, and she dove into working with them full time to find her answers. Then Beth said no. No more chemotherapy, no stem cell transplant, no high-pressure career, and most importantly – no fear. After awakening one of the eight Journey archetypes, The Rebel, without further medical treatment, Beth’s lymphoma went into remission and she has been cancer free for almost 20 years. More than that, Beth had also found her purpose for living and the archetypes of the Hero’s Journey. In her book, Journey, A Map Of Archetypes To Find Lost Purpose In A Sea Of Meaninglessness, Beth explains how you can awaken your archetypes. That way you can use them to find out what you are here on earth to learn, and how to heal what stops you from contributing your best. Journey is a bold, powerful work of spiritual wisdom guiding readers along the road to knowledge of God and your own soul. Visit www.bethmartens.com to get a reading of your Journey archetype (for King Heroes and Merpreneurs) and find out where you are on the path of purpose.
    21 March 2024, 1:13 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    10 Year Anniversary Jeffrey Gurian
    29 February 2024, 3:27 am
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