The Life Coach School Podcast

Brooke Castillo

The Life Coach School Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and becoming certified as a Life Coach & Weight Loss Coach. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from the Master Coach Brooke Castillo to help you better understand life coaching, the required skills and mindsets, and how we focus on serving the client to get them the results they seek. At The Life Coach School, we offer a thorough and intense certification course that produces some of the most successful coaches coaching today. Learn more at

  • 33 minutes 15 seconds
    #530: LIFE

    We have been on quite a journey together over the past 10 years.


    I’ve created an extraordinary amount of content full of concepts and lessons that have helped me in my own life and business.


    Thousands of you have taken those lessons, courses, and certifications to create lives you never dreamed possible for yourself.


    You created businesses. You fell in love. You worked hard and created tremendous success for yourself.


    I am so proud of you and of us.


    While the episode you hear today might feel sad, I want you to know this isn’t goodbye.


    In this episode, I share what you can expect from me and The Life Coach School over the next year, and why I need you to get ready for what I’m going to unleash and bring to you in 2026. It’s going to be more epic than anything I’ve ever created, and I can’t wait to share it with you.



    What You Will Discover:


    • The two books that have impacted me the most in the past couple of years.
    • How you can experience my work in 2025 if you never have before.
    • What’s in store for 2026 and why you don’t want to miss it.


    Featured on This Episode:



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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    5 December 2024, 9:00 am
  • 19 minutes 36 seconds
    #529: Satisfaction

    What if I told you satisfaction wasn't about getting more stuff?

    Or achieving more goals.

    I know... it sounds counterintuitive.

    And yet, as I've been watching the incredible transformations happening in this final year of Scholars, I've noticed something fascinating about satisfaction.

    It's about three specific things that most people never put together: deciding again, wanting what you already have, and the way you cultivate your goals.

    In this episode, I share how to feel deeply satisfied right now (without settling), why your past decisions might be secretly sabotaging you, and how to want things from a place that feels amazing instead of desperate. This is going to change everything about how you think about satisfaction.


    What You Will Discover:


    • Why deciding everything again each year keeps you growing and evolving
    • The difference between gratitude and wanting what you already have
    • How to discover what you truly want versus what others expect
    • Why satisfaction doesn't conflict with setting ambitious goals
    • The power of conscious living versus defaulting to past patterns
    • How to cultivate anticipation instead of scarcity
    • Why letting go of past identities opens doors to new possibilities



    Featured on This Episode:




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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    7 November 2024, 9:00 am
  • 32 minutes 38 seconds
    #528: When Your Best Isn't

    Have you been trying your very best to achieve a goal… and keep coming up short?


    This can feel so disheartening that your brain might tell you to just throw in the towel.


    Don’t. Give. Up.


    Whether you’re trying to reach a new income level in your business, go pro in your sport, or any other endeavor, there will always be a period of not being good enough yet.


    It’s what you make this period mean that makes all the difference.


    If you’re ready to close the gap between your very best right now and the very best you’re going to be, listen in. Understanding why your best isn’t good enough and creating a plan to propel you forward are key to closing the gap, and I’m sharing how to do both in this episode.



    What You Will Discover:


    • 4 questions to ask yourself when your best isn’t good enough.
    • How to know when it’s time to quit.
    • 4 areas you can work on to improve your best.
    • The difference between change and transformation.
    • How to close the gap between your best right now and the best you’ll be.



    Featured on This Episode:




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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    3 October 2024, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 3 seconds
    Bonus: From Binge Eater to Bodybuilder with Nan Saysana

    The Model has helped thousands of people transform their lives. For some, it helped them create the business of their dreams, and for others, it has helped them change their habits and their health.


    The guest host of this bonus episode is one of those people.


    Nan Saysana has been a coach at the School for the last five years, coaching 50 scholars five days a week.


    Using the Model, she went from binge eater to bodybuilder, and she’s here to share that journey with you.


    Nan specializes in helping clients overcome cravings, stick to their diets, and achieve their health and fitness goals with a logical and kind approach. She also coaches in French, her native language, and has some important insights on why receiving coaching in your native language is vital to your journey.


    Tune in to hear one example of what’s possible when you learn the Model and use it to supervise your brain. No matter the language you speak or the goals you have, you can create a life you love, and Nan is proof of it.


    Get Nan’s free download from this episode, 5 Powerful Insights That Have Transformed Over 50 Clients a Week—For More than 5 Years:



    What You Will Discover:


    • The benefits of being coached in your own language.
    • 5 insights Nan gained from her time at the School.
    • How using the Model has changed Nan’s health, finances, relationships, and business.
    • Why everyone can benefit from coaching, even master coaches!



    Connect with Nan: 





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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    19 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 48 seconds
    #527: Narratives

    Who do you think you are?


    Have you ever asked yourself that seriously?


    Most people have an idea, a story, about who they are and that narrative creates their identity. However, narratives are not absolute truths and you have way more power over yours than you think.


    In this episode, you’ll learn what a personal narrative is and why learning how to control yours is one of the most important skills you can cultivate. I walk you through an exercise in uncovering your narrative, in deciding what you want your life and your story to be about, and an exercise in seeing the contrast that all humans naturally have.


    You are the main character of your life, so how will you write your story?



    What You Will Discover:


    • Why learning how to control your narrative is so important.
    • How people with similar circumstances can have vastly different lives.
    • Why personal narratives are not absolute truths.
    • The power of an “I am” thesis.
    • An exercise to uncover your current narrative.



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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    5 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 23 minutes 36 seconds
    #526: Student to Leader

    When faced with a big change, your brain isn’t going to like it.


    Brains like certainty and stability, not the unknown.


    So when I announced this would be the last year of Get Coached, many of the students inside had thoughts about what this change would mean for them.


    And I get it.


    Coaching and teaching inside these containers has been so rewarding and amazing.


    And, I cannot wait to see my students surpass me in achieving their impossible goals and in being an example of what’s possible.


    In this week’s episode, you’ll learn why you 100% have the ability to surpass your teachers and why you might want to. Hear why leveraging what your teacher knows is helpful, but depending on yourself to embrace change and facilitate growth matters more.



    What You Will Discover:


    • Why every student can surpass their teacher if they want to.
    • A more useful way to view your teachers.
    • The benefits of being part of different communities.
    • How to become the leader you’re looking for.



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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    1 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 36 seconds
    Ep #525: Say vs. Hear

    How do you talk to yourself when you’ve done something wrong?


    Maybe you miss a putt in golf or you mess up at work.


    In these moments, it is so common to beat ourselves up. To get angry and berate ourselves as if that will ensure we don’t mess up again.


    However, most of the time, what we say to ourselves is not actually what we need to hear.


    In this episode, learn how to interpret what you really need to hear in tough moments in order to keep moving forward. You’ll hear how to be the best coach you can be to yourself, and how to provide the level of support you need to show up the way you want to.


    What You Will Discover:


    • Why it’s so common to beat ourselves up when we make a mistake.
    • What we think talking negatively to ourselves accomplishes.
    • One of the secrets to living a conscious life.
    • How to show up as the best coach for you.
    • An exercise to practice speaking to yourself the way you need.



    Featured on the Show:


    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    4 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 54 minutes 31 seconds
    Ep #524: Growth & Peace with Stacey Boehman

    Growth, whether it be personal or in our businesses, feels uncomfortable.


    It just does.


    Pushing your limits and seeing what you are capable of comes with some discomfort.


    However, some people don’t let themselves even attempt to grow because they’ve decided they would rather have peace over discomfort.


    My guest this week, like so many of you listening, was willing to disturb her peace in order to grow, and the results have been tremendous.


    Stacey Boehman is not just one of my favorite people on the planet, she’s also a Master Business Coach for life coaches with multiple highly successful programs. Her journey of going from selling mops in department stores to running an 8-figure business is insanely inspiring, and you can be sure that it came with a lot of discomfort along the way.


    Tune in this week as Stacey and I explore the choice many people think they have to make between growth and peace, and why hiding from your dreams doesn’t automatically mean you feel peace instead. We discuss the power of deciding to give something your all, how to handle the discomfort of growth, and we share our experiences of choosing to go all in on our businesses while balancing motherhood.


    What You Will Discover:

    How we reconcile the discomfort of growth and choosing it anyway.
    What peace means to us.
    Why the $100K mark in your business is likely the hardest you will ever work.
    Why Stacey says trying a little is a lot harder than trying a lot.
    Stacey’s insights on running a business post-partum.
    What helps Stacey get through the "river of misery."


    Featured on the Show:

    Stacey Boehman



    2k for 2k:

    200k Mastermind:

    2 Million Dollar Group:


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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    20 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 21 minutes 6 seconds
    Ep #523: Busy Work vs. Result Work

    Newer entrepreneurs work just as hard as the more experienced entrepreneurs, but their results are not the same.




    Tune in this week to learn about the difference between busy work and result work and how you can start creating new results in your life. I encourage you to try new things, see what works and doesn’t work, and change directions if necessary. Remember, if you’re not winning, you’re learning!

    6 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 46 minutes 9 seconds
    Ep #522: Take Back Your Brain with Kara Loewentheil

    If you are a woman who struggles with people pleasing, with making conscious decisions that are solely for you, with the idea of creating wealth, listen in.


    I’m joined by the one and only Kara Loewentheil, author of Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head--and How to Get It Out.


    In this fascinating conversation, Kara and I explore the ways men and women are socialized throughout history, how this socialization impacts how we show up in our lives, and what we can do to take back our brains.


    23 May 2024, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 59 seconds
    Ep #521: How Thought Work Works

    Through the teachings of a lot of amazing leaders, reading all the self-help books, and my own introspection, I came to understand the importance of thought work.


    Through thought work, you can access your highest consciousness and make decisions that create the results you’ve always dreamed about. 


    In this episode, I share what thought work truly is, how it works, and how mastering it is one of the most freeing experiences a human can have.


    2 May 2024, 9:00 am
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