Introducing HomeWord with Jim Burns podcast edition. Real life answers for today's parent. Utilizing drama, interviews, humor, and music, Jim Burns tackles the issues facing today's parents and provides listeners with biblically-based, practical answers for helping their families succeed. Shoot us an email at [email protected] with your feedback, comments, questions. Your comments are a regular and consistent part of shaping our interviews. You can also call us @ 800-397-9725!
Young women are called to live lives that are set apart from the world’s low standards. to a recent survey, only 2% of teenage girls consider themselves to be “beautiful.” Warren has endured a number of setbacks in her life. Any one of them would be enough to rob of her happiness. But on this special edition of HOMEWORD, she talks with parenting and family expert Dr. Jim Burns about how she handles life’s ups and downs “When Happiness Isn’t Enough.” marriage goes through seasons when the pressures of life seem to hit a bit harder than others. But if you feel as though your marriage has reached the point of desperation, Dr. Jim Burns and Dr. Gary Chapman have some good news for you! the divorce rate hovering around 50%, more and more married couples are feeling the pressure and desperation that comes with trials and struggles. if it seems like your marriage is on life-support, there IS hope! Dr. Jim Burns continues his conversation with author Doug Fields and Ted Lowe, Founder of MarriedPeople Ministries. you keep having “the same argument” over and over again with your spouse, the problem isn’t that you’re always fighting – the problem is you’re not doing it right! couples try in vain to avoid conflict in their marriages – but did you know that a “good fight” can actually make things better? are growing up in a sex-saturated culture. But on this edition of HOMEWORD, Dr. Jim Burns continues his discussion on how to use age-appropriate techniques to talk about this issue in a healthy way. was God’s idea. He created it – and on this edition of HOMEWORD, Dr. Jim Burns discusses some practical tips for us parents to teach these principles to our children in an age-appropriate fashion. today have so many options for how their lives can turn out. That’s why it’s up to us, their parents, for giving them the direction they need to chart their course.