Three Dogs North

Three Dogs North

Three Dogs North are Juice, C-Bisc, and Michael Metz. Topics are carelessly selected and poorly researched. The strength of the project lies in the fact that there is no way of knowing its audience. So please come in, grab a seat, and enjoy.

  • 43 minutes 22 seconds
    S11 Episode 67- Old dudes

    In this episode, the dogs welcome Mike back to the states (01:05), Rob visits an older priest with a friend (13:40), and Connor shares his summer reading (16:55). They all talk about coming to terms with aging (28:05) and the inspirational people they love who have aged with grace (32:50).


    “I try to integrate and circulate each day.” (Connor, 1:47)

    “It’s an aspirational thing, to be able to look back at life and realize, ‘God is the author of that story.”’ (Rob, 16:35)

    “It’s something really beautiful because he’s allowing himself to be pierced by reality.” (Connor, 20:55)

    “John Paull II, the way that he entered into eternal life, it was a real example of how to die well… He kept coming out and being a father and loving on people until the day he died. That’s how you do that.” (Mike, 25:10)

    “I am both the one choosing, but I’m also being chosen… God’s choice of me is the one truth that can always be relied on.” (Connor, 31:10)

    “Life has continued to get richer… There’s a hope in me that will continue.” (Rob, 37:55)

    Media Mentions:

    • Dietrich von Hildebrand’s The Heart
    • John Mark Falkenhain’s How We Love
    • Herman Melville’s Moby Dick


    • BFC (Battlefield Circulation)
    • West Point
    • Walter Reed
    • Peyton Manning
    • Fort Bragg (Fort Liberty)
    • Memphis
    • Sisters of Life
    • Arizona
    • West Point Parachute Team
    • Springfield, IL
    • Fr. John Kartje
    • Plato’s theory of the soul
    • St. Peter’s Basilica
    • energized affectivity and tender affectivity
    • Douglas MacArthur
    • Dwight D. Eisenhower
    • Mundelein Seminary
    • Hudson River
    • Pope John Paul II
    • Korean War
    • Vietnam War
    • Ultimate frisbee
    • Captain Ahab
    • North Carolina
    • Yadkin Road
    • 82nd Airborne Division

    Shout- Outs:

    • Teresa Metz
    • Sister Bethany Madonna
    • Fr. James D. O’Shea
    • Fr. Marty Smith
    • Fr. Gus Belauskas
    • Fr. Raymond Webb
    • Fr. Larry Hennessy
    • Fr. Matt

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    23 August 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 26 seconds
    S11 Episode 66- Relational whiplash

    In this episode, the dogs catch up and reminisce (4:00) before a long summer break from the pod. Connor shares his new assignment at Mundelein (10:50) and Mike discusses his new position (26:53). They all speak about finding their identity in Jesus (35:00), especially in times of transition. They stress the importance of vulnerability (20:22) and surrender (23:25) for living a life of true freedom.


    “I’m more into being than doing.” (Connor, 13:47)

    “The priesthood is an identity, it’s not a job.” (Connor, 13:47)

    “You’re a Christian with people and you’re a priest for people.” (Mike quoting Barron quoting Augustine, 19:20)

    “I’m not excited, but I feel the capacity to go and give myself to it in a faithful way… That’s what freedom looks like.” (Rob, 19:40)

    “You have to choose vulnerability in life. You have to consistently choose that.” (Rob, 20:10)

    “I’ve been given this gift of priesthood and that’s why I have the capacity to interact in these ways with you.” (Rob, 21:00)

    “I am not what I do.” (Connor, 23:55)

    “The three people who don’t leave me are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” (Rob quoting Bremer, 26:26)

    “The reality of my priesthood is not just a collar that I put on and off. It’s something that I believe Christ marked in my heart forever, so that no matter what I’m doing, I’m still doing chaplain stuff.” (Mike, 29:11)

    “There’s no need to justify my existence.” (Mike, 30:40)

    “God didn’t create us because he needed some outcomes from us. He made us so we could be in relationship.” (Connor, 35:10)

    “When I treat myself as someone who matters, then I start doing what I want…. which is often, things that are generous.” (Connor, 36:00)

    “The cult of busyness is selfish.” (Connor, 39:57)

    “I feel totally loved and secure in who I am, so I want to share it.” (Connor, 40:00)

    “Charitas Christi Urget Nos (The Love of Christ Urges Us Forward).” (42:00)


    Media Mentions:

    • Seinfeld
    • Colossians 2:12
    • John 14: 2-4
    • Patrick M. Lencioni’s The 6 Types of Working Genius: A Better Way to Understand Your Gifts, Your Frustrations, and Your Team


    • Archdiocese of Atlanta
    • SEEK 2019
    • Mundelein Seminary
    • St. John Paul II Newman Center
    • Augustine of Hippo
    • IPF (The Institute for Priestly Formation)
    • RIM (Relationship. Identity. Mission.)
    • The Camino de Santiago
    • Abraham
    • Ur of the Chaldeans
    • Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
    • Adam and Eve

    Shout- Outs:

    • Fr. Robbie Cotta
    • Bishop Robert Barron
    • Fr. Michael Bremer


    • “Be church.”
    • “As church, be church.”
    • “As church you are to church.”

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    10 May 2024, 4:55 am
  • 29 minutes 40 seconds
    S11 Episode 65- Full send

    In this episode, the dogs convene at Rob’s request (3:55) to talk about science fiction (4:39) and what’s so attractive about stories with a prophecy (13:50). Connor describes the new stained glass windows at Newman (20:00) and they all piece together “Main Character Energy” (22:19).


    “The narrative form of the gospel is really important and actually tells a way better story than anything else that’s being offered.” (Rob, 16:29)

    “You are made for something huge, but you have to go small in order for God to work through you.” (Mike, 18:00)

    “There is a time when all of this will be in it’s fullness, all in all, unadulterated by sin and pettiness and death.” (Connor, 21:31)

    “I’m going somewhere and that’s what’s making the now so beautiful.” (Connor, 25:30)

    “The peace of Christ is available now.” (Mike, 26:05)

    Media Mentions:


    • Fontanos
    • Jerusalem
    • Chicago
    • Chicago Fire (1871)
    • The Eucharist
    • Norway
    • Zendaya
    • SEEK 2024
    • Fr. John Riccardo
    • Marvel
    • Adam Wainwright
    • Cardinals
    • Cubs
    • Breviary
    • Christ the King
    • Escaton
    • Main Character Energy
    • Kwik-E-Mart
    • Indiana
    • Honda Accord
    • Marathon
    • Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
    • Fr. Mike Schmitz
    • Bishop Robert Barron

    Shout- Outs:

    • Crystal (from the Newman Center)
    • Fr. Robbie Cotta
    • Emily Hines
    • Fr. Matt


    • “Let go and let God.”

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    12 March 2024, 5:30 am
  • 27 minutes 50 seconds
    S11 Episode 64 – Nostalgia for the garden

    In this episode, the dogs discuss whether there are any once in a lifetime experiences (2:50). Rob admits to his own FOMO (3:00), Mike revisits an enchanted moment from Bethlehem (13:52), and Connor describes living in the eternal reality of the sacramental worldview (16:30). They all reminisce (21:00) with hopeful longing (23:58).


    “Each moment has its own unique flavor.” (Mike, 8:15)

    “There’s gonna be another day, another enchanted moment, because the world is sacramental.” (Rob, 12:40)

    “The sacramental reality is eternal.” (Connor, 16:30)

    “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” (Rob quoting Andy Bernard, 18:15)

    “Here’s the thing, nobody cares.” (Rob, 18:50)

    “It feels like it would be insanely ungrateful to be sad it’s over; it was so full.” (Connor quoting Bartosic, 19:45)

    “Sometimes… on real cold nights… when I get into bed I will lean over to my wife and say, ‘I’m glad I’m not in Bastogne.”‘ (Connor quoting Band of Brothers Ep.6, 23:00)

    “The sacramental worldview allows you to always return to the rock of grace.” (Mike, 23:52)

    “Those moments of real encounter with Christ, they are now.” (Mike, 24:00)

    “The destination is a person.” (Connor, 25:20)

    “He’s drawing everything up into eternity with him.” (Connor, 25:50)

    Media Mentions:

    • Ethan Hawke’s Rules for a Knight
    • The Last Dance
    • Band of Brothers (2001 miniseries)


    • Ring light
    • Denver
    • Pot Mountain, Idaho
    • 2016 World Series
    • Chicago Cubs
    • Michael Jordan
    • The Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9)
    • Andy Bernard
    • Michael Scott
    • Fr. Raymond Webb
    • Bishop Mark Bartosic
    • El Camino de Santiago
    • Fr. Brian Welter (Old Welt Dog)

    Shout- Outs:

    • Drew Hines
    • Jon Kearney
    • Monica Mackie
    • SIUE FOCUS team (Joseph, Emma, Daniel, and Rachel)
    • Fr. Derek Ho
    • Julie Johnson

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    8 December 2023, 3:40 am
  • 40 minutes 9 seconds
    S11 Episode 63- Structure of reality

    In this episode, the dogs return to a previous discussion on parenting and control (5:00). Mike looks for Yao Ming in the California Redwoods (1:49), Connor reminds us just how useful childhood confirmation class was (17:35), and Rob jumps ship (14:57) twice (26:49).


    “They (children) have this compass inside of them that I can’t read for them; I have to love them into reading it themselves and God will guide them.” (Connor, 8:20)

    “As a parent, your desire is to educate their freedom.” (Mike, 10:40)

    “I was a martyr for the truth.” (Connor, 11:35)

    “I’m the perfection of virtue.” (Rob, 14:52)

    “What we are talking about is this long slow road toward wholeness and integrity, which is experiencing God’s love and our own goodness in his eyes even in the midst of our imperfections.” (Connor, 21:00)

    “As parents you do have to form your children.” (Mike, 23:20)

    “Everyone as a free person is responsible for their own life, including your child.” (Connor, 24:30)

    “Jesus is never controlling anyone.” (Connor, 29:36)

    “Only God can save us. Real peace and real justice comes from total surrender.” (Connor, 30:30)

    “We enter into God’s will in the measure that we surrender a perceived result.” (Connor, 32:40)

    “Life, when you abandon yourself to it, is not the prosperity gospel.” (Mike, 35:27)

    “What my dad and my mom mirrored for me, was reality, which is God.” (Mike, 36:20)

    Media Mentions:


    Shout- Outs:

    • Mike Guenther “The boys around here could use some Three Dogs North.”
    • Bliese and Mrs. Bliese
    • Yao Ming

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    16 November 2023, 3:12 pm
  • 41 minutes 43 seconds
    S11 Episode 62- Martyr for the truth

    In this episode, the dogs discuss what it means to live with integrity (0:44). Rob opens by bringing up Bobby Jones’ loss in the 1925 U.S. Open (1:00), Mike gets a little heretical (10:10), and Connor experiences some technical difficulties (15:15). They close by reflecting on representations of integrity in various films (28:22).


    “It’s just you have no integrity. That’s the worst thing I could say about anybody.” (from Calvary, 3:55)

    “Integrity is a result of a life lived in truth.” (Connor, 5:05)

    “Beauty is the manifestation of truth.” (from Denis McNamara 3DN S11 E12, 5:16)

    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (Matthew 23:19, 9:10)

    “Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.” (from The Sandlot, 12:10)

    “Real integrity, you can tell has been cultivated over a lifetime.” (Connor, 16:30)

    “A good friend is not a conspirator in our vices.” (Mike quoting a friend, 20:50)

    “You’re going to get the work done of one person because you’re one person.” (Connor, 25:45)

    “God does manifest his glory through human creativity, but it’s not through the grind.” (Connor, 27:10)

    “What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” (Matthew 16:26, 31:30)

    “When a man takes an oath, he’s holding his own self in his own hands like water, and if he opens his fingers then, he needn’t hope to find himself again.” (from A Man for All Seasons, 34:06)

    “If you aim at the truth, at Jesus….. you become yourself.” (Connor 36:00)

    Media Mentions:

    • Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica
    • Calvary (2014)
    • Bobby Jones: Sroke of Genius (2004)
    • The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000)
    • The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005)
    • The Chronicles of Narnia
    • Miracle (2004)
    • Remember the Titans (2000)
    • Three Dogs North S11 E60- Formed by the Father (meekness)
    • The Death of Stalin (2017)
    • Arrested Development (2003- 2006)
    • A Man for All Seasons (1966)
    • A Hidden Life (2019)
    • Shūsaku Endō’s Silence
    • Silence (2016)
    • Star Wars


    • Bobby Jones
    • 1925 U.S. Open
    • Thomas Aquinas: consonantia, claritas, and integritas
    • Brendan Gleeson
    • Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger)
    • John the Baptist
    • Cardinal Francis George
    • Will Smith
    • Matt Damon
    • Shia LaBeouf
    • James Earl Jones
    • Babe Ruth
    • Aslan
    • Fr. Larry Hennessy
    • Shakespeare
    • “A mortal, sinful human being.”
    • Michelangelo
    • Sistine Chapel
    • Bishop Robert Barron
    • Steve Buscemi
    • Nikita Khrushchev
    • Sir Thomas More
    • Bishop Mark Bartosic
    • Liam Neeson
    • Andrew Garfield
    • Adam Driver
    • Darth Vader
    • Kylo Ren
    • Franz Jägerstätter

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    9 September 2023, 3:26 am
  • 44 minutes 27 seconds
    S11 Episode 61- Rig a ruck

    In this episode, the dogs talk about Mike’s future as a Jumpmaster (00:27), the start of the school year at UIC (13:13), and the difference between managers and leaders (19:00). Connor comes up with a new parable for the Gospel of Luke (27:00) and The Simpsons is referenced (35:58), twice (41:08).


    “Leaders lead from the front.” (Mike, 7:05)

    “I’m the go-to guy… not because it’s “Mike”, but because it’s “Father”, which is always a humbling reality.” (Mike, 9:28)

    “Manage to maintain vs actually drive a mission; that’s the difference between a leader and a manager.” (Rob on leadership, 10:45)

    “Aim small, miss small.” (Connor, 13:50)

    “Jesus is my ultimate horizon.” (Connor 18:20)

    “If you’re in communion with the Father then you have his vision, the divine perspective.” (Mike, 23:00)

    “I want to help my people to become fully who they were created to be.” (Mike, 25:35)

    “People who are holy, whether or not publicly recognized by the church as saints, keep the world from turning into hell.” (Connor quoting Cardinal George, 28:29)

    “Life is a moment by moment expression of your identity.” (Connor quoting Whitfield, 30:10)

    “Most of us live as if we’re going somewhere, not as if we’ve arrived.” (Connor, 31:10)

    “That’s the whole point of Moby Dick. Lisa, the point of Moby Dick is be yourself.” (Rob quoting The Simpsons, 36:02)

    “The present is the place where infinite love finds its rays of glory.” (Mike quoting Lewis, 37:20)

    “The cemetery is full of indispensable people” (Connor, 42:40)

    Media Mentions:


    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    2 September 2023, 3:59 am
  • 33 minutes 15 seconds
    S11 Episode 60- Formed by the Father

    In this episode, the dogs discuss meekness (6:14) and the positive masculine virtues (2:45). Rob gives some historical context (6:14), Mike dodges deciding whether his dad is meek (9:11), and Connor shares a time when he’s seen men misuse their masculinity to diminish others (13:45). Lastly, they look to the saints (17:36) to better understand what it means to be formed by the Father’s love (26:50).


    “Sir, my job is to hold back your testosterone.” (Mike quoting Bliese, 1:50)

    “When there is a father present, it brings about the masculine virtues in a positive way.” (Rob, 2:45)

    “JPII is like Batman.” (Connor 18:45)

    “St. Francis swung the whole world around like a trinket at his wrist.” (Connor on St. Francis, 19:37)

    “I would have caused World War III. 100%.” (Mike, 23:00)

    “What John Paul II is grieving there is something so sublime. It’s beyond anything you can put into words.” (Connor, 23:30)

    “His dad’s hidden love (JPII’s), has now played a part in this great revelation of God’s love for the world.” (Mike, 25:00)

    “The holy spirit works in these totally hidden ways.” (Connor, 29:00)

    “You don’t have to create an experience or manufacture it. It’s this inexorable unfolding of the kingdom that’s happening and we get to cooperate with it.” (Connor, 29:34)

    Media Mentions:


    • Rule 1: Stand up straight with your shoulders back (from 12 Rules for Life)
    • Bishop Robert Barron
    • Ned Flanders
    • Reverend Lovejoy
    • ChatGPT
    • Assumption of Mary
    • Afghanistan
    • Taliban
    • Chicago
    • Pope John Paul II
    • Homily of His Holiness John Paul II (Victory Square, Warsaw, 2 June 1979)
    • Poland
    • Krakow
    • Warsaw
    • Arvada, CO
    • Idaho
    • S.O.G. Michelle Duppong
    • South Dakota
    • Denver
    • Fr. John Riccardo
    • Cardinal Francis George

    Shout- Outs:

    • Bliese (Mike’s bodyguard)
    • Fr. Nathan Goebel


    • pater familias: oldest living male in household
    • meek: strength that is under control (Rob)
    • alter Christus: another Christ

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    25 August 2023, 11:12 am
  • 31 minutes 14 seconds
    S11 Episode 59- Descent to the kern

    In this episode, the dogs discuss The Simpsons (0:50), Edith Stein’s feast day (4:05), and phenomenology philosophy (7:30). Mike names a new female doctor of the church (14:00) and speaks definitively on anthropology (17:40). They close out by sharing how to practically live in relationship with Jesus, as Stein says, in the “kern” (20:00).


    “Come, Rosa, we’re going for our people.” (quote from Edith Stein, 10:20)

    “It just blew her away that Catholics could come and talk to a personal God when they were out shopping.” (Rob, 11:25)

    “You are tarnishing your voting record right now. I question everything about your character.” (Rob about Connor, 15:27)

    “She has the most precise and correct anthropology of anybody who has ever existed.” (Mike about Stein, 17:25)

    “You can see the harmony that exists between the physical body and the actual eternal soul. The way she (Stein) unites the two together is just true.” (Mike, 19:25)

    “What is the human person? Is loved by God.” (Mike summarizing Stein, 20:30)

    “The cross is the revelation of God’s love.” (Mike, 20:50)

    “The body is the physical expression of the eternal invisible soul.” (Mike, 21:34)

    “Fear is almost always a useless emotion. The truth is that we are always safe, because we are always a beloved child of God.” (Connor, 23:10)

    “It’s not selfish to be aware of my heart’s reactions to things and to be aware of my inner life more, because that’s the only way I can share it with God.” (Connor, 24:40)

    “It’s tough to study Edith Stein without also growing in holiness.” (Mike, 26:11)

    “In what part of reality are you living?” (Mike, 26:40)

    “Experience it (darkness) not as a wall, but as a threshold.” (Rob, 28:40)

    Media Mentions:


    • Charles Dickens
    • Infinite Monkey Theorem
    • Mike Tyson
    • Edith Stein- St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (canonized October 11, 1998)
    • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
    • Martin Heidegger
    • Edmund Husserl
    • Karol Wojtyla
    • Poland
    • Germany
    • Phenomenology
    • The Carmelites
    • Auschwitz- Birkenau
    • Rosa Stein
    • Switzerland
    • St. Maximilian Kolbe
    • Four women doctors of the church: Hildegard of Bingen, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux
    • Joe Rogan
    • Google
    • Cartesian dualism
    • Charles Whitfield
    • ARRR: Acknowledge, Relate, Receive, Respond

    Shout- Outs:

    • Fr. Michael Bremer
    • Bishop Robert Barron
    • Fr. Marek Duran
    • Fr. Mike Warden
    • Fr. Dennis Kasule
    • Fr. Robbie Cotta
    • Jacob
    • Bliese (Mike’s bodyguard)

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    16 August 2023, 2:26 am
  • 44 minutes 27 seconds
    S11 Episode 58 – Gird up your loins

    In this episode, the dogs discuss the heroes journey (12:45) and Rob asks the question: If we’re made for home, then why do we leave (14:00)? Rob gives his favorite Summer Reading combinations (7:55), Connor references the gospel of Luke (19:00) as well as SNL (24:30), and Mike shares what it’s like to maintain values while developing his career in the army (28:22).


    “Culture without substance is empty.” (Mike, 1:30)

    “There’s nothing you can do but kick your horse.” (from Lonesome Dove, 10:45)

    “Life is about relationship.” (Mike, 18:09)

    “That’s the cross and resurrection. The way to life is death.” (Connor 19:30)

    “My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours.” (Luke 15:31, 23:15)

    “Late have I loved you, beauty so old and so new: late have I loved you. And see, you were within and I was in the external world and sought you there, and in my unlovely state I plunged into those lovely created things which you made. You were with me, and I was not with you.” (from Augustine’s Confessions, 25:20)

    “The ways that we live in “untruth” for some “greater good” can actually mar us and change us.” (Mike, 28:41)

    “The framework for the question of growth is off if it’s just about you.” (Rob, 32:50)

    “To be the truly human image of God, where you’re an unselfconscious gift to God… that’s holiness… you just have to receive it and step into that river with Jesus.” (Connor, 36:50)

    “You’ve answered all my questions because now I’ve seen you.” (Mike, 40:20)

    Media Mentions:

    • Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
    • Pride & Prejudice (2005)
    • A River Runs Through It (1992)
    • Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
    • Downton Abbey (2010- 2015)
    • Art of Manliness Podcast #871: Jane Austen for Dudes
    • Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited
    • Matt Fradd’s interview with Peter Kreeft
    • J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
    • Unbroken (2014)
    • Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women
    • Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn
    • Larry McMurtry’s Lonesome Dove
    • Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces
    • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
    • Norman Maclean’s A River Runs Through It
    • Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild
    • The Prodigal Son
    • C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce
    • It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
    • Last Supper Discource (John 14- 17)
    • Romano Tours – SNL
    • Augustine of Hippo’s Confessions
    • Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life
    • Joe Pug’s After Curfew
    • Peter Kreeft’s lecture on Till We Have Faces
    • C.S. Lewis’ Till We Have Faces
    • Job (38:3)


    • Jane Austen
    • WWI
    • Therese of Lisieux
    • Samwise Gamgee (Sam)
    • Peter Kreeft
    • USS Indianapolis
    • John Steinbeck
    • University of Chicago
    • Montana
    • Adam Sandler
    • Rule 7: Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
    • Rule 8: Tell the truth- or at least don’t lie.
    • Franz Jägerstätter
    • Maximilian Kolbe
    • Thomas More
    • Pope John Paul II

    Follow us on instagram @threedogsnorth

    Contact us at [email protected]

    17 June 2023, 2:32 am
  • 42 minutes 33 seconds
    S11 Episode 57- Cosmic liturgy

    In this episode, the dogs talk about what it means to sacramentalize all things. They discuss the tendency to separate “holy” things from seemingly unholy things (1:30) and the opposing belief that all things are restored in Christ (4:00). Mike brings up his experience serving at Life Teen retreats (9:55), Rob shares what was so impactful about visiting the Martin home in France (11:20), and Connor tells about a recent trip to the doctor (13:10). They all discuss being freed, as priests, to focus on loving people, not just trying to save them (21:30). Also, they reminisce about that time Mike got scabies (28:25).


    “Life with God is not an obligation, but it’s really a gift.” (Mike, 9:10)

    “The retreat actually is reality; what we want to do is integrate the rest of your life into that relationship, into that experience.” (Mike, 10:30)

    “Every room in their home was clearly about being together.” (Rob about the Martin home, 12:15)

    “I want to bring Christ into that world. That’s what the invitation is, bring all of that suffering into Jesus. Even that is not outside of his power and grace.” (Mike, 20:40)

    “I just get to love people. That’s my whole job.” (Mike, 21:00)

    “Jesus says ‘behold I make all things new’, not ‘behold I make new things’.” (Connor quoting Schmemann, 22:05)

    “Nothing is wasted. It’s all ingredients somehow in this ultimate project of joy.” (Connor, 23:20)

    “He has assumed all of our humanity and now we donate our humanity to him to become transfigured and glorified.” (Connor, 23:36)

    “I’m not on to save people, I’m on to love people.” (Rob quoting Mike, 25:29)

    “The Christian is to the world what the soul is to the body.” (letter to Diognetus, 35:10)

    “My prerogative is to treat everyone with equal love and equal dignity.” (Mike, 38:20)

    Media Mentions:


    • Alexander Schmemann
    • Jack Black
    • Bishop Robert Barron
    • Life Teen
    • Georgia
    • Alençon, France
    • St. Thérèse of Lisieux 
    • Sts. Zelie and Louis Martin
    • Madison Street Chicago
    • Chicago “L”
    • Port-au-Prince, Haiti
    • Missionaries of Charity
    • El Salvador
    • Nicaragua
    • Narcotics Anonymous
    • Alcoholics Anonymous
    • Cardinal Francis George
    • All American Chapel
    • Jiminy Cricket
    • Gepetto
    • Fort Bragg


    • “Instaurare omnia in Christo.” (To restore all things to Christ.)
    • “Creatio ex nihilo.” (Creation out of nothing)

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    25 May 2023, 7:17 pm
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