Gotham on TV Podcast Industries
Derek and John are back one final time to discuss The Penguin, announce our winner of The Iceberg Lounge Pub quiz and chat about the Making of documentary released by Max.
Featuring contributions from many of the main people behind the making of the show including the cast. Watch at this link on YouTube
We also chatted about the reaction video from Colin Farrell and Cristin Milioti
Showrunner: Lauren LeFranc
The Batman Director: Matt Reeves
Costume Designer: Helen Huang
Music Composition: Mick Giacchino
Special Stunt Effects: Stephen Pope
Visual Effects: Jonny Hann
We also announce the winner of our Iceberg Lounge Quiz.
Here are the questions and answers for the 8 questions asked throughout our podcasts.
Episode 1 Question: What drink does Sophie Falcone order at the meal with Oz Cobb and with how many olives?
ANSWER 1: A Dirty Martini with Three Olives
Episode 2 Question: What herb does the Penguin not like and gets Victor to pick out of the tacos that he’s ordered?
ANSWER 2: Cilantro (or Coriander to us non Americans)
Episode 3 Question: What does Oz order from the menu when out for dinner with Victor?
ANSWER 3: Coq Au Vin
Episode 4 Question: What food does Sophia Falcone use to tempt Mia into the greenhouse for the sleepover?
ANSWER 4: Cake (Lots of frosting)
Episode 5 Question: What are the two line numbers shown on the Trolley carriages in the station that Oz and Victor make as their base of operations at Crown Point?
ANSWER 5: North Line 58 (also Line 23)
Episode 6 Question: What is the dish that Sal Maroni cooks for Sofia Falcone? What did his son add to it to make it better?
ANSWER 6: Khoresh Bademjan (a Persian stew with aubergine, tomatoes, meat); Yoghurt
Episode 7 Question: What movie did Oz say his brothers, Jack and Benny, were going to see?
ANSWER 7: Beetlejuice (Which of course starred former Batman Michael Keaton)
Episode 8 Question: Where does Sophia meet Mr. Zhao to exchange Oz Cobb?
ANSWER 8: Goodwin International Airport, Hanger 5
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
We'll be wrapping up our Agatha All Along Podcast and then moving on to the third and final season of Marvel's What If? on Disney Plus.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
John and Derek are back to discuss the finale of one of the best shows of 2024 The Penguin episode 8 "A Great Or Little Thing". This is spoiler filled podcast so make sure you've watched the episode before listening along with us.
Based on characters created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane for Detective Comics.
Spinning out of Matt Reeves The Batman under showrunner Lauren LeFranc
Episode Written by: Lauren LeFranc
Episode Directed By: Jennifer Getzinger
At the former Monroe Jazz club, Sofia Gigante uses Dr Julian Rush’s experience to take Francis Cobb back to her youth. She recalls meeting with local gangster Rex Callibrasi to discuss her son Oz. She always knew that Oz was the one who killed her other sons Jack and Benny. But despite being given every opportunity Oz never took responsibility for their murders. Rex gives the struggling mother two options. Either nurture Oz’s tendencies, give him purpose, and he could be something great or Rex will help her let him go.
Planning to have Rex murder Oz, she takes him out to Monroe’s for one final night. But as Oz promises to take care of her if she’ll give him a chance, Francis calls off the kill.
In the present day, Sofia uses this knowledge to encourage Oz to finally admit to murdering his brothers. But, even with the threat of Francis losing a finger, Oz continues his lies. Incensed, Francis disowns him and stabs him with a broken bottle. But Francis has a stroke and falls to the ground.
Using this as a distraction, Oz breaks free, killing Sofia’s guards and GCPD Detective Marcus Wise before driving his ma to the hospital.
Meanwhile Victor Aguillar fails to convince the leaders of the other gangs of Gotham to help Crown Point following Sofia’s car bomb. Oz Cobb calls him to the hospital where Victor convinces him that he’s important to the city.
Oz makes a final play. He meets with Councilman Hady at City Hall telling him the car bomb was just the latest in the tit for tat battle between the Falcone and Maroni family. If the Councilman brings in Sofia Gigante the city will be very grateful. All he wants in return is the ear of the influential people of Gotham.
Elsewhere, Sofia has decided to leave everything behind so she offers the gang leaders the Falcone’s home, territories and business to the one who brings her Oz Cobb.
The Triad’s second in command, Ling, uses his relationship with Victor to get to Oz. As Sofia is burning her past she arranges for Oz’s transfer at another location. But it’s a trap. Spurred on by Oz and Victor, Ling turns on his boss Mr Zhao, killing him. As Oz captures Sofia and turns her over to the GCPD, the tide of Gotham’s underworld changes. All the bosses are taken out by their disrespected underbosses and followers.
Oz takes Victor back to the hospital to celebrate his final success with Francis. But he learns that her stroke has left her immobile and non-verbal. Unable to get the approval he sought from his mother, Victor commiserates with Oz. Realising his closeness with the kid has become truly familial, Oz strangles and kills him. Disposing of his ID in Gotham bay and his last shred of weakness.
Sofia is unresponsive as she sits in a cell in Arkham, once again under the care of Dr Julian Rush. He brings her a letter from someone claiming to be her half sister, someone called Selina Kyle.
Now the king of Gotham’s underworld, Oz finally sets the vegetative Francis up in a penthouse overlooking the city. As a tear rolls down her face, Oz dances with Eve. She’s dressed as his Ma and tells Oz how proud she is of him. He believes there’s nothing left to stop him as, unseen by Oz, the Bat Signal rises over Gotham.
During each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Penguin Iceberg Lounge Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to [email protected] At the end of the eight episode series the Gothamite with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Penguin goodies. All questions will be updated on:
Question 8: Where does Sophia meet Mr Zhao to exchange Oz Cobb?
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
We will be back with our wrap up and to announce the winner of our Iceberg Lounge Quiz on our next podcast. Get those answers into us as soon as possible. All questions are available over on our website at
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
Put on your top hat, tie up your white tie, brush off your tails and join Derek and John as we chat all about The Penguin Episode 7 "Top Hat" in spoiler filled detail.
Based on characters created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane for Detective Comics.
Spinning out of Matt Reeves The Batman under showrunner Lauren LeFranc
Episode Written by: Vladimir Cvetko
Episode Directed By: Kevin Bray
When he was a boy, Oz Cobb was resentful of the attention that his mother gave to his brothers, Jack and Benny. He wanted all of her focus to himself. After they play a joke on him during a game of flashlight hide and seek, Oz leaves his brothers trapped inside an overflowing sewer tunnel where they drown.
In the present, Oz returns to his apartment and finds an injured Victor, who reveals that Sofia Gigante has kidnapped his mother Francis.
Oz sends Vic to find an army for him right before Salvatore Maroni arrives with his men; Maroni beats Oz and makes Oz take him to his underground lair, where he intends to seize Oz’s base of operations, but Oz and his men stage an ambush, and Maroni dies of a heart attack while fighting Oz.
Meanwhile, Sofia has Dr Rush interrogate Francis Cobb about Oz's weaknesses. While Sofia goes to visit the last surviving member of the Falcone family Gia Vitti. The young orphaned girl intends to cooperate with the police.
Disillusioned after seeing the pain she has caused Gia, Sofia considers accepting Oz's ultimatum to trade Francis for his Bliss supply, but Rush convinces her to go through with her desire to see Oz suffer.
During the trade, Sofia sends in a bomb, instead of his mother, that destroys Oz's base and kills his entire crew. Oz survives and resurfaces, only to be knocked out by GCPD Detective William Kenzie to be brought to Sofia Gigante at the Monroe Metropol where she is holding Frances hostage.
During each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Penguin Iceberg Lounge Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to [email protected] At the end of the eight episode series the Gothamite with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Penguin goodies. All questions will be updated on:
Question 7: What movie did Oz say his brothers, Jackie and Ben, were going to see?
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
The final episode will be released on the 10th of November and we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 8 "Great or Little Thing" on our next podcast.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
The new Gigante Maroni Alliance takes steps to get to Oz Cobb but he's not taking it lying down. Derek and John chat all about The Penguin Episode 6 "Gold Summit" in spoiler filled detail.
Episode Written by: Nick Towne
Episode Directed By: Kevin Bray
It’s winter in Gotham and in the weeks since he set up his underground base under the city, Oswald Cobb has been growing his empire significantly. He employed most of Crown Point’s residents to reproduce and distribute the drug Bliss throughout the city to as many gangs as will take it.
Sofia Gigante and Sal Maroni are irritated by other gangs dealing with Oz. They string up three members of The Sullivan gang as a warning to the rest to stop dealing with him.
Oz makes a decision to give Bliss away for free, for one night only, to anyone who wants it. This seeds the drug into all the boroughs of Gotham. He sets a meeting with the leaders of all other gangs in the city, calling it the “Gold Summit”. At the meeting, Oz convinces the gangs to work together against the Gigantes, Maronis, and upper elite. Together they will take back Gotham.
Meanwhile back in Crown Point, Victor is confronted by Squid, an acquaintance and drug dealer, who asks Victor to let him join the operation. But given their past Victor is reluctant to bring him in. He tries to pay off Squid but when he threatens to expose Oz’s operation, Victor kills him and flees the scene.
Oz learns that the Gotham City council have been redirecting power away from Crown Point to richer neighbourhoods so he threatens a corrupt councilman to return the power back to Crown Point, so his mother, Francis, can feel more comfortable. But Francis’ condition deteriorates further, and she forces Oz to promise to kill her if she becomes severely ill.
Elsewhere, as Sofia and Sal try to uncover someone close to Oz, Sofia discovers Eve. Visiting the Gotham red light district Sofia finds Eve, initially threatening to kill her to get to Oz, but Eve gives up his location after Sofia reveals Oz was aware that she was framed for the murders of Eve’s girls by her father.
As power is restored to Crown Point, Oz’s flat buzzes into life with music and lights, Francis takes advantage of it and both her and Victor dance to the music, unaware that Sofia Gigante is looking on from the doorway with a crowbar in hand.
During each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Penguin Iceberg Lounge Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to [email protected] At the end of the eight episode series the Gothamite with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Penguin goodies. All questions will be updated on:
Question 6: What is the dish that Sal Maroni cooks for Sofia Falcone? What did his son add to it to make it better?
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
The next episode will be released on the 3rd of November and we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 7 "Top Hat" on our next podcast.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
The old rules of Gotham are gone as Oz and Sofia make their plays. Derek and John chat all about The Penguin Episode 5 "Homecoming" in spoiler filled detail.
Episode Written by: Breannah Gibson & Shaye Ogbonna
Episode Directed By: Helen Shaver
Annoyed that Salvatore Maroni’s wife Nadia stole his drug business out from under him, Oz Cobb and his crew kidnap their son, Taj. Oz issues an ultimatum to the Maronis, offering to return Taj to them in exchange for the mushrooms used for the drug “Bliss”.
During the exchange, Oz, who has bribed a prison guard to assassinate Sal Maroni and covered Taj with gasoline, kills Taj and Nadia by setting them on fire. However, his plot doesn’t go as planned as Sal Maroni survives the attempt on his life, escaping prison and the fire activates the chemical fire extinguisher destroying most of the Bliss mushrooms.
Meanwhile, Victor is tasked with bringing Oz’s mother Frances to safety while he deals with the failure of his great plan. Vic chooses to hide her in the one place no one would suspect, the flood damaged ruins of Crown Point. When Oz finally arrives to lay low with them, after being shunned by his girlfriend Eve. He’s left with nothing. But it sparks a memory in Oz of when he and his brothers used to have the city as their playground. He brings Vic to a hidden abandoned underground trolley station where he plans to set up his brand new base of operations.
Meanwhile, after the death of all of her family Gia Viti is sent to a children's home and, following hours of torture, Johnny Viti decides to support Sofia bid to head the family after they reminisce about her mother, Isabella Gigante.
Joined by Dr Julian Rush, who has fallen in love with her, Sofia rebrands the family under her mother's name and earns the loyalty of Carmine's men by arguing how they were similarly mistreated and neglected under Carmine's rule.
When Johnny objects to her plans to make peace with Sal Maroni, Sofia executes him, severing the last tie to the Falcone Crime Family. To cement her new place in Gotham she meets with Salvatore Maroni to form an alliance of their families and take over the city. But first they’re going to kill Oz Cobb, the common source of their problems.
During each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Penguin Iceberg Lounge Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to [email protected] At the end of the eight episode series the Gothamite with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Penguin goodies. All questions will be updated on:
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
The next episode will be released on the 27th of October and we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 6 "Gold Summit" on our next podcast.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
Time to go back to Arkham as we discuss The Penguin Episode 4 "Cent'Anni". We chat all about this Sofia Falcone centered episode in spoiler filled detail.
Episode Written by: John McCutcheon
Episode Directed By: Helen Shaver
Under the gunpoint of Nadia Maroni and her men, Oz Cobb pleads for his life, explaining that he was only working with Sofia Falcone to get access to her drug business. But Nadia doesn’t believe him and reveals to Sofia that Oz is the murderer of her brother Alberto. As Victor arrives and saves Oz, Sofia calls Dr Julian Rush to help her.
Sofia recalls the events that led to her time in Arkham State Hospital. Ten years ago after being approached by Summer Gleeson from the Gotham Gazette, Sofia realised her father, Carmine Falcone, could be behind her mothers death and six other women connected to his business. But Sofia tells the reporter she’s investigating the wrong man and leaves the meeting.
When Oz Cobb, her driver at the time, reports the meeting to Carmine, Sofia is brought before the family leader. She tries to have a conversation with her father so he can clear her mind of suspicion but Carmine sends her home with Oz.
But on the way home, the GCPD arrest Sofia for the murder of the Gotham Gazette reporter and all the other women. Due to written letters from her father and most of her leading family members, Sofia is committed to Arkham State Hospital for a six month evaluation ahead of her trial.
Under the watchful eye of Dr Ventris and his assistant Dr. Julian Rush a brutal incarceration follows with Sofia being subjected to a violent beating by another inmate and results in her receiving daily electroshock therapy.
After the six months her brother Alberto tells Sofia that Dr. Ventris has deemed her unfit for trial and she is to remain in Arkham State Hospital. In the present day, now free, Sofia discusses her predicament with Dr Rush, who convinces her she needs a break.
She returns to the Falcone family home and surrounded by all the heads of the family she calls them out for their part in her incarceration. She announces her plans to start a new life as she doesn’t fit into the family anymore.
Late that night, Sofia enacts her plan, using gas to suffocate all the members of her family apart from her most hated rival Johnny Viti. She holds him at gunpoint while they discuss Sofia’s next steps.
During each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Penguin Iceberg Lounge Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to [email protected] At the end of the eight episode series the Gothamite with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Penguin goodies. All questions will be updated on:
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
The next episode will be released on the 20h of October and we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 5 "Homecoming" on our next podcast.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
Join us fellow Gothamites for our podcast all about The Penguin Episode 3 "Bliss". More focused this time on Victor but still some brilliant moments between Oz and Sofia and we chat about it all in spoiler filled detail.
Episode Written by: Noelle Valdivia
Episode Directed By: Craig Zobel
Before the Riddler’s explosions, Victor was hanging out with his friends and girlfriend, Graciela, on a rooftop in Crown Point, dreaming about their future. Unbeknownst to them, everything was about to change as the election night fireworks turned to explosions flooding Crown Point, killing their families and destroying their homes. Now, Victor and Gracelia discuss getting out of Gotham and starting a new life together, but only if Oz Cobb will let Victor leave.
Meanwhile, Sofia Falcone’s business opportunity comes through, and she takes Oz to the production warehouse for the new drug “Bliss”, a sap from a mushroom prescribed to Sofia when she was locked up in Arkham. Oz sets up a meeting with the Triads to help distribute the sample batch of the new drug, but they have to blackmail the cheating underboss of the Falcone Family, Johnny Vitti, to support their new business. Vitti tries to undermine Oz, telling Sofia he’s the one that sold her out and landed her in Arkham. But Oz pressures him further and they get their way.
With a nightclub trial arranged to showcase Bliss to the Triad leader Feng Zhao, Sofia has to reveal her traumatic past to him to seal the deal. She begins to get concerned that Oz believes he is an equal partner in her business and as he apologises for his part in Sofia’s 10 year incarceration in Arkham, Nadia Maroni and her men arrive, angry at Oz’s betrayal of the Maroni cartel and they hold the two at gunpoint.
Victor makes his decision to return to Oz’s side and arrives just in time to save his boss. As they speed away Oz tells Victor to leave Sofia behind. They are really in it now.
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
The next episode will be released on the 13th of October and we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 4 "Cent' Anni" on our next podcast.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
Fellow Gothamites, join us for our podcast all about The Penguin Episode 2 "Inside Man". It's another great episode as Oz Cobb flips, twists and changes his plans to get closer to his goals, while Sofia Falcone investigates her brothers murder.
Episode Written by: Erika L. Johnson
Episode Directed By: Craig Zobel
With Oz’s murder of Alberto Falcone pinned on Sal Maroni, Oz plans to team up with him to take control away from the Falcones. He plans a simple job with Maroni to hijack a shipment of “drops” travelling from Gotham to Robbinstown.
But nothing is as simple as it seems and the job goes partially wrong revealing to Sofia Falcone that there’s an inside man in their organisation, but the Falcone leadership want Sofia to keep out of the family business. Meanwhile, to hide his inside involvement, Oz plans to pin it on Johnny Vitti but Sofia, ignoring Luca Falcone, goes off on her own.
She pays off a drug-addled detective Wise of the GCPD to find the leak and he kidnaps Ervad, one of Maroni’s men injured in the hijacking. He brings him, still unconscious after being shot during the heist, to the Falcone Mansion, where Sofia instructs her right hand man Castillo to put him in the basement and interrogate him as soon as he wakes up.
But Sal Maroni’s wife, Nadia, is angry with the kidnapping of Ervad and forces Oz to make it right. Oz continues to enact his new plan to implicate Vitti and tasks young Victor with planting Alberto’s jewels in his car while Oz coaches Ervad to tell the Falcones of Vitti’s involvement.
When Victor fails in his task, Oz changes up his plan and kills Ervad. He plants the murder weapon on Castillo who is instantly killed by Luca Falcone.
With the blame on her right hand man, Luca again tells Sofia she should stick out of the family business for a while and spend some time away in Italy. But Sofia is not about to let old men tell her what to do. She proposes a team up with Oz to complete Alberto’s plan and take back control of the Falcone family.
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
The next episode will be released on the 6th of October and we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 3 "Bliss" on our next podcast.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
Welcome back fellow Gothamites. 10 years on from our Gotham we're in the city once again to all about The Penguin Episode 1 "After Hours". An excellent opener starring Colin Farrell, Cristin Milioti and Rhenzy Feliz.
Episode Written by: Lauren LeFranc
Episode Directed By: Craig Zobel
In the wake of Carmine Falcone’s death and Riddlers attack on the flood walls of the city, Gotham is falling even further into lawlessness but Oz Cobb is on the outs.
He's not trusted by the Falcone leadership and after a slight made by Alberto Falcone, the heir to the empire, Oz kills him and has to deal with the repercussions.
He recruits a street kid, Victor Aguilar, to help dispose of Alberto's body. As he fights to climb the ladder of Gotham's underworld.
But Sofia Falcone, newly released Arkham resident and daughter of Carmine, thinks she's on to him.
Staying one step ahead Oz enacts an elaborate plan using Victor which will pin Alberto's murder on the Falcone family rival Sal Moroni and leave him in the clear to take his rightful place as the King of Gotham.
If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.
The next episode will be released on the 29th of September so we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 2 "Inside Man" on our next podcast.
Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
All images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.
We end the year with our 2022 TV and movie recap, our annual look back at everything we’ve covered on TV Podcast Industries in the year. With 100 episodes released
The post 2022 TV and Movie Recap and 2023 Preview from TV Podcast Industries appeared first on TV Podcast Industries.
Welcome back fellow governors it’s time to wrap up the show as we discuss the Pennyworth Season 3 Finale Episode 10 “Highland Wedding”. A great episode of Pennyworth with lots
The post Pennyworth Season 3 Finale Episode 10 Highland Wedding Podcast appeared first on TV Podcast Industries.