Story Salon Podcast

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Story Salon Podcast The Official Podcast of Story Salon, Southern California's Longest Running, Regularly Performing Live Storytelling Ensemble.

  • Story Salon ON AIR
    Story Salon ON AIR Friday evenings: 10 to 11 p.m. ET or  LISTEN ON DEMAND
    10 September 2011, 5:47 am
  • The Story Salon Radio Show
    Story Salon ON AIR

    Go to our link at

    Cities, States & Countries Listened: Altadena, CA; Athens, Attiki, Greece; Beverely Hills, CA [4]; Brooklyn, NY; Burbank, CA; Canoga Park, CA; Chula Vista, CA; Costa Rica; Escondido, The Welk Resort, CA; Glendale, CA; Honeoye Falls, NY; Hurst, TX; Inglewood, CA; Kalamazoo, MI; Kansas City, MO; Los Angeles, CA; North Hills, CA; Oakland, CA; Redding, CA; Riverside, CA; Rochester, NY; San Diego, CA; Santo Domingo, Distristo Nacional, Dominican Republic; Sherman Oaks, CA; Singapore, Sinapore; Sterling Heights, MI; South Pasadena, CA; Valencia, CA; Vancouver, WA; Van Nuys, CA; Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, West Palm Beach, FL; Winter Park, FL; Woodland Hills, CA;


    Icon 3/4/11 Comedy Club (42.3 MB)


    Icon Story Salon 2/25/11 (39.6 MB)

    2/18/11 Story Salon Radio Show

    Icon Story Salon Radio Show 2/18/11 (39.6 MB)

    2/11/11 Story Salon Radio Show

    Icon Story Salon 2/11/11 (38.4 MB)

    2/4/11 Story Salon Radio Show

    Icon Story Online Radio Show 2/4/11 (27.0 MB)

    “Gemstones of narrative. Something new, funny, astonishing.”
    -Los Angeles Daily News
    “Tales tall, tragic, and tantalizing.”
    -Sunset Magazine
    “Stories from all walks and talks of life. Tales of yore and ones that
    make you scream for more-those that will delight with insight while moving an
    audience from laughter to tears.”
    -Studio City Sun
    Story Salon is Los Angeles’s longest running storytelling venue. What
    began as an alternative to stand-up clubs and self-conscious performance spaces
    has been challenging performers and audiences for more than a decade.
    Created in a North Hollywood coffee house Story Salon now reaches the globe
    through Podcasting, publishing, and recordings.

    The rules of the Story Salon haven’t changed since it started: Five to
    seven minutes of original material performed by the author. The result is a
    unique blend of observation, memoir and comment that makes the Salon one of
    the most eclectic entertainment experiences available. More than a dozen
    solo theater works have been developed at Story Salon, as well as a CD of
    stories, and several books.
    “Live storytelling is a unique art form,” says Story Salon founder,
    writer/actor/comedian Beverly Mickins. “Words spoken aloud paint pictures
    capable of evoking laughter and tears, the whole range of emotion. People have
    been telling each other stories since the first campfires, talking about the
    whole mix of things, important and trivial, that go into making life.
    Storytelling is one of the ways we figure out how to be human.”
    It’s an omnibus of memories, rants, affirmations, and shaggy-dog stories
    that once opened is impossible to shut.
    The writer/performers of Story Salon include actors, comedians, musicians,
    photographers, war correspondents, students, life coaches, former clowns,
    recovering attorneys, one admitted juggler, an international fashion model,
    several husbands and wives, and one mother and daughter.

    18 March 2011, 8:08 pm
  • "Off the top of my head"

    "Off the top of my head"
    Tony Figueora hosting
    The performers...Dan Farren ( 90 second story)Donna Allen FigueoraCarrie SpechtDan TirmanBeverly Mickins (singing Blue Blue Blue - John Fogherty)Featured guest storyteller Rueben PadillaAnd John O'kennedy as musical director.
    Image by Dan Farren

    43:45 / 40.2 MB / Rated: PG-13

    15 October 2009, 10:45 pm
  • "Planes, Trains & Automobiles"

    Stories of travel featuring Tony Figueroa.

    "Home On The Range" performed by Beverly Mickins with an arrangement and guitar by John O'Kennedy... "Tony's Journal" shot by Dan Farren with his iPhone.

    44:58 / 41.3 MB / Rated PG-13 (Some Adult Content)
    10 July 2009, 5:09 pm
  • Rules of Engagement

    Stories by Dan Tirman, Shelby Lee Jenkins, Kate McHugh, Dylan Brody and featured storyteller Geoffrey Tozer (also on bongos).

    37:37 / 34.6 MB / Rated PG-13
    20 April 2009, 5:09 pm
  • "May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot..."

    "May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot..."
    90 Second Story by David Yontz
    Storytellers: Ruben Padilla, Lila Silvern, Winn Goulden, Katitdid Langrock
    Featured Storyteller is Your Host Dan Farren...

    Beverly Mickins & John O'Kennedy perform "Things we said today" by John Lennon & Paul McCartney...

    "Brownie M&M" shot by Lance Anderson...

    43:54 / 40.4 MB / Rated PG-13 (Some Adult Themes)
    5 March 2009, 12:35 am
  • "Dramatic Changes"
    Kurt and John
    Tales of "Dramatic Changes" as told by Kurt Brown, David Kaufman, Donna Allen Figueroa and featuring Lance Anderson...

    "Everybody Got to Change Sometime" by Sleepy John Estes performed by Beverly Mickins and John O'Kennedy... "Kurt and John" shot by Lance Anderson...

    48:51 / 45.9 MB / Rated: R (Some Adult Themes and Language)

    "Thanks for the download"
    29 December 2008, 12:04 am
  • "Fall Classic"
    Lisa and John
    Thoughts and reflections on fall, baseball and life itself. Stories by Dan Farren, Ruben Padilla, Kate McHugh, Lance Anderson and our featured performer Lisa K. Wyatt.

    "The Boys of Summer" by Don Henley performed by Beverly Mickins and John O'Kennedy... "Lisa and John" shot by Lance Anderson...

    40:41 / 37.5 MB / Rated: R (Some Adult Themes and Language)

    "Thanks for the download"
    27 October 2008, 8:11 pm
  • Special Summer Series: "Bootleg Memories"
    Dan O'Day
    The last of our three shows during our "Special Summer Series" is a collection of priceless "Bootleg Memories." The featured story is Dan Tirman's tribute to Jazz Legend Anita O'Day...

    "I Want to Take You Higher Again" by Sly & The Family Stone... "Dan O'Day" shot by Lance Anderson...

    39:22 / 36.3 MB / Rated: R (Some Adult Themes and Language)

    "Thanks for the download"
    25 August 2008, 9:55 pm
  • Special Summer Series: "Body Heat"
    David Alexander
    The second of our Annual Summer Trilogy, is a quirky mix of tales about bodies in heat... Performed by Frances Peach, Bill Sperling, Debbie Hall, Julio Martinez, Lance Anderson and our featured performer Tatum De Roeck.

    "Light My Fire" by Los Angeles' own The Doors... Performed by Beverly Mickins and John O'Kennedy... "Tatum's Wry Smile" shot by Tim Coyne of The Hollywood Podcast...

    54:20 / 49.9 MB / Rated NC-17 (Adult Themes and Saucy Language)

    "Thanks for the download"
    21 July 2008, 11:02 pm
  • Special Summer Series: "The Kids are Alright"
    David Alexander
    The first of our Annual Summer Trilogy, starts with a handful of stories about kids. Hosted by Dan Farren with Donna Allen Figueroa, Michael Rayner, Moira Quirk, Marsha Clark and featuring David Alexander...

    "To Sir With Love" performed by Beverly Mickins and John O'Kennedy. Lyrics by Don Black and Mark London. Popularized by LuLu with The Mindbenders... "David Alexander" shot by Lance Anderson...

    49:20 / 45.3 MB / Rated: PG-13 (Some Adult Language and Content)

    "Thanks for the download"
    23 June 2008, 11:30 pm
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