University Christian Church Sermons

University Christian Church

A community of Christ followers devoted to embodying our mission - to share the love if Jesus in Uptown Cincinnati and to develop lifelong kingdom leaders.

  • 21 minutes 55 seconds
    September 1st, 2024_Katie Ranum

    Katie Ranum shares a little bit about what "Ordinary Time" on the church calendar is and how we can learn from ordinary times in our own lives. How does faithfully following God in the ordinary, everyday stuff of life prepare us for when the big moments come?

    3 September 2024, 3:41 pm
  • 28 minutes 19 seconds
    July 28th, 2024_Jeremiah Johnson

    What if we imagine the stories of Jesus as if they happened today? This week, we take a closer look at one of Jesus' well-known feeding stories, as told in John's Gospel, the feeding of the 5,000. Listen in as we consider what it means that our God is a God of abundance, a God of provision, a God of generosity.

    31 July 2024, 2:42 pm
  • 27 minutes 42 seconds
    July 21st, 2024_Marty Solomon

    Once more, we return to 2 Samuel to guide our learning this week. Alongside this story of David, we look at a passage from the prophet Jeremiah, a couple psalms, a passage from Ephesians 2, and a section of Mark's gospel to consider how God desires to use his leaders—his shepherds, his prophets, his apostles, his teachers—to care for his people.

    22 July 2024, 11:32 pm
  • 33 minutes
    July 14th, 2024_Jeremiah Johnson

    Today we take a closer look at 2 Samuel 6, exploring another story from the early part of David's reign. Get ready to dance!

    22 July 2024, 11:06 pm
  • 31 minutes 13 seconds
    July 7th, 2024_Mitch Lavender

    This weekend, our friend and Impact Campus Minister, Mitch Lavender, invites us to take a closer look at King David's story as shared in 2 Samuel. What can we learn from the life of one of God's key human partners? How might God be inviting us to partner with him today? What role does power play in advancing Kingdom? Listen in.

    10 July 2024, 3:57 pm
  • 27 minutes 26 seconds
    June 30th, 2024_Jeremiah Johnson

    Today, we're in Mark 5 taking a closer look at a story (of great faith) within a story (of great faith). How might our faith drive us to act in a particular way in the world?

    2 July 2024, 8:05 pm
  • 31 minutes 30 seconds
    June 23rd, 2024_Megan Trischler

    This week we kick off our summer journey through the weekly lectionary passages, beginning with Paul's words to the church in Corinth. What does it mean that we, the church, are reconciled to God in Christ? What does it mean that we, the church, are ambassadors of Christ in the world? Listen in.

    26 June 2024, 5:12 pm
  • 31 minutes 55 seconds
    June 16th, 2024_Jeremiah Johnson

    This week, we look at a story from Acts 10/11 to explore the role experience plays in helping us know (1) how to form our faith, and (2) how to live our beliefs as contemporary followers of Jesus in the world today. Tune in as we round out our 3-part series on the Wesleyan Quadrilateral.

    18 June 2024, 12:39 pm
  • 27 minutes 28 seconds
    June 9th, 2024_Jeremiah Johnson

    Why do we believe what we believe? How do we live because of what we believe? Jeremiah leads us in a teaching, looking at two stories from Acts, to explore how "reason" plays a role in the development of our faith, and our engagement with the world around us.

    11 June 2024, 1:27 pm
  • 23 minutes 55 seconds
    June 2nd, 2024_Katie Ranum

    How do we live as Christians in our contemporary world—amid the rapid change, complexities, and cultural forces of our time and place? Today we begin a 3-part series looking closer at the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, a methodology for theological reflection and discernment that can help guide us through the moral questions and dilemmas faced in daily living. Katie kicks off our series by focusing on the role "tradition" plays in our life of faith.

    4 June 2024, 8:32 pm
  • 27 minutes 32 seconds
    May 24th, 2024_Jeremiah Johnson

    On Trinity Sunday, Jeremiah seeks to help us understand the relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—a relationship the church has been trying to comprehend for centuries. How might reckoning with the mystery of the Trinity deepen our discipleship? Listen in...

    30 May 2024, 3:15 pm
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