Commentary about comic books and most things related
This episode host Ed Moore recaps Coffin Comics Lady Death Extinction Express published October 2016.
Join Mike and Rob as they talk about Fightin Marines #55, Neverending Story, Thunderbolts #1, Savage Dragon #275 (Herculian and Mighty Samson), The Frogmen #6, Letter 44 #1 and Psychic
The post Geek Brunch Retro 213 – Rob and Mike talk stuff first appeared on DC Noise.
In our February Recent Reads Roundtable, Steve, Kevin & Andrew cover Alien- Romulus #1, One World Under Doom #1, One World Under Doom- Thunderbolts #1, Fantastic Four #28, Doctor Doom & Rocket Racoon #1, Immortal Thor #20, What If.. Mickey Mouse & Friends Became the Fantastic Four? #1, Rogue- The Savage Land #1, West Coast Avengers #3, The Blue Bounder (promo comic) #1, X-Men/Captain Universe (custom comic) #1, Namor #7 (of 8), Star Wars- A New Legacy #1 and Star Wars- A Legacy of Vader #1! #MN448
This month hosts Teri and Ed recap Mighty Thor (1966) 410 released in August 1989 and Valkyrie Jane Foster (2019) released September 2019 both from Marvel Comics.
Join Mike and Bill as they go over what might be the last Previews and talk about Deadly Tales of Gunslinger #1-2, Spawn Kills Everyone #2-5, Savage Dragon #274-275, Planet Comics #23-25, Archaic #1
The post Geek Brunch 436 – The Last Previews? first appeared on DC Noise.
Andy is outnumbered once again by Phil and Kevin.
News and speculation
Badger – Mad Monkey Shock ‘N’ Roll #1 by Mike Baron, Val Mayerik, Mark Englert, Willie Schubert (1First Comics)
Board game talk
The Boys: This is Going to Hurt Board Game from 1First Games $70
The Death of Copra #1 by Michel Fiffe (Image)
The Great Comic Book Heroes by Jules Feiffer (Bonanza Books) which also includes Golden Age comic book reprints so lots of great art and creators
The Sacred Damned Horizon Experiment (One-Shot) by Sabir Pirzada, Michael Walsh (Image)
Steve Ellis Playmats and Tokens campaign run by a different company
Super Steve
Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:
The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 575 – 575 is still alive in 2025 first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.
This month hosts Teri and Ed recap Diana’s Mod adventures from Wonder Woman v1 issue 188 published by DC Comics in June 1970.
Join Mike as he discusses listener questions and Previews in 2010 from IDW and Image. He also covers books read from 11/11/2024 – 11/24/2024.
The post Mike M’s Weekly Reads 264 – Image and IDW in 2010 first appeared on DC Noise.
Join the guys as they discuss the bankruptcy of Diamond and the state of comics. Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, Walking Dead #2, Our Army at War #158
The post Geek Brunch Retrocast 212 – Diamond Impacts first appeared on DC Noise.