Reviews and Interviews

Michael and Laura Clark

Listen to Laura and Mike talk about live theater, including their reviews of shows they have seen, and interviews with local actors, directors, and others involved with all aspects of live theatre.

  • 14 minutes 7 seconds
    Spotlight on Jacob Lash, Jesus in FCT's Godspell
    Mike talks with Jacob Lash, who is paying the role of Jesus in Fauquier Community Theatre's production of Godspell.
    21 October 2011, 4:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 49 seconds
    Spotlight on the Baltimore Playwrights Festival
    Mike talks with Miriam Bazensky, managing director of the Baltimore Playwrights Festival, based in Baltimore, Maryland. They discuss the history of the BPF, as well as the process that occurs from the submission of a play in October through the production of a few plays each summer. Playwrights living in Maryland or Washington DC may submit their plays.
    13 October 2011, 11:00 am
  • 10 minutes 55 seconds
    Spotlight on the Olney Theatre Center
    Mike talks with Amy Marshall, managing director of the Olney Theatre Center in Olney, Maryland. They discuss the history of the Olney Theatre Center, as well as Olney's recent efforts to pay off their significant debt incurred after a recent expansion.
    13 October 2011, 10:00 am
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