CGP Grey and Brady Haran talk about YouTube, life, work, whatever.
Grey and Brady discuss: The Mt Doom Edition, Dinosaurs Attack! randomness, YouTube videos from beyond the grave, betting on your weight, speedrunning, date formatting, the Space Force logo, and emoji.
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Brady and Grey discuss: weak sauce water, the uncertainty of the hotstopper pilgrimage, reliving Dinosaurs Attack! through the eyes of the young, should people be able to write, sportsball corner, placing bets, Réunion, and the night sky.
On a chill boxing day, Grey and Brady discuss: post-final-Star-wars-trilogy feelings, the endings of things, Cybertruck, xmas hotstoppers, gong baths, imagine an apple revisited, Brady's idea for youtube rewind, still more straws, and meditation... results? - Cloud Hosting Service: get started with a $20 credit at
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'Winter Wonderland' hot stop drop
SHOWNOTES UPDATE: hot stop drop found
🎄Merry Christmas 🎄
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Brady and Grey discuss: Berlin hotdrops, China feedback, fizzy water revisited, annual Instagram Island, yet more straw materials, art corner, the completely appalling and totally unacceptable Peloton bike commercial, and YouTube Rewind 2019.
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Notre-Dame redesign that won't happen
Grey and Brady discuss: veganism and murder rooms, Brady visits China, how brains visualize things, many much podcasts, weekly TV, Plane Crash Corner without planes, The Buzz without bees.
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Grey and Brady discuss: skyscrapers, what it's like in your head, iPhone trypophobia, Brady gets an Apple Watch, AirBnB revisited, the final trailer for the final Star Wars, and The Game Changers.
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Grey and Brady discuss: Grey's suspension from YouTube, the end of Project Cyclops, straws, Brady goes West, and Ingrid Goes West.
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Grey & Brady complain about things.
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McDonald's paper straws cannot be recycled
Every Frame a Painting: A Brief Look at Texting and the Internet in Film
Grey and Brady discuss: the annual heat wave, Plŵgpopeth, being remembered for a thousand years yet again, correctly reporting the Apollo anniversary, Grey unintentionally fuels several conspiracy theories, new airport security features and possible paranoia, sneaky sportsball corner, and Formula 1: Drive to Survive.
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BBC: UK heatwave -- Was Thursday the hottest day on record?
Advertiser Sunday Mail Apollo 11 Anniversary Cover
The Melbourne Herald Sun Apollo 11 image
Grey Granny driver? Decide for yourself!
One in eight men believe they could win a point against Serena Williams
Grey and Brady discuss: a new low for safety videos, Tesla's Auto Navigation beta, the 50th anniversary of Apollo, and meditation.