Jean-Claude Bradley

Organic Chemistry III at Drexel University. Aromatics, amines, enol chemistry, ketones, aldehydes and carboxylic acid derivatives. Class blog at Instructor: Jean-Claude Bradley.

  • Welcome Fall 05 class
    A few notes for those of you taking this course fully online in the Fall of 2005.

    1) Class announcements will be made to this blog.
    2) Subscribe to the blog by clicking on the Subscribe with Bloglines button at the top of the blog.
    3) Quizzes and tests are in WebCT. For now all students must login as guest to If you don't have the password email me. Do not go through until I let you know that it is ready.
    4) The first test will be around week 5. That will show up in WebCT when it is set up through
    28 September 2005, 9:48 pm
  • list of student blogs
    Here is the list of blogs generated by students for the extra credit assignment. The idea was to find an application of 2 reaction that we learned about in class. Most of the blogs were submitted right before the deadline so there was no time to give feedback. There are errors in many of these and several do not adhere to the guidelines (especially linking to online peer-reviewed articles). However they are listed here to highlight the multiple uses of organic synthesis and the interesting variety in the ways of presenting such information on blogs.

    Akshay's Orgo Blog
    Smitha's blog
    Jennifer's Blog
    Andu's Blog
    Hydroxylamine Sri
    J.D.'s blog
    7 June 2005, 1:56 pm
  • Lecture 028: Wheel of orgo 5
    There were no questions for the exam so we did one last Wheel of Orgo to practice reactions from the whole course. There were 3 enol reaction patterns to identify in the first 2 syntheses. Then we synthesized a cat from glycine.

    mp3 podcast Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    streaming screencast Flash
    4 June 2005, 10:41 am
  • Lecture 028 pdf
    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.
    4 June 2005, 4:22 am
  • Lecture 027: make-up test 2 review
    We went over some common mistakes made in test 2, mainly on enol chemistry.

    mp3 podcast Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    streaming screencast Flash
    2 June 2005, 1:10 pm
  • Lecture 027 pdf
    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.
    2 June 2005, 4:21 am
  • Lecture 026: Extra Credit Help
    Here are directions for completing the extra credit for this class. In the screencast I show how to:
    1) Download ChemSketch (only for Drexel students)
    2) Use wikipedia and Google scholar to find an article with a relevant synthetic step.
    3) Draw out the single step reaction with ChemSketch.
    4) Use Paint to convert the ChemSketch work into a bitmap file.
    5) Create a Flickr account to upload the bitmap file and create a tag. (Everyone in my classes use at least the "orgo" tag in Flickr.)
    6) Find the url referencing the picture in Flickr using properties and insert into a blog post. (I also go through creating a Blogger account)
    7) Give a brief description of the reaction and link to at least one peer-reviewed article.

    Notice that all the services are completely free. A freeware version of Chemsketch is available here. I don't know how it compares to the Drexel version.

    The example I used was the last step in the synthesis of ibuprofen - the hydrolysis of a nitrile. This is what it looks like.

    Remember the last day to have the extra credit work done is Friday June 3, 2005 at midnight.

    mp3 podcast Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    There is no pdf for this lecture.

    streaming screencast Flash
    28 May 2005, 1:54 pm
  • Lecture 025: test 2 review
    I gave the solutions to the extra enol problems I posted on Monday and answered questions about the test.

    mp3 podcast Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    streaming screencast Flash
    26 May 2005, 3:37 pm
  • Lecture 025 pdf
    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.
    26 May 2005, 4:19 am
  • Lecture 024: prob 12 d-h
    We finished problem 12 on enol chemistry and completed the list of the patterns to look for in these syntheses. At the end of class I put up a few more problems of varying difficulty then assisted students in small groups. I'll post the solution to these on Wednesday.

    The test will be available Wednesday afternoon, a little earlier because Sunday and Monday Korman is closed. I will answer questions on Wednesday concerning the test then if there is any time left we'll do another Wheel of Orgo. Online students make sure to email me your questions.

    mp3 podcast Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

    streaming screencast Flash
    24 May 2005, 3:43 pm
  • Lecture 024
    pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.
    24 May 2005, 4:19 am
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