Explore coffee through history, science, music, and other vaguely-related topics. Join Brian Franklin from Tulsa-based DoubleShot Coffee Company and co-host Mark Brown from Argentfork.com as they meander around coffee-inspired ideas and engaging interviews.
DoubleShot Coffee Company turns twenty-one on March 5, 2025. Mark and Brian discuss the ever-perplexing birthday poster, which incorporates a spray painted chimpanzee ripped off from nemesis, which was originally created as a part of the second human trial for a banana coffee through the spurious American Society for the Caffeination of Primates. Wednesday marks the launch of the Sappy Meal, available at DoubleShot. You too can wear the Sappy shirt seen in the nemesis painting, available at DoubleShotCoffee.com. While you're there, buy a pound of Juan's Montelin Pacamara Natural. Happy birthday to us.
It's January and coffees harvested a year ago are just arriving in Tulsa. With coffee commodity prices soaring and shipping complications worldwide, the coffee industry is in chaos. Jim McEnanay joined Brian and Mark via zoom to discuss the state of affairs. This interview was recorded December 6, and since then the EUDR has been postponed to December 30, 2025. The dockworkers' strike that was set to begin on January 15 has been averted due to a new contract agreement. The commodity price of coffee today is $3.98, up from $1.89 one year ago today.
As 2024 draws to a close, Mark and Brian talk about the highlights of the past twelve months. And end with their annual "ten things" lists. Check out the playlist on spotify, if you dare. Happy holidays.
All this talk about "the Gesha," and the day finally arrived for Franklin to roast it. With over eighty orders in the queue, the roastmaster went to work. And then sat down in the AA Cafe studio immediately afterward to talk about how it felt. If you pre-ordered the coffee, you'll be enjoying it soon. If you didn't, you're missing out on an amazing experience. Don't let that happen to you again; check out the craziness unfolding at purist.coffee/nemesis.
Franklin is roasting another Gesha. Maybe the best one he's ever roasted. Certainly one of the best that Felipe Arcila at Cofinet has ever produced in their ten years. Felipe sat in on a zoom interview with the roastmaster. Mark and Brian sip on some coffee from La Pastora - the second holiday coffee of the year at DoubleShot. Buy the Gesha online at DoubleShotCoffee.com.
It's the Thanksgiving episode of AA Cafe and full of holiday cheer. Mark and Brian sip Beredo and talk to Firaol Ahmed about its origins. There's a diversion discussing Firaol's VO2 Max, and then they launch directly into talk of a very fresh Gesha natural out of Colombia, which is available for pre-purchase on the DoubleShot app and at DoubleShotCoffee.com.
Herb Gottfried is quite a character. A renaissance man, Mark says. Herb has been a regular at DoubleShot for quite some time, and decided to give us an oar he got from Cornell University when he taught rowing there. We sat down with him to discuss his life and career, his love for rowing, and the history of this oar. He's a fascinating guy, and his episode of the DoubleShot Folk podcast is well worth a listen. Find it at DoubleShotFolk.org or on the DoubleShot website.
The first holiday coffee of the year is on the shelves and available online and on the DoubleShot app. And David De Olier came through with another chocolate bar that's unusual and intense. Find both of these at DoubleShotCoffee.com.
With the political season coming to a close and autumn in full swing, Mark and Brian fire up the mics to talk about shipping. Significant issues have caused delays in shipping that have hindered our ability to get coffee from both Ethiopia and Nicaragua. Brian has a conversation with Firaol Ahmed from Moii Coffee about shipping out of his home country of Ethiopia. And then Brian Phillips from Anthem Coffee Imports made the drive from Kansas City to Tulsa to discuss shipping delays out of Nicaragua. Things you might not normally think about, but our societies ride the tides of worldwide shipping. Have a listen.
Skyler Cooper, the host of afternoon news at FM102.3 KRMG and producer of the Full Access OK podcast, came to DoubleShot and sat down in the AA Cafe studio to talk about coffee during National Coffee Month. He graciously let us use this audio, which features the entire interview, as the new cycle only allowed time for an edited version. Listen here, and catch Skyler's podcast and news broadcast at KRMG.com.
Morgan Long is a farmer at Prairie Creek Farms and a regular at the DoubleShot. She wrote a children's book called Sandwich the Pig, which is a true story about a half-wild pig she rescued on the farm. Morgan sat down with Brian to talk about the book and her life, and to share a little more about Sandwich. Buy Morgan's book at DoubleShotCoffee.com.
Pre-order Brian's book, The Coffee Purist at purist.coffee.
Firaol Ahmed emailed roastmaster Brian Franklin a few months ago, asking if he'd like samples of his Ethiopian coffee. Franklin get emails like this from random strangers a lot, but for some reason decided to look into this one. The young importer and seasoned roaster found a lot in common, and made a deal on some outstanding coffee. In this episode, Firaol tells about his history, while Mark and Brian discuss the backstory behind DoubleShot's Ethiopian coffee drama. Get the Ethiopia Guji Buku Abel at DoubleShotCoffee.com. Pre-order The Coffee Purist at purist.coffee.