Journey Church Sunday Worship Gathering Audio - Bozeman, Montana

Journey Church Bozeman

Sunday worship gathering audio from Journey Church in Bozeman, Montana. Our mission is to lead people to radical love-in-action like Jesus.

  • 40 minutes 51 seconds
    a different way: Culture Of Contempt


    Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | October 13, 2024

    Reflection Questions:
    1. What evidence do you see that we live in a culture of contempt? How does it affect you personally?

    2. How could a person seek to limit their exposure to the culture of contempt?

    3. How have you observed contempt for others in your heart? Who do you see is an enemy in your life? Who do you find difficult to love at times?

    4. Do you think it is possible to have genuine compassion for those whom you see as your enemies? Why or why not?

    5. How do you see Jesus showing us an example of being compassionate toward His enemies? How can we cultivate that same heart of compassion in our own heart? What makes that difficult for you? What barriers do you need to overcome?

    6. Why would praying for your enemies help us change our view of them? How can this soften our heart toward them and change our behavior toward them?

    7. What is one “enemy” that you can start praying for today and seek good for them? How can you tangibly show love toward that person today?

    What’s your next step?
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    13 October 2024, 6:50 pm
  • 29 minutes 12 seconds
    a different way: How to Overcome Anger

    Jim Keena | Guest Speaker | October 6, 2024

    Reflection Questions:
    1. How did your parents resolve conflicts between you and your siblings? What's the best advice you've received for dealing with anger?
    2. Matthew 5:21-26 is the first of what has been called the "Six Antitheses." It is a series of statements in Matthew 5:21-48, where Jesus contrasts the "You have heard it said..." in culture with the "But I tell you..." of Jesus' teachings. Dallas Willard created a chart highlighting the differences in his book "The Divine Conspiracy" (page 146). Please read and discuss his summary of the six antitheses.

    Situation | Old Righteousness | Kingdom Righteousness
    a. Irritation with one’s associates. (5:21-26) | No murder. | Intense desire to be of help. No anger or contempt.
    b. Sexual attraction. (5:27-30) | No intercourse. | No cultivation of lust.
    c. Unhappiness with marriage partner. (5:31-32) | If you divorce, give “pink slip”. | No divorce, as then practiced.
    d. Wanting someone to believe something. (5:33-37) | Keep vows or oaths made to convince. | Only say how things are or are not. No verbal manipulation.
    e. Being personally injured. (5:38-42) | Inflict exactly the same injury on the offender. | Don’t harm, but help, the one who has damaged you.
    f. Having an enemy. (5:43-48) | Hate your enemy. | Love & bless your enemy, as the heavenly Father does.

    3. Read Matthew 5:23-24. Is there someone the Holy Spirit is prompting you “to go and be reconciled to”?How does Jesus develop a connection between anger and murder? And why is it so essential to guard your heart against anger and contempt?
    4. How do you distinguish between so-called righteous and unrighteous anger? Can you recall examples in the New Testament when Jesus expressed righteous anger? Read and discuss Paul’s teaching about anger in Ephesians 5:26-32.
    5. In the sermon on Sunday, the question was asked, “How do we overcome anger when we’ve been overcome by anger?” What are some of the ways you have learned to overcome anger and contempt toward others?
    6. Read Matthew 5:23-24. Is there someone the Holy Spirit is prompting you “to go and be reconciled to”?

    What’s your next step?
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    6 October 2024, 6:41 pm
  • 42 minutes 8 seconds
    a different way: Inside Out Righteousness

    Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | September 29, 2024

    Reflection Questions:
    1. What does it mean to say that Jesus was “opposed to religion?” How would you define “religion”?

    2. Religion tends to focus on what we do more than why we do it. Why is it so important to Jesus that we do the right things for the right reasons? What can happen when we don’t focus and reflect on our heart motivations for following Jesus?

    3. Why does a focus on our inner life (heart/motives) lead to obedience in our outer life (behavior)?

    4. What are the right motivations for obedience? What are some wrong motivations for obedience?

    5. How can a person learn to discern what our true heart motivations are for obedience?

    Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal yourself to yourself. Pray this psalm…

    Psalm 139:23-24
    Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
    See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

    • What comes to your mind that God would want to change in your heart and mind?
    • Who is one person you could share this with and pray for the Holy Spirit to bring change?

    What’s your next step?
    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions: 
    Connect: Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp: 
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    29 September 2024, 6:56 pm
  • 42 minutes 11 seconds
    a different way: We Shine Light… We Don’t Throw Shade

    Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | September 22, 2024

    Reflection Questions:
    1. What evidence do you see in our culture that followers of Jesus are have not been the salt and light he tells us we are?

    2. How do you need to grow in becoming salt and light in the areas of the culture where Jesus has you right now?

    3. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you in talking with nonbelievers about faith? Explain. What hinders you from having spiritual conversations with people? Where do you need help?

    4. Why is learning to listen to people so important in helping them come to know and follow Jesus? What is the cost of not listening and understanding them? How does being listened to and understood make a person feel known and loved?

    5. What are some questions we can ask that help us understand where a person is at on their spiritual journey?

    6. What are some of examples in the life of Jesus where we see him being CONTRASTED (different) and CONNECTED to people? Why do WE need both of these qualities to be salt and light to the world? Describe what a person would be like with one or the other but not both. Which one do you need to grow in the most? Explain.

    7. Who are some people (or one person) in your life right or on your heart to whom you could be salt and light right now? What step could you take to initiate with them? INVEST and INVITE (bring them to Journey with you)?

    Listening Questions…
    What was your religious background growing up?
    Was that a positive or negative or somewhere in between?
    What have you tried in your spiritual journey since?
    Where are you now on your spiritual journey?
    Do you feel like you are moving toward God, away from God, or staying about the same?
    If God could be known would you want to know Him?

    What’s your next step?
    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions: 
    Connect: Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp: 
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    22 September 2024, 6:38 pm
  • 40 minutes 29 seconds
    a different way: I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.

    Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | September 15, 2024

    Reflection Questions:

    1. Read Matthew 5:1-11… How do you define the “#blessed” life? How does our culture define the “#blessed” life? How do these contrast the blessed life that Jesus describes? How have you seen the culture around you shape your thoughts of what a blessed life looks like.

    2. Which of the beatitudes are the most challenging for you to believe? Which beatitudes make you question your own following of Jesus? How do you need to grow and/or change?

    3. Why is realizing our spiritual poverty (neediness) a prerequisite to experiencing the blessed life? What challenges exist if we don’t?

    4. What do the groups that Jesus identifies as blessed seem to have in common?

    5. Which of the groups that Jesus identifies as blessed do you feel closest to? Why?

    6. Which of the groups that Jesus identifies as blessed do you feel least like? Why?

    7. What do the groups have in common? What are some themes or threads you see in these groups? What are examples of each beatitude in the life of Jesus?

    8. How can you take these words of Jesus and put them into practice this week? (Matthew 7:23-24)

    What’s your next step?
    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions: 
    Connect: Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp: 
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    15 September 2024, 6:59 pm
  • 37 minutes 56 seconds
    a different way: to make a difference the Church needs to be different

    a different way: to make a difference the Church needs to be different | September 8, 2024
    Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor

    Reflection Questions:
    1. Read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) What are some things that Jesus says that are counter to how our culture thinks?
    2. What are some things that are challenging for you to hear? How do His words challenge your thinking or behavior?
    3 .What are some things that are difficult to understand? What questions does this sermon this raise for you?
    4. How do you think the church would be different if we all took the Sermon On The Mount seriously and sought to obey His words?
    5. In ways do you think the church in general has not lived out the Kingdom values of the Sermon On The Mount?
    6. Read Matthew 7:24-27 What is one area that the Holy Spirit is prompting you to listen to these words and put them into practice? How will practically take a step of obedience?
    7. Jesus what are you saying to me? Jesus what do you want me to do?

    Next Steps:
    Complete the Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any question: 
    Want to worship through giving and support the ministry of Journey Church: 
    Download our app: 
    Join our Facebook Group to stay connected throughout the week: 
    Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp: 
    Our Student Ministry is for High School and Middle School students: 
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    8 September 2024, 6:43 pm
  • 37 minutes 16 seconds
    Practical Ways to Live Out the Fruits of the Spirit

    Brian Priebe | Executive Pastor | September 1, 2024

    Reflection Questions:

    1. Read Galatians 5:22-23 & Colossians 3:12-15.

    2. Which one or two of the fruits of the Spirit listed in these two passages would you say you do the best job living out in your day to day life?

    3. Which one or two of the fruits of the Spirit listed in these two passages would you say is an area you want to continue to grow in?

    4. Read Galatians 5:13-14. What principles does Paul emphasize before he shares the fruits of the Spirit that help us cultivate a lifestyle promoting the fruits of the Spirit?

    5. The sermon outlined a link between a simple life, margin and investment in relationships. Which of those things are aligned with our culture and which are not? Which are represented by your current lifestyle and which are not?

    What’s your next step?

    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions: 
    Connect: Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp: 
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    1 September 2024, 6:59 pm
  • 38 minutes 26 seconds
    Jesus In The Old Testament: Jim Bridger, Jacob, and the End of Self-Sufficiency

    Vern Streeter | Guest Speaker | August 25, 2024 9am

    Reflection Questions:

    1. Got a good bear story?

    2. What does it mean to you to wrestle with God?

    3. Vern said lately he feels that “…forgiveness is the greatest thing about God.” What, these days, is the greatest thing about God for you? (Why is forgiveness such a huge deal?)

    4. What are your thoughts about “killing your self-sufficiency?” (Self-sufficient: Needing no outside help in satisfying one’s basic needs.)

    5. How might self-sufficiency hinder your relationship with God and with others?

    What’s your next step?
    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions: 
    Connect: Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp: 
    Connect: Our Student Ministry is for High School and Middle School students: 
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    26 August 2024, 3:17 pm
  • 42 minutes 46 seconds
    Jesus in the Old Testament: Jonah and the Problem of Grace

    Vern Streeter | Guest Speaker | August 18, 2024 11am

    Reflection Questions:

    1. When did you first learn about “Jonah and the Whale” and how has your understanding of the story changed over the years?

    2. Reflect about your struggles with the lack of justice in the world.

    3. How is Jonah Christ-like and how is he unlike Christ?

    4. Talk about your positive and negative feelings regarding grace – that God is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding love and faithfulness…forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin.” (Ex. 34:5-7)

    What’s your next step?

    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions:
    Connect: Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp:
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    18 August 2024, 6:39 pm
  • 39 minutes 50 seconds
    Jesus in the Old Testament: Redemption

    Logan Holloman | Next Gen Pastor | August 11, 2024

    View or Download our full sermon notes here:


    Reflection Questions:

    1. What comes to mind when you hear redemption? Any examples whether through personal experience or from culture? (movies, literature, etc)

    2. Where in your life are you waiting for redemption? (family, marriage, job, healing, future/past, etc?)

    3. Redeemed people are often admired but often only after trials over long periods of time. How are you waiting?

    4. Ruth’s posture of self-sacrifice is evident throughout the four chapters. In doing so she hands over control to allow God to redeem her and her family. What is the posture you might have to take to allow God to redeem what you might be trying to control?

    What’s your next step?
    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions:
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    11 August 2024, 6:35 pm
  • 34 minutes 21 seconds
    Jesus in the Old Testament: Elijah

    Logan Holloman | Next Gen Pastor | August 4, 2024

    View or Download our full sermon notes here:


    Reflection Questions:

    1. Can you recall a time when you saw God’s power at work in your life? Since that time have you ever doubted God’s care for you?

    2. We often discredit ourselves from God’s work in our lives due to our complexities and brokenness. Take that to God in prayer, what might he want to speak to our heal?

    3. Elijah hands off to Elisha, Jesus to the early church. Who has God given you influence with that you can pass your faith to?

    4. Where might I need to repent and ask for God’s grace in my life?

    What’s your next step?

    Connect: We'd love to connect with you! Fill out our Connect Card to receive more information, have us pray for you, or to ask us any questions:
    Connect: Get your children connected to our children's ministry, Base Camp:
    Connect: Our Student Ministry is for High School and Middle School students:
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    5 August 2024, 3:39 pm
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