The purpose of The Bridge is simple: lead people to fall more in love with Jesus Christ. Regardless of your background, baggage, or present situation, we believe God has something great for your future. Therefore, we want to provide a safe place to enounter God without all the rules, rigidity, and meaningless rituals that religion offers. But we do have one rule... NO PERFECT PEOPLE ALLOWED!
The ultimate true friend is Jesus. He died for us when we didn’t deserve it. So what now? How are we supposed to live with that type of freedom? Being a true friend is understanding the grace and power we have through the Holy Spirit, and pouring that out in our relationships.
Relationships can be messy. Disagreements and fights are inevitable. So how do we reconcile? Jesus shows us himself how a relationship can be restored, despite what has happened in the past.
Jesus gave us a new commandment: love one another … the way he loves us.
Intimacy is impossible without being vulnerable. The challenge with being vulnerable is we might get hurt. But when we are reminded of our origin, and who we are in Christ, our relationships can experience intimacy. Because we are okay with being vulnerable.
Why should I keep following Jesus?
How do I follow Jesus?
What does “follow” really mean?
Who can follow Jesus?
What caused David, the man after God’s own heart, to commit adultery and murder? In this message we follow the small compromises that lead to David’s demise and establish three truths to help counteract the same mistakes in our own lives.
In Genesis 4 we see someone who could have killed the baby monsters in his life while they were still small, but didn’t. Huge horrible deeds come from tiny seeds - if we’re not victors over our sin we’ll become victims of it.
Judas wasn’t always known as the man who betrayed Jesus. But sin that is allowed to grow can change our identity without us realizing. In observing his betrayal, we are given two truths that can lead us from a path of our own destruction and we see the faithfulness of Jesus to always offer a way to redemption.