Heart of the Night Show - Indie Rock, Pop, Folk and Variety Music


Indie Rock, Pop, Folk, and Variety Music.

  • 27 minutes 31 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show for February 26th, 2010

    The Heart of the Night Show rides again on a glorious mixed bag of Indie music that is sure to please those of you who can't be constrained to a narrow definition of genres in your hunt for musical goodness. I am particularly pleased to be bringing you a new one from London's own Tom McKean and the Emperors. Their debut CD is still in the works, but I've been lucky enough to score some advance selections, and they are brilliant! The show turned out a bit "British Empire" this week with additional music from British bands The Cellophane Flowers, The Bad Hands, Fearless Vampire Killers and their Australian cousins, The Wells. South Carolina's Aaron Berg makes the only US showing this episode, but I think he holds his own pretty well. Then again, come to think of it, it wasn't too long ago that the Brits had us in tow as well. Full show playlists with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/Heart_Of_The_Night_Show. You can also check out our (always commercial-free) IndieHeart Eclectic Rock Internet Radio Station at http://indieheart/rock. One click subscription to the podcast in iTunes! itunesadd.gif
    26 February 2010, 7:16 am
  • 30 minutes 31 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show for August 23rd, 2009

    Back to the show again after a long period working to update the IndieHeart site to make it an easier place for you to find music...I hope it worked and you'll stop by! Artists on the show this week include lovely ladies Alexx Calise and Star Anna and The Laughing Dogs along with the equally lovely Neil Nathan, Zia Hassan, Renegade Ride, and Sexstone. Yeah...yeah...it's terribly eclectic. Jill Nojack is an eclectic kind of gal. In your Internet ramblings in the next few weeks, don't forget to visit the IndieHeart site for the full show playlist with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/Heart_Of_The_Night_Show. You can also check out our new IndieHeart Eclectic Rock Internet Radio Station at http://indieheart/rock and subscribe to the Daily Download MP3 Blog for free downloads. One click subscription to the podcast in iTunes! itunesadd.gif
    23 August 2009, 7:16 am
  • 24 minutes 18 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show for April 19th, 2009

    It's about time there was a new Heart of the Night Show, doncha think? Well...I know a couple of you think so, since you emailed enquiring about my health! Both I and the Heart of the Night Show are healthy, happy, and on target with some terrific new music. This week's show includes selections from Cold Taxi, The James Clark Institute, McTwist, Ross Crean, The Teddy Boys, and Lizzie Nunnery. Don't forget to visit the IndieHeart site for the full playlist with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/podcasts. You can also check out our new IndieHeart Eclectic Rock Internet Radio Station on the "Radio" page. The station is currently in beta testing, but we'd love to hear any feedback about the station so that we can do our best to make it your first stop for Indie and Unsigned Music. One click subscription in iTunes. itunesadd.gif
    19 April 2009, 7:16 am
  • 32 minutes 2 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show for October 12th, 2008

    Parental Guidance Warning: this episode of the Heart of the Night Show contains language and themes that are not appropriate for children. With that out of the way - how many 12 year olds can appreciate music anyway? Let them keep that Soulja Boy guy...we'll savor the good stuff while they're out of the room. This week's episode includes selections from The Antiques (North Carolina), Freeflow (British Columbia, Canada), The Shutters (UK), Dan Tindall (Northern Ireland), Droll (Phoenix, AZ), and The Sway (England). One click subscription in iTunes! itunesadd.gif
    27 December 2008, 2:16 am
  • 28 minutes
    Heart of the Night Show for December 26th, 2008

    This warm-you-up-in-the-chill-of-December edition of the Heart of the Night Show includes an international cast of terrific bands and performers. We feature music from David Ullman (Ohio), Catapult (Canada), Serial Obsession (New York), Overload Romance (Indonesia), and Plunkett (Italy). The show starts out with a young band from the UK I really dig. Tom Stephens and the Retreat are certainly ones to watch out for in the coming years! Visit the IndieHeart site for the full playlist with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/podcasts. One click subscription in iTunes. itunesadd.gif
    26 December 2008, 7:16 am
  • 28 minutes 8 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show for August 27th, 2008

    This episode of the show rocks out with Braintoy (Canada), Cold Taxi (Maryland), Jimi Pocius (Connecticut), crashtv (London), The Teddy Boys (Iowa), and Plan A (New York). Visit the IndieHeart site for the full playlist with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/podcasts. One click subscription in iTunes! itunesadd.gif
    27 August 2008, 6:00 am
  • 28 minutes 37 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show for July 8th, 2008

    The show returns from hiatus this week with lots that is new! New artists debuting on the show this week include Lizzie Nunnery from Liverpool and Megan Paige from New Jersey. These ladies will knock your socks off! Three of the Heart of the Night Show favorite artists also released new CDs while the lazy HOTN Show DJ was on vacation, so we hope you enjoy the new releases from crashtv's "Sound Put" CD, The Daniel Iorio Group's "Hike" CD, and The James Clark Institute's "SideShow Unattraction" CD. New Jersey's Headlights on the Coastline round out what we think is a pretty fab show with a the wide variety of Indie and Unsigned music you've come to expect. Visit the IndieHeart site for the full playlist with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/podcasts. One click subscription in iTunes! itunesadd.gif
    8 July 2008, 6:00 am
  • 35 minutes 59 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show Encore from February 13th, 2007

    Roots rock and roll, heavy rock, folk/rock, pop/rock, acoustic screamo...whatever you like - this show has a little something for you. This encore episode showcases Indie music from Germany (Pull A Star Trip), the UK (Tom McKean and the Emperors), Austria (Gustave Berthe), Russia (Puzzlescum), Australia (King Curly), Canada (Number One World), and the good ol' US of A (The Wildlife and Neil Benjamin). It will definitely bring you a planetary tour of some of the best music from the Indie and Unsigned world. Visit the IndieHeart site for the full playlist with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/podcasts. One click subscription in iTunes! itunesadd.gif
    24 May 2008, 6:00 am
  • 33 minutes 13 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show Encore from August 8th, 2006

    This encore episode of the Heart of the Night Show reaches back to August of 2006 to run the gamut with an all out bit of madness from refrag (New Zealand) to a gentle acoustic tune from Misanthropy (UK). In between, tunes from a great gaggle of Canadian musicians, including Melissa McClelland, LoadPuller, Tim Tibbitts, Carly and Mark, and Daniel Iorio. The show ends with Iowa's Circle of Friends and show hostess, jill no jack, taking a turn as vocalist to poke a bit of fun at everyone's favorite "Pop Princess", Britney Spears. (Yeah...that's right - everyone is taking a turn at that these days, eh? It's starting to not even be fun anymore.) One click subscription in iTunes! One Click Subscription! itunesadd.gif
    30 April 2008, 6:00 am
  • 25 minutes 47 seconds
    Heart of the Night Show for Thursday, April 17th

    This last show before the HOTN show goes on hiatus brings you some terrific new songs. England's crashtv has been kind enough to grant the Heart of the Night Show an exclusive track from the upcoming CD, Soundput, and I think you're going to dig it! This show also includes a wonderful acoustic pop tune from Paul Liddell's new EP, New Thing Coming, an out-of-character but beautifully sad acoustic tune from Colorado's Our Funeral Forgotten, and some good old rock 'n roll from New Jersey's Headlights on the Coastline and Wisconsin's Certain Stars. We round out the show with Mr. Sexy Voice from Pakistan himself, Moby.MK.II. (The guys listening to the show may not get it, but we ladies need a treat once in a while, don't we?) One Click Subscription! itunesadd.gif
    17 April 2008, 6:10 am
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