Fluff in Brooklyn's Fluff Radio Review

Colleen AF Venable and Annie Sanders

The people who bring you Fluff in Brooklyn have started a once a week variety show, complete with skits, improvised songs, and ladies with fake staches. Each week will feature a new musical guest performing two songs. Past guests have included amazing artists such as the Dresden Dolls, Corn Mo, Palomar, and many more. Starring Annie Sanders and Colleen AF Venable and a slew of other local New York Kings County folk.

  • 48 minutes 58 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #64: Not Waving But Drowning (in Speedos)
    Bring on the live Violin! The amazing Not Waving But Drowning joins us in the studio for this week’s episode. A band filled with celebrities: Pinky: The Proud Former Owner of Pantyliner.com; John: Wanted in Three States for Swing-Related Acts of Violence; Jeremy: A Man of Many Many Words (all of them Brilliant
and siilent); and Sir Mason Brown, whom you’ve all met before. Together they form one of the most original bands this here city has seen in a long long time. Join us to dance along to live (in my apartment) performances of the happiest domestic violence song in the world and join in the search for Annie Sanders! Put on your speedo and get ready. This ones a good one! Musical Guest: Not Waving But Drowning performing “Let’s Go Dancing” and “Maypole” Tales of Wonder: * Turfinchin’: The Tasty Thanksgiving Finch * Where in the World is (octave drop) Annie Saaanders * I’llfuckinghookyouup.com * Naming the Band * Filters That Photoshop Should Make Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: * “Annie Sanders, Attorney at Blood
Stuff.” * “DrunkenDaredevilCaterers dot com?” * “One time I was wearing a douche bag and I forgot to take it off when I peed out the window.” * “There’s this special photoshop Speedo filter, press this button and everyone in your picture will be wearing a speedo.”> * “You guys are going to have a droll off soon.” * “I would get a phd at the School of Light FM” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    1 January 1970, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    Fluff Radio Review #67: THE END
or This Isn’t Goodbye, This is Banana Hammock
    Oh Boyz 2 Men! Why didn’t you explain to me how to actually SAY GOODBYE rather than just singing about how hard it is to do so?! One final show and one final party to send Ms. Annie off to CA in style
A crazy mess of a show with lots of love both from all of you fans, and FOR all of you fans. Fluff Radio Review is the most fun and rewarding creative project I’ve ever been a part of, and Brooklyn misses Annie something fierce. But don’t cry. Okay
maybe cry a little. We love each and every one of our listeners. Those who made themselves known and those who secretly grinned to our dumb antics on their headphones. Thank you thank you thank you for listening. Hugs, Kisses, Spoons, Farts, and Crafts– Ms. Colleen Ann Felicity Venable, 1/2 of the FFR Musical Guest: A screaming mash-up of various “Fluff Radio House Band” members Tales of Wonder: * The Oracle of Raven * The Real Reasons For the Breakup * The Quest for the Party Foul Song * Goodbye Messages for Annie * We agree to do 1,000,000 more shows, but then there’s a fire and we all die. Yay! Songs: * Earth Annie (read our incoherent lyrics here) * The Party Foul Song Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: * “I’m responsible for helping get the internet to canada
one long pipe made out of straws.” * “We fluffed for years, drank many beers, and talked of our fart, fart-y-ness.” * “Keep that banana-pajamed.” * “Lookout california because I like to spoon, too.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    13 January 2009, 6:40 am
  • 2 minutes 37 seconds
    BONUS CLIP: Garbage Man Song (from Fluff Radio Review #66: The Second to Last One)
    http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    2 November 2008, 6:40 am
  • 59 minutes 49 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #66: The Second to Last One
    Nearly a year after show 66 was recorded, it has at last been edited, polished up, and prepared for your consumption. Will it be worth the wait? The only way to find out is to listen. I’m not saying Jimmy Hoffa is inside, but I am saying that it’s better than that time Geraldo opened his alleged tomb on live television. Musical Guest: The Fluff Radio House Band Tales of Wonder: Poopin’ at the Dentist Make Your Own Dolphin World’s Coolest Drumsticks Sock Lobster! Martial Arts Secret Weapon: The Blossom Attack! Songs: The Garbage Man Six Degrees of Johnny Depp (actually it’s more of a game than a song!) Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: “Dolphin bits inside as a little bonus!” “I wish Flickr was actually called Flickr-Booger” “You can have a party and give everyone a shaker egg, and everyone will have a good time.” “Pregnancy test is my second favorite type of beer.” “Whenever you need me, just shake, and I’ll be there.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    2 November 2008, 6:40 am
  • 52 minutes 10 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #65: Trick or Treat Bananaphone
    In the time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for some humor. They were Annie and Colleen, mighty Princesses forged in the heat of Brooklyn. Their comedy would change the world! Musical Guest: The Puppini Sisters performing “Heart of Glass” and “Wuthering Heights” Tales of Wonder: * Period Weaponry - and we’re not talking Renaissance. * Ear, Nose, and Throat Singing * Bananaphone! * Denim Forensics * How to Play the Mouth Harp, with Mikey IQ Jones Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: * “Use your period for Good!” * “The squiiiid! SQUUIIIIIIIID!!!” * “I’ve got two useless bananas!” * “Knock knock, who’s there, trick or treat, bananaphone.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    1 February 2008, 6:40 am
  • 48 minutes 20 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #63: Make Left Here...Make Left Here...Recalculating
    Do you have a sense of direction about as good a dead seal’s? Well, you’re in luck! Introducing the FLUFF GPS system! We’ll get you there or at least within 50 miles of where you wanted to go. And we won’t ramble on and on about when to make rights and lefts, but will tell you the REALLY important things like spots we once got mugged and the best delis to buy 10 year old twinkees. Fluff GPS WE MAKEA YOUR DREEEEAMS COME TRUE! Musical Guest: Luke Temple performing “Saturday People” and “People Do” Tales of Wonder: * GPS AKT BEAN Crime Edition * Smashing Pumpkins (with Catapults) * The Age Old Question of the Aged Old Twinkies * Halloween Sexiness 2008 Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: * “You have now reached the center of Ovid.” * “I’m a toaster but I’m a SEEEEEXY toaster.” * “I’m a little dubious about the Fantastic Mr. Orgasmic or was it the Emporium Spazmorium?” * “Moral of the story kids, wash your hands at least once every three days.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    2 December 2007, 6:40 am
  • 38 minutes 18 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #62: Postal Pancakes
    It’s time to fold up your beard and put away your flannel for another year, but we hope everyone had a great Lumberjack Day. In preparation for next year, we reveal an amazing secret that is SO secret that the government probably doesn’t want you to know about it! And I’m not talking about Children of the Unicorn, although the government probably doesn’t want you to know about them either, because if the awesomosity of their sonic vibrations hit the public at large, the world would probably implode with sexy coolness. Musical Guest: Children of the Unicorn performing “Night Shark” and “A Girl Like You” Tales of Wonder: Lumberjack Day Recap Spontaneous Citizen’s Arrests Colleen vs the Peach Martini Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: “A Gentleman NEVER has tea before four!” “Magellan’s where it’s at!” “Most people have b.o
 I have p.o.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    1 November 2007, 3:40 pm
  • 48 minutes 56 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #61: A Tree Grew In Brooklyn (and we cut that s**t down)
    If you make it past the opening of this bad-boy you win yourself a big ol’ plate of pancakes! In celebration of the 3rd Annual Lumberjack Day this week’s show is co-hosted by a few actual lumberjacks, a real Canadian, and a narcoleptic. It’s filled to the brim with sweet, sweet, syrup and Pine Puns you can’t help but feel the urge to break out your Pearl Jam Flannels and chop sum-thing down! Want to know more about how to celebrate Lumberjack Day? Well go to just go to the incredibly easy to remember website: www.lumberjackdaydotcomwastaken.com (I still argue that domain is the best $6 I ever spent
) When you celebrate be sure to write about it on the Fluff Forum. Bonus Points for making edible Panfaces just like Marianne (one of the holiday’s creators always does! Mmmm Panfaces. Musical Guest: The Virgins performing “Rich Girl” and “Radio Christiane” Tales of Wonder: Unskipable Ipod Songs Lumberjack Day Annie Knows More about Alanis Than Any Human Being (who is not Alanis) Should The Book of the Internet Death of a Cow in a Can Sketches: The Top Ten Reasons To Be A Lumberjack Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: “I feeeeel it. I feel it in my cankles.” “A Tree Grew In Brooklyn and I Cut that Shit Down. That was the name of the sequel. I don’t know why it didn’t sell.” “My first screenname was Asstastic-Quilt-Pro. http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    25 September 2007, 3:40 pm
  • 38 minutes 16 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #60: Tattooed Ballooners
    Well, it’s official
 Fluff Radio is starting to get some gray hairs. That’s right, we’ve finally reached show number sixty. We are officially at Denny’s, eating dinner at 5pm, and getting ready to head over to bingo next. Don’t worry, though, fair listener. We won’t get too comfortable in our old age. In fact, I feel a late mid-life crisis coming on
 yeah, screw bingo! And screw you, Moon Over My Hammy! We’re outta here! We’re gonna go buy ourselves a Mustang, CONVERTIBLE! And then we’re gonna drive on down to Mexico for some margaritas, top down, tops off, and saggy boobies flapping in the wind! Happy 60th, mutha-fluffa! Towandaaaaa!! Musical Guest: The Devil Makes Three performing “Old No. 7″ and “Graveyard” Tales of Wonder: * Colleen gets a tattoo! * Skymall Madness, round 2! * Extreme Hot Air Ballooning! Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: * “The last girl that passed out on my table, she peed!” * “Basically, it’s for the golf-loving, skeezeball, dishonest person in your life.” * “Wheels may be disassembled in case of extreme frustration.” * “I ain’t never gonna dance again, unless it’s to that song.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    11 September 2007, 3:40 pm
  • 49 minutes 16 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #59: Why Are We Building Such a Big Fort?
    With the summer drawing to a close Annie and Colleen bring you some festive music, tales of whoooa, and juggling with clubs. First it was the Super Secret Lair. Then it was the Cloud Fortress. There’s a new recording studio in town (*cough borough*), and it’s painted all sorts of ugly colors! Call us to give the new studio a name, or to just say hi, or to freestyle rap about why you think blenders really DO need a “nudge” setting. 3 plus 4 equals 7, 22-Fluff! Musical Guest: Why Are We Building Such A Big Ship? performing “Firefly” and “Dance
” Tales of Wonder: * Friendly Driving Techniques * How to Make a (Terrifying) Baby * Blender Settings Confuse Annie * Can you start a sentence with “Why” and make it a statement? Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: * “I know what you did last interstate.” * “It’s like someone stuck them in a blender and hit ‘blender-ate’.” * “I really want to collect people on the street and then spend my entire salary on fake babies.” * “He looked like Mayor McCheese in Cop-drag.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    28 August 2007, 3:40 pm
  • 46 minutes 30 seconds
    Fluff Radio Review #58: Staring Death in the Fluff
    Behold, Listeners, the latest installment of our gripping saga! This week, our swashbuckling heroes Colleen and Annie are on a quest for adventure! Not since the likes of Indiana Jones has anyone seen such daring and courage! Beware, Listeners, for danger lurks around every corner! Prepare to grip your seats as our heroes down entire packets of Pop Rocks at once! Nibble nervously at your nails as they brave the dangers of the Wartner! And shiver with terror as Annie recounts her most recent brush with Death
 and bureaucracy! Musical Guest: Peacock’s Penny Arcade performing “I Left My Bra in Mississippi” and “Boots” Tales of Wonder: * Annie and the Runaway Appendix * Get to Know Peacock’s Penny Arcade (aka Colleen and Annie never learned to read) * Two Bags Full of Popping Death * Chip Slogan Work Rather Well for Warts (and Wartner) Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context: * “The sonogram needs it’s beauty sleep.” * “He’s the product of a prude line of dutch burgers.” * “Some witch doctor in the sticks in Louisiana is probably using it right not to cure somebody’s inability to conceive.” “And they give birth to an appendix.” * “I look like a ninja mime.” http://www.fluffinbrooklyn.com for more!
    4 August 2007, 3:40 pm
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