Relationship Revelation – Larry Bilotta

Imagine for the next 60 seconds that you could sort out and virtually eliminate every problem in your most important relationships. Happiness ultimately depends on the quality of our relationships but it can fall apart when you don’t really understand people. People are not as complicated as you thought and there really are ways to interact with them that will simplify and de-stress your most difficult relationships. Every week on Relationship Revelation we’ll share tools and tips to improve your intimate, your social and your work relationships. Join us for invaluable help to restore and rejuvenate your love, life and happiness!

  • 51 minutes 10 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – Why Women Have Become Too Manly, says author of “Feminine Lost”

    Jennifer Granger, the Australian author is sharing with me why women are getting to the breaking point in their lives because they are becoming men. Her book? Feminine lost: Why most women are male. Jennifer Granger is a transformation coach who worked in the thick of the corporate world on four continents and began helping women who came to her from this same high-pressure world in search of a life with meaning. As she continued to work with them a pattern emerged: women were turning more into the take charge, doers that men used to be and men were more becoming the sensitive nurturers that women used to be. Not healthy for either side. Women are often sick, unhappy, overworked with this blurring of the sexes. It’s damaged both genders. Are you a woman who has become obsessed with doing and getting things done to the point that you don’t know who you are? Listen to my interview with Jennifer Granger and see where you can find the reset button.

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    4 August 2014, 4:00 am
  • 53 minutes 5 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – Are Selfish People Happier?

    This show is about the relationship you have with YOU. Your self-image, your self-esteem, how you feel about yourself. I’m asking that question “Are Selfish People Happier?” because when you’re not aware of what you’re doing, you can easily become selfish instead of loving and accepting the person you really are. If anybody has worked on herself, it is Janeen Macklin. Janeen did not get the best start in life, but today, she helps people learn how your past and present circumstances don’t decide your future if you don’t want them to. There IS a way to feel good about you. Here’s the interview that shows you where to begin to love and accept yourself.

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    28 July 2014, 4:00 am
  • 55 minutes 54 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – It Really IS that Complicated – One Man’s Wild Ride through the Mazes of life and Relationships

    Today’s show offers a slight departure from my regular guests. Join me as I interview Charles E. Rawlings, M.D. J.D, a captivating, never-know-what-he’ll-say-next, brain surgeon/lawyer/world traveler. A fascinating individual to say the least, who has written a book on women and relationships from a very personal, male point of view. If as a woman, you’ve ever asked yourself “I wonder what he thinks…” or if a man, you want to get an inside look behind one man’s wild, varied and diverse attempts at love, listen to today’s show – it’ll keep you on the edge of your seat!

    “It Really IS That Complicated”

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    21 July 2014, 4:00 am
  • 55 minutes 20 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – Hurting, But Not Hopeless: How Good People with Serious Problems Can Heal

    Few stop to consider the true source of their partner’s abusive behavior and instead wish and hope that this person will suddenly wake up and realize what they’ve done. But more often than not, the cycle of abuse is passed from one generation to the next – until someone makes a conscious decision to break the cycle of chaos. My guest today, Dr. Deb, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapy counselor for 35 years, spent 10 years researching emotional, verbal and physical abuse. While some counselors take sides, or encourage couples to divorce, Dr. Deb shows teaches couples that “Healing is Mutual” and beneath all hate is hurt.

    Dr. Deb’s tools give victims-then turned abusers permission to feel the pain, something most do not allow themselves to do. If you – or someone you know is trapped in an abusive relationship, listen to today’s show to understand how couples can avoid divorce by getting to the root of the pain responsible for all anger and abuse.

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    14 July 2014, 4:00 am
  • 57 minutes 44 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – The Chemistry of Connection-PART II

    My guest, Rochele HC Hirsch, expands on her message from my Part 1 interview with her, that chemistry between yourself and others is actually decided by level the of stress within you. This is an uplifting message that says you DO have control of what happens in your life. It’s best to hear Part 1 first so you can follow all of Rochele’s ideas.

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    7 July 2014, 4:00 am
  • 57 minutes 26 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – The Chemistry of Connection: Why Some Relationships Succeed and Others Fail

    The Chemistry of Connection: Why Some Relationships Succeed and Others Fail
    Ever wonder why you instantly connect with some people while you are immediately repelled by others? You may know this phenomenon as chemistry – but what you might not know is relationship chemistry is actually the result of how well you remove the top 5 “stressors” from your life. With 25+ years of research in the area of emotions/personal transformation and a background in physics, author Rochelle SC Hirsch joins me to reveal some of the greatest mysteries behind why some relationships succeed – and why others fail. If you’ve been banging your head against a wall, trying to make sense of a difficult relationship you simply can’t understand, listen to today’s interview to discover the 5 DE-stressors that bring harmony, understanding, acceptance and balance to your most challenging relationships in life. This is part 1 of a 2-part series with today’s guest. Whether you lack the courage to let go of toxic relationships or you want to take a relationship to the next level, be sure to listen to next week’s show for the conclusion of this 2-part series – this is one interview you don’t want to miss.

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    30 June 2014, 4:00 am
  • 53 minutes 1 second
    Relationship Revelation – From Roommate to Home-Mate: Practical Tips to Live Happily with a Housemate

    For a variety of reasons, you might find yourself in a situation where you want or need to find a house to share, but finding the right housemate can feel like a gamble – especially if you’ve experienced a ‘roommate from hell’ back in college. My guest today, Annamarie Pluhar, author of “Sharing Housing: A Guidebook for Finding and Keeping Good Housemates”, makes a clear distinction between roommates and what she calls “home-mates”. Roommates are what you do in college — you literally share a room. “Home-mates” are not the same as a friend and not the same as a significant other. This is a relationship between adults who share a home and mutually cooperate with each other. This is practical advice for finding, interviewing, setting up daily structure with a home-mate. Listen to today’s interview for tips on sharing your home – and living happily with – the perfect home-mate.

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    23 June 2014, 4:00 am
  • 56 minutes 44 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – How To Use “Brain Science” to Be Happier Today

    Scientists are learning more about the way our brains work every day as new imaging techniques make it possible to see what is really going on inside our heads. These discoveries are already changing the fields of medicine and psychology. We can expect changes in the way we treat depression, Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s and obesity, among other conditions. On today’s show, scientist and business authority Donald Mann will explain ways to apply the latest discoveries to achieve more joy, happiness, peace and prosperity to your life. He will show that if you are not controlling your brain, then someone else is. We’ll discuss how to rid yourself of fear and lifelong bad habits.

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    16 June 2014, 4:00 am
  • 52 minutes 46 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – The Secret of Mending a Broken Blended Family

    A stepchild and stepmother herself, Jeannette Lofas, PhD, LCSW is considered to be the leading authority on stepfamilies. Helping chaotic stepfamilies BLEND into successful new families for over 30 years through the Step Family Foundation, Inc. Dr. Lofas and her team have a reported 84% success rate in restoring broken stepfamilies. Jeannette’s passion for helping step families comes from a personal place. When she moved into her new husband’s home with his four adolescent daughters and her young son from a previous marriage, Jeannette observed getting along great with the girls while she was dating their father, but when they became a stepfamily, the dynamics changed dramatically. In order to mend her new family, Jeannette sought out solutions, but found there was little written on the subject of step families. Realizing she was not alone in her struggles, in 1975 Jeannette founded the Stepfamily Foundation, Inc. – the only organization to devote themselves solely to these issues. With a PhD in psychology and a background in broadcast journalism, Dr. Lofas has written five books on stepfamilies and was honored with a presidential award for her work. Listen to today’s show to find out what it takes to actually make a blended family ‘blend’.

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    9 June 2014, 4:00 am
  • 57 minutes 24 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – Does Your Tween or Teenage Daughter Struggle with Low Self Esteem?

    High school can be brutal. Many girls struggle to find what ‘group’ they fit into, let alone their own identity. Body image, emotional anguish and endless feelings of self-doubt can haunt a teenager – even into adulthood.

    My guest today, Nordica Francis, serves as a teacher’s consultant for learning disabilities in high school teens. After 30 years of advising teens and their parents through the New Jersey public school system, she saw young, impressionable girls were consistently up against bulling from girls and manipulation from boys. Nordica is author of “RockStar Teenage Girl: SELF and Confidence Building for Tween and Teenage Girls”, a useful tool for parents and teen girls to directly deal with the source of their emotional and self-image struggles.

    Today’s show is a must for any parent doubting whether it’s even possible to rebuild a tween or teenager’s self-image and help her feel confident and true to who she really is – no matter what her age

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    2 June 2014, 4:00 am
  • 49 minutes 11 seconds
    Relationship Revelation – Why Great Success Stories Begin with Failure

    Many modern-day parents shelter and protect their children from risks and failure – but did you know failure could be the best lesson you teach your child all year? Fear of failure as a child prevents you from taking risks that lead to career accomplishments, emotional security, financial stability and ultimately confidence as a successful adult.

    My guests today, Rick and Sarah Ruiz, authors of “Wisher, Washer, Wishy-Washy: How to Move From Just Existing to Personal Abundance!” join me about the value of taking risks when you’re still a kid. No parent wants their child to dream of success as a child and eventually settle into the belief that their unfulfilled dreams and unachieved goals were simply not meant to be. The reality in life is that without risk, there is no reward. Listen to today’s show to discover how encouraging risk and failure as a child can lead to an extraordinary life as an adult. This is one life lesson no child should live without.

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    19 May 2014, 4:00 am
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