Items4Free Podcast

Rich Gibson

Are you addicted to all the free sites (e.g., If this is you, then welcome to the Freebie World. This podcast is designed to inform users of new sites opening up, and old sites closing down, and much more! Tune in today!

  • Podcast Info #1 :: Tuesday, 05/22/2006
    The first information placeholder. This IPH (Information PlaceHolder) lets users know to update this podcast tomorrow. (MP3 Version)
    23 May 2006, 5:05 am
  • Podcast #14 :: Thursday, 05/18/2003

    Items4free Podcast #14 Agenda

    - Finish off new sites (Offercentric)
    - Offercentric launches PS3 site (
    - Freepay’s new T&C with iPod nanos
    - Freepay changes PS3 ref requirements (12 refs)
    - New MacBook added to the macs.free4me network
    - ThisStuffisFree (talk about their network)
    - GiftFiesta wants ideas for plasma site
    - Tickle tests = no manual credit
    - Our mention on A4F


    - Mention voicemail/email options
    - Update on website and feed.

    Email: [email protected]
    Voicemail: (661) 878-7662

    18 May 2006, 9:46 pm
  • Podcast #13 :: Thursday, 05/11/2006
    Remember to subscribe to the new items4free podcast! The new feed will be set up sometime later this week. We will only be putting 5 more on this feed. This podcast brings everyone up to speed on the freebie scene. Enjoy!
    11 May 2006, 11:58 pm
  • Moving.
    Hello friends and faithful listeners.

    I am not dead, however, I did fail for several months not to do a podcast. One of the reasons was, of course, my lack of will to actually record the show. My second reason is that the new microphone I purchased, does not have the call quality I would like it to have. I will buy a new microphone when I can afford one; I guess I'll start out again with the microphone I have.

    I will be starting up again but under a different name: items4free, and everything will be hosted on

    Until then,
    10 May 2006, 1:07 am
  • Podcast #12 :: Thursday, 11/24/05
    Happy Thanksgiving! This is a longer podcast. Explanations on why I've been gone. Enjoy!
    24 November 2005, 6:23 pm
    Well, I'm here.. but not podcasting :-(.

    Unfortunately I have NO microphones with which to record. My 'back-up' mic that I used last week (and I might add sounded really crappy..) decided to break on me, so I haven't been out to buy a new one.

    Also, I was sick last week so I couldn't do it anyway. I'll try to get a new mic sometime this week, and do a recording. But no guarantees.

    Anyway. That's to let you know that I'm not dead.

    16 November 2005, 11:26 pm
  • Podcast #11 :: Friday, 11/4/2005
    For the 11th podcast, I ritually had to use another mic, since my broken one finally broke.. completely. News of the week, and a funny commercial.. stay tuned!
    4 November 2005, 6:55 pm
  • Podcast #10 :: Saturday, 10/22/2005
    What a BUSY week! Wow. So here's the big '10' podcast! I made it! I rush through the news stories, and apologize for being me, and for iTunes... Lots of technical issues this past week, I'm extremely swamped with all sorts of crap coming from iTunes, my viruses, and other things.

    Email me: [email protected]
    23 October 2005, 4:07 am
  • Podcast #9 :: Friday, 10/14/2005
    The big "9" podcast! In this issue I discuss the new VIDEO iPod, and the changes and commotion this causes in our little 'Freebie World'. I also discuss the new sites of the week, along with the announcements and my own little ramblings. Listen to the very end of the podcast to find a little blooper I stuck in because I thought it was funny.. All in today's podcast !

    E-mail me: [email protected]

    Oh, and if you're advertising something, I don't care what.. Please don't comment on my blogs, thank you.
    15 October 2005, 1:10 am
  • Podcast #9 :: Delayed
    Sorry everyone. I forgot about the podcast, I've been freaking busy this past week studying for midterms, preparing for midterms, etc.

    So, the podcast is recorded, I just have to finish editing it. You might see it late tomorrow night, or tomorrow afternoon.

    Rich Gibson
    14 October 2005, 5:56 am
  • Podcast #8 :: Thursday, 10/06/2005
    OK, so iTunes keeps messing up the date on my podcast.. I really am posting it on Thursday! In this episode I am in a weird mood, but discuss the news anyway and ask you to donate .. once again.

    7 October 2005, 12:27 am
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