RPG Showcase

Mike Conway

This is a bi-weekly program where I will be spotlighting different role-playing games, from the latest OGL product to classic games from 20 years ago! Each episode will spotlight one game. You can also expect interviews from up-and-coming game designers and publishers as well as answers to common problems for both GMs and players. Be sure to tune in for each episode so that you may be enlightened, entertained, and inspired. Your next campaign may be hidden right beneath your nose.

  • Hand Me Another Character Sheet...
    *Cough!* Oh man, all this dust and cobwebs. One would think that this location has never been touched for centuries...

    *Grabs broom, mop, and other cleaning supplies*

    All right, you lot, let's get this place cleaned up! *Casts Animate Object*


    Hello and welcome back to RPG Showcase.

    I just wanted to post a quick message saying how sorry I am that this wonderful resource was left to waste for all these years.

    But fear not, my listeners and loyal subscribers!

    Very soon I shall return, better than ever before, and possibly in a new video format, too!


    *Hears a crash in the background*

    Um, I best get for now, but stay tuned! Things are about to get interesting!
    19 November 2009, 4:44 pm
  • Relaunch coming soon
    I know it's a little ridiculous to have to relaunch after only 6 episodes, but 2005 was a hellacious year for me. However, after getting a new home with a new job and much fewer worries, I am rebuilding my life and, you better believe it, this podcast.

    I loved doing this show way too much, and I miss doing it. I am currently compiling some new content and I am writing up a new episode. To quote Tim Allen's character Jason Nesmith/Cmdr. Peter Quincy Taggart from Galaxy Quest, "Never give up - Never surrender!!"

    And surrender I never will, especially if you never give up on me. As I type this, I notice I have 123 people subscribed with their aggregators, and I'm certain even more than that are checking this website regularly. I know you're out there, and I'm feeling the love.

    Also, based upon what you've heard thus far, what else would you all like to see in the show when I get it finally compiled? I'd love to hear your suggestions. You know the addy: [email protected].

    Happy gaming,

    7 March 2006, 2:35 am
  • Failed save vs Hacking
    Hey, Gamers,

    Your friendly neighborhood GM here. When I originally went off the air, it was a brief hiatus for Christmas and also to take care of my partner, Jude, who was having terrible troubles with both his health and his teeth. Recently, those problems have been taken care of, and I've been fighting tooth and nail to be able to keep power and internet coming into my home. It's not been easy.

    But now I can't record my podcast. See, the machine that I was using to record was attacked by hackers, and there's a trojan of some kind that keeps uninstalling my sound drivers as well as my printer. Not only do I want to do RPG Showcase again, but I have a business to run as well, and I need my printer to work.

    If anyone knows how to take care of this problem, please let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to keep working on getting this show back up again. I am so pissed off at this, and the last month that, I feel, has been wasted. You, my listeners, deserve better than this, but I'm sure that some people would rather just get their kicks messing up other people's lives with their computers.

    God Bless, everyone, and I'm still thinking of you. RPG Showcase is not off the air for good, in spite of some e-mails I've gotten (thanks for expressing your concern).

    Mike Conway
    15 January 2006, 8:11 pm
  • Haven't gone away yet
    Hello, gamers and gamettes,

    I want to apologize for not having the new episode up. A personal emergency has taken me away from the computer so I've not been able to get the episode finished. The man who matters most to me in the world has been almost crippled with tooth pain, but we're going to be taking him to the dentist today (thank God for free insurance) and I'm sure that he'll be jumping for joy when all is said and done.

    I may have a character picked to be putting up and spotlighting, but if you haven't been able to get a character submitted and you still want to, now's the time to do it. I'll give until 10:00 pm Eastern time tonight for any last-minute entries.

    Keep on gaming, and God Bless.
    1 December 2005, 4:17 pm
  • A teeny tiny turkey delay...

    I'm not at the computer! Listen in for a special message.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I'm thankful for you and our wonderful hobby.
    23 November 2005, 12:45 am
  • Episode 6: Special Edition - Adventure Creation 101

    Click to Download.

    Today, we're doing a special show for beginning GMs: adventure creation. Few games tell you how to write a good adventure that will draw in your players and make a story worth remembering. Well, all you need to get started now is this episode, complete with a sample adventure outline.

    Here are the links for today's show:
    Adventure Creation is not that difficult, as you'll see, but it's not that easy, either. But any way you slice it, it'll be fun.
    9 November 2005, 6:21 am
  • Episode V: Halloween Horror
    Welcome to the Witching Hour! Be prepared to SCREAM in delight!


    We're back again with the newest edition, and this time, we get scary. Yes, this is the Halloween episode and all the scariest is out to play - including us! Hide under your sheets if you must, but listen closely, for this episode reviews the new World of Darkness, and we have a special tutorial for running a good and messy horror game. Grab your dice and prepare to scream.

    Here are the links for today's show:

    Enjoy yourselves, folks. This holiday is one of the fun ones. Have a good time, but be safe. Have a good scare...
    30 October 2005, 6:00 am
  • Halloween is coming
    Greetings, Gamers,

    Halloween is one of the most fun holidays of the year. It's scary, it's gross, and it's one holiday that we never grow out of. This week, I'm going to be doing the next episode on Saturday for a halloween special, with a special surprise and some scary features, like "Do's and Do Not's of scary gaming".

    See you then,

    26 October 2005, 5:43 pm
  • Episode IV: Dungeons & Dragons and Anime, Oh My!


    Greetings, Gamers. After too many mishaps, we finally have Episode IV: A New Hope that I'll get this show uploaded in time.

    Today's show details the second Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God, the new anime RPG OVA: Open Versatile Anime, and a nice little tip on something to add to your campaigns.
    Here are the links for today's show:
    Next episode will feature a tip for you players, so keep coming back.

    Character Example for OVA:

    Daniel Flores/Summer Dryad

    Acrobatics +5
    Beautiful +1
    Charisma +1
    Hobby (Dancing) +2
    Hobby (Flower Arrangement) +1
    Hobby (Female Impersonation) +2
    Lucky +1
    Martial Arts (Tai Chi) +2
    Passion (Fashion) +2
    Special Ability (Tree Empathy) +1
    Vitality +2
    Quick +1
    Transformation (Summer Dryad) +3
    -Power Move +3
    --Leaf Sting (Extra Damage [+5], Ranged [+5], Empty Hands [-5], Endurance: 15)
    --Sap Entrap (Entangle [+10], Ranged [+15], Decreased Damage -3 [-15], Requirement [must be on natural ground] [-5], Endurance: 15
    -Quick +2
    -Armor (bark) +2
    -Special Ability (Confidence, counteracts the Shy weakness) +2
    -Bizarre Appearance (leaf tattoos on forehead, wrists and ankles) -1
    -Soft Spot (likes the heroic form, has trouble parting with it) -2

    Ageism (under 18) -1
    Code of Conduct -1
    Compulsion (shop for women's clothes) -2
    Obsession (being a woman) -3
    Secret (heroic identity) -2
    Secret (transgender) -3
    Sensitive (gender amiguity) -1
    Servitude (Fairy Queen Lurline) -2
    Shy -1
    Special Weakness (Effeminate) -2
    Crybaby -1
    Obsession (Trees) -1
    Love Interest (crush) -1

    Health: 40
    Endurance: 60

    Daniel Flores is one of four people chosen to defend the natural world. Fairy Queen Lurline chose him for his closeness to trees. He's a student at Maxfield High School, although he's not very popular due ot his effeminate nature. He's involved in the school's martial arts club, practicing the arts of Tai Chi.

    Daniel is very talented in many things art; however, all those arts seem more geared towards girls than boys. He's always identified with girls more than boys, and has wished from a young age that he could be a girl himself.

    As Summer Dryad, Daniel is a very beautiful young lady, wrapped in brown gauze and is slender and well-toned. She is everything Daniel has dreamed of being, reveling in being a hero, especially a female one. She is agile and quick and tuned in to the trees and animals around her. However, it's becoming harder to transforms back to Daniel. Someday, she may not...

    Music in this episode: "Lunar Clipper's Theme" by Fumitaka Anzai
    16 October 2005, 2:23 am
  • Blizzard In the Kingdom!
    Hello to all my listeners and subscribers!

    I sincerely apologize that my podcast is not yet here. I would have liked for you to be listening to another exciting episode, however Mother Nature did not agree...

    You see, this past Sunday I went to Ellicot, Colorado to see my great friend Heather Darrow and her family to celebrate her birthday. I and my 'mate Jude bought her and her Mom a triple chocolate cake and fudge yogurt -- was very rich like a dwarven treasure trove!

    Without warning, snow was beginning to fall. We did not think this was such a bad thing, and stayed to finish watching Alien Vs Predator. Unfortunately we were wrong -- by the end of the movie the snow was blowing sideways!

    We were caught in blizzard like conditions, and to make matters worse the power and the phone both went out! But not to worry - Jude had the great idea to game, and became our DM.

    The adventure was pretty cool -- if you would like to know more about it, tell me and I will post it here!

    The power did not come back on until the afternoon the next day. All seemed well until it once again went out. A second night was spent at their house...

    Finally, the next day around one pm the roads were open once more, the power and phone restored, and an adventure left to continue when next we meet!

    So, now that I am back home, I am working around the clock to bring you the next exciting and entertaining episode for your listening enjoyment. I ask that you give me until Friday because I have a lot to cover for this next one -- and no, this is not a fudge based game, nor a Furries game! This time we will be covering Anime!! (Also I will give my review on the DnD II movie!)

    Stay tuned and see what unfolds!

    12 October 2005, 9:24 pm
  • Dungeon & Dragons II
    I wanted to make a quick post that Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God will be reviewed this Tuesday. Does it measure up to the first movie? What made this Sci-Fi Channel original picture so special? Is it even D&D? Did it sink or swim? Find out Tuesday.

    9 October 2005, 3:45 am
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