Scott Sigler Slices: SLAY Season 2

Scott Sigler

Short horror stories

  • 28 minutes 48 seconds
    DEEP CUTS Episode 8: The Importance & Difficulty of Taking Vacations For Content Creators

    Scott and ARealGirl Herself discuss the difficulty of taking vacations when you are a content creator, and your content is your business and your income.

    This healthy dose of Deep Cuts comes courtesy of the GoDaddy Promo Codes page, where the code CJCFOSSIG3 saves you 99 percent on your first year of a three-year dot-com registration.

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    23 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 50 minutes 54 seconds
    SLAY Episode 69: Going Down

    Lincoln, Billy, Lukas, Sophia, Kellius Droman, and Morgan Stone assaulted the Big Nasty’s burger joint located just outside the main gates of the Bastion’s fortress in Coris. At the restaurant, Lincoln and his comrades found the elevator that leads to Teddy Two-Finger’s lair.

    In that lair, Teddy is already evacuating his “line workers,” the kidnapped paranormal children whose nightmares he harvests to make the purest filament in existence, filament for which Teddy demands — and receives — astronomical sums from weavers and meshworkers alike.

    Teddy also let loose his leash on Haimana, his powerful meshworker who pledged to kill Kellius Droman this very day or die trying.

    Haimana isn’t alone in her bloodlust — Teddy’s centipede-armed, orange-clawed thug Agneetha wants Lincoln's head. Haimana, Agneetha, and many of Teddy’s thuengol mercenaries prepare to fight Lincoln, Droman, and the others.

    Meanwhile, Teddy’s prized, prodigal “foreman” — Kellius’s daughter Delilah — is done with waiting to be rescued. Her sanity cracking at the edges, Delilah is about to take matters into her own hands and unleash devastating dream-magic upon her captor.

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    21 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 37 minutes 42 seconds
    DEEP CUTS Episode 7: Collaboration & Writing Retreat

    SLAY co-creator Rob Otto joins Scott for a chat about their annual writing retreat and their collaboration process.

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    This round of Deep Cuts comes courtesy of the promo code page. 75% off the startup costs with that link!

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    16 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 46 minutes 28 seconds
    SLAY Episode 68: Value Meal

    Working together, Lincoln, Billy, Magda, and Ariella learned that Teddy’s lair is beneath a Big Nasty’s restaurant in Cordis, close to the supernatural pawnshop known as “the Clearinghaus,” and also close to the Bastion’s fortress headquarters.

    The Bastion has a magical interference zone around it, a zone that includes the Clearinghaus and Big Nasty’s. This zone, affected by a persistent spell known as “mesh-buzz,” hides the detection of all meshwork within it. It also makes magic unpredictable — sometimes magic works fine, sometimes it produces unexpected results, and sometimes it doesn’t work at all.

    Lincoln and Billy left for the Clearinghaus, where they planned to meet with rixators Sophia Franks and Lukas Franks, Lincoln’s sister and brother, respectively, and with Kellius Droman and his assistant Morgan Stone.

    SLAY Episode 68 is free courtesy of our GoDaddy Promo Codes. The coupon code CJCFOSSIG3 saves 99% off the first year of a three-year domain.

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    14 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 43 minutes 14 seconds
    SLAY Episode 67: Deduction

    This episode was recorded on vacation at my parent’s house, so it doesn’t have our usual studio-quality sound. Episode 68 will also be recorded on the road. If this sound bothers you or takes you out of the story, we will be re-recording these episodes the third week of July. Come on back then to get the good stuff. If the sound doesn’t bother you that much, then saddle up, sailor!


    Thanks to a clue that Delilah Droman planted in Gabriella Radu’s mind, Lincoln and Billy paid a visit to Finicus Sleidan, the maker of the dreamgaunts Teddy Two-Fingers uses to harvest nightmares from the children he’d kidnapped.

    Sleidan didn’t know where Teddy was but did reveal the name of the company buying the gaunts – Wholesome Stuff, a firm that supplies restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King. If Ariella, Lincoln, Billy, and Magda can find where Wholesome Stuff ships to, they have a chance at tracking down Teddy, as it’s known Teddy feeds his forty-plus captives fast-food-style burgers and fries.

    After following the Wholesome Stuff trail to a dead end, Lincoln and Ariella went to work calling their lawyer contacts, hoping to find someone who could uncover Wholesome Stuff’s business connections via permits, tax returns, and other legal mechanisms.

    This episode of slay is free thanks to GoDaddy Promo Codes. Awesome coupon code CJCFOSSIG3 saves 99% off the first year of a three-year domain.

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    7 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 27 minutes 23 seconds
    DEEP CUTS Episode 6: Audiobook Process Overview - How The Sausage Gets Made

    Scott and ARealGirl Herself go over the process of how your favorite novels transmogrify into audiobooks. What does an editor do? How do you make these things? What’s this “volume” knob all about? Let’s turn it to 11.

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    2 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 41 minutes 24 seconds
    SLAY Episode 66: The Finger(s)

    Lincoln visited Gabriella Radu at her home after Teddy ransomed her to her father. The little girl had been through hell and may never fully recover, but she brought with her a clue to Teddy’s whereabouts — a clue planted in her mind by Delilah Droman.

    That clue? The name Finicus Sleidan, a darkmesh creator in Trenton, New Jersey, who is possibly the maker of dreamgaunts that Teddy uses on defenseless enlightened children in his hidden nightmare factory.

    Meanwhile, Delilah is breaking down. To stay alive and strive for a rescue, she’s used her new aptitude for dream manipulation to magnify the nightmares of Teddy’s captives. How much longer can Delilah keep this up?

    SLAY 66 is free courtesy of our GoDaddy Promo Codes. The coupon code CJCFOSSIG3 saves 99% off the first year of a three-year domain.

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    30 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 47 minutes 57 seconds
    DEEP CUTS Episode 5: How do authors and audiobook narrators interact for audiobook recording?

    So you finally publish that novel — now how do you interact with your audiobook narrator? How do you make sure the narrator matches your tone and vibe? Author Scott Sigler (also an audiobook producer) and audiobook narrator A.B. Kovacs (also an audiobook producer and director) give you the ins and outs.

    Plus, newbie narrator tips from Ray Porter, narrator god known for HAIL MARY, EARTHCORE, and JOE LEDGER. 

    Hat tip to K.C. Alexander for her SINless series, which A.B. Kovacs narrated.

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    25 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 46 minutes 8 seconds
    SLAY Episode 65: Gabriella

    Delilah continues her plan to escape Teddy Two-Fingers's clutches, using captive Gabriella Radu as a pawn. Delilah manipulates Teddy into ransoming Gabriella.

    Lincoln and Billy had a run-in when Billy dumped all the booze, beer, and wine in the Old Stone Church. Things got heated and came to blows, stopping only when Gabriella’s father, Bogdan Radu, said his daughter must see Lincoln immediately.

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    23 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 39 minutes 1 second
    DEEP CUTS Episode 4: How Scott Tracks Story Ideas

    His first “database” was a binder with handwritten notes. After three decades in the biz, how does he track all the ideas that clog up his big bald noggin?

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    18 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 30 minutes 34 seconds
    SLAY Episode 64: Ransom

    Magda used her healing talents to dress Lincoln’s bar fight wounds, but it will take him a bit of time to fully heal.

    Billy, Ariella, Magda, and Lincoln are at a dead end in the search for Delilah Droman. With no leads and less hope, is it time to give up?

    If so, Delilah herself didn’t get that memo. She’s put her escape plan into play, and what a dangerous plan it is. Can she maneuver her way out of Teddy’s two-fingered clutches?

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    16 June 2024, 7:00 am
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