Discussions about anything related to marine saltwater and reef tanks. Here we'll discuss everything from basic Fish Only tank care to advanced reef system care. We will also discuss equipment and DIY type projects.
Welcome to Talkingreef Tank Journal, This is an introduction episode, i used this episode to test out some stuff with the video and distribution process. The idea of this show is give you an idea of the HD video (for premium members) and and overview of the this new video series
*Please note, see Talkingreef.com if you have problems with this first episode*
*PoTM Contest Update
* MACNA - Atlanta - Sept 5-7
* * http://www.macnaxx.com
* New Local News
Topic: Sumps
* Proper Sump sizes
* Dividing/Partitioning Sumps
* Making Sumps
* Plumbing Sumps
Questions and Answers
* Correcting tank parameters with a mad batch of salt
* Behavior of a new Fairy Wrasse
* How how reefers dealing with high power bills / Energy Saving Tips
* Aggression with Coral beauty and Yellow tang, Dealing with aggressive fish
* When drilling a tank, where is the best place to drill a tank, and positioning bulkheads
*PoTM Contest
* MACNA - Atlanta - Sept 5-7
* * MACNA XX Atlanta
* New Local News - None
Questions and Answers
* Quarantine Tanks
* Proper tank hight for a reef tank
* T5 lighting for a reef tank
* System design questions for a muti tank setup.
* What is the best type of water movement device
* How do you handle Green Hair Algae and Algae control
* Best location for thermometer
* Culturing Tang Heaven Macro algae.
* * Tang Heaven Instructions
* Dipping Coral
* Harlequin Tusk fish with invertebrates
* Which side of the bulk head does the washer go on
* How do you cut the teeth in acrylic for overflows.
* how large can Euphyllia corals get
*Open Discussion Segment
*Petco Petition - Talkingreef is not promoting you sign, jsut htat you read and sign if you feel you agree.
* * http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/petcokills/
* Show Times - do you want to keep RL at 8:00 EST (GMT -4)?
* PoTM Contest
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/tr-contests/
* IMAC - Chicago - May 30 -June 1
* * http://www.theimac.org
* MACNA - Atlanta - Sept 5-7
* * http://www.macnaxx.com
* New Local News section coming
Mini Topic
* List of must have equipment items when starting a new tank
Questions and Answers
* Quarantine Tanks
* Transferring tanks and dealing with resulting cycles
* Kalkwasser
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/157-kalk-podcast-episode-13-a.html
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/674-diy-kalk-doser-video-podcast-episode-44-a.html
* What is and how to preventing "old Tank Syndrome" with regards to a deep sand bed (DSB)
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/188-substrates-pt1-podcast-episode-27-a.html
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/215-substrates-pt2-podcast-episode-28-a.html
* Do you need to turn of your skimmer when feeding Phytoplankton and/or rotifers?
* Maroon clown anemone and behavior in a new system.
* Using a phyto density stick, and what's the optimal density?
* Storing Kalkwasser
* Feeding Caulepra to display tank fish
* What is the right way to setup flow in the tank?
* Keeping Goniopora
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/693-goniopora-podcast-episode-45-a.html
* What causes a deep sand bed (DSB) to become "clumpy"
* Fragging Blastomussa sp. (Blasto)
* Emperor Filter or a Protein Skimmer
Tank Cleaning
* Tank maintenance rout table show TR 103
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/4956-round-table-show-3-podcast-episode-103-a.html
* Prep water for water change and get it warming up and w salt
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/5245-talkingreef-live-episode-2-a.html
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/1996-q-8-wwest-podcast-episode-65-a.html
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/150-sea-salts-podcast-episode-6-a.html
* Cleaning powerheads
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/149-poweheads-podcast-episode-5-a.html
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/155-powerhead-care-podcast-episode-11-a.html
* Cleaning overflows
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/1867-top-off-s-overflows-podcast-episode-63-a.html
* Sand Bed care and cleaning
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/188-substrates-pt1-podcast-episode-27-a.html
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/215-substrates-pt2-podcast-episode-28-a.html
Questions and Answers Segment
* Can running carbon help with Hair Algae?
* Can Carbon remove beneficial chemicals
* Can you keep 2 Ocellaris clown and 4 Chromis in a 55 gallon tank
* Should we reduce flow/current in the tank at night
* When should we cool our tanks with fans and when should we move up to a Chiller
* What's the best way to setup flow for a high flow tank
* * Water switchers
* * Controllers
*Red Bugs
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/sps-corals/6308-red-bug-treatment.html
* Rubbermaid Stock tanks as sumps - regugiums
Open Dialog Segment
* Loads of discussion on rubbermaid sumps as refugiums
* * here is a show where you can see my fuge
* * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/1867-top-off-s-overflows-podcast-episode-63-a.html
* Next weeks show topic: Tank Cleaning
Questions and Answers Segment
* Overflow system on a Nano Cube
* Using an old Freshwater tank for a Saltwater tank
* Can you over skim a reef tank?
* Are any skimmers plankton friendly?
* Can you over do UV sterilization?
* Forum Etiquette
- - Does Talkingreef allow out bound links to other sites sites for information.
* After a cycle completed when can we add clean-up crew
* Is there a procedure to change to a different Sea Salt
* Is a Tunze 6025 too much for a 41 gallon tank
* Can you mix a Puffer and a Maroon Clown in a 29 gallon tank
* Will SPS and LPS maintain natural color under LED Lights
* Can clams be used for Nitrate control and filtration.
Open Dialog Segment
* Nitrate Reactors
* Managing macro algae
* Astrivians Bangai Cardinal fry updates
* Expense with Watanabe Angles
* Tank light schedule
* PoTM contest
* Show format
* Intro Topic: Feeding your tank
- - Types of dry foods
- - Types of frozen foods
- - Prepaging homemade fish foods/mush
* Do you need filtration in a Saltwater tank
* 24th Annual Carolina Aquarium Workshop
- - http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/major-conference-events/5729-24th-annual-carolina-aquarium-workshop.html
- - http://raleighaquariumsociety.org/workshop/index.html
* 10th Annual Midwest Marine Conference
- - http//www.masm.org
Here are a list of items discussed in this weeks Talkingreef Live show
* PoTM contest
* Show length and format
* Try new open format section
* Intro Topic: Electrical Safety
- - Dielectric grease on plugs
- - Using drip loops
- - GFI outlets and strips
- - Common sense
- - Prepare for overflows
- - Grounding probes
* Schooling fish
- - Anthias
- - Chromis
* Keeping thawed fish food in the fridge
* Making homemade fish food
* Vanmo92's RO/DI issue
* Increasing fuge critter population
* Feeding Torch an open brain corals
* Issue with Ca over 500 ppm
* Best macro algae for refugium
* 24th Annual Carolina Aquarium Workshop
- - http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/major-conference-events/5729-24th-annual-carolina-aquarium-workshop.html
- - http://raleighaquariumsociety.org/workshop/index.html
* 10th Annual Midwest Marine Conference
- - http//www.masm.org
* Trying Shorter shows - about 30-45 mins
* Tank of The Month or Photo of The Month contests
* Intro Topic: Converting Shallow Sand Bed (SSB) to a Deep Sand Bed (DSB)
- - Converting a tank
- - Remote Deep Sand beds
- - Related links
- - http://forum.marinedepot.com/Topic20039-13-1.aspx
- - http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/sh...hreadid=595109
* Ich Quarantine times
* QT tank sizes and lager fish
* Curing Live rock
* Seeding Base rock
* DIY Protien skimmers
- - http://www.aquariaforums.com/entry.asp?TYP=1
* Whats the best type of Macro Algae