The first podcast from New York City and one of the first Indie Music Podcasts to hit the scene - Tracks Up the Tree has been reviewed "Out of all the music podcasts I've listened to, this is the first one that has played music that I universally liked" by the New Podcast Review. Adopting the unique stance of only playing music from artists websites who make their tracks available online, Tracks Up the Tree is podcast semi-live from Brooklyn NY and delivers the best indie music to be found on the internet.
Eliza Skinner of and NastyCute visits the treehouse to discuss her new projects as well as her move to LA. We discuss everything from tiny cakes to musicals. It’s a new year and a new Tracks Up The Tree. Thanks for listening!
All songs can be found on our January MOG Playlist.
In our first iChat TUTT has a few issues, sound quality being the biggest. We’re still trying to lock down how we do these, but we hope you enjoy the madness.
Show Notes
Another show? 2 weeks after the last one? That’s impossible. 5 years worth of podcasting and this is what it results in. This show.
Are you kidding me? A real honest to blog (joke!) Tracks Up The Tree? This must be some sort of mistake right? I mean… Funtime Ben and Just Josiah are dead right? Or are they?
Yes, yes. Get it out now before you’ve heard the thing. It’s TUTT. Back again for yet another stretch. and you thought we abandoned you? PSHAW! You know the drill, it’s talk about not podcasting, Josiah, girlfriends, cats and a smidge of that old time indie music. Hope you guys enjoy.
Le songs:
Oh and on the reals, the fruit basket is awesome, I am just bad with fruit. Thank you to the lovely person who sent the fruit basket.
Speaking of my girlfriends cat… I give you my hilarious girlfriend, writing about her cat eating plastic. When it rains it purrs.
I still got it!
A New show packed with all the minutia you expect from your friends over at TUTT. We talk about Ice cream vans, sex dolls, Josiah as a roommate, Ben not being gay, Porn and Josiah as a critic of his own short film. When does the hilarity ever stop? Tomorrow.
Yet another problem this week. The podcast rendered missing the final 10 minutes. We’re very sorry about this and have re-output the file.
Ahhh, just got it up in time. Josiah’s gonna provide the notes. TUTT 53, back in MP3 form (with link to AAC to come) Sorry ran out of time.
So, I tried to get the other site up and running, but it seems as though by splitting up the website into 2, it meant twice the work. 8 hours of editing source code later I’ve decided, why screw with a good thing? Let’s get this website pimped and we can see what happens in the future. What we like to call this is me coming running back… will you take me back?
Alright, alright. Here it is… You guys really are some pushy bastards. ;)
It’s over an hour long and some weird thing with GarageBand stopped me from adding the show notes. Apparently 1 hour 3 minutes is all GarageBand can handle… which makes no sense. Also, it’s not in MP3 anymore, it’s in AAC (m4a) format, which will probably drive a few people nuts, but check out the chapters! Ooooohhhhh Chapters! And Artwork! Ooooohhhhh Artwork!
You may want to download it directly… RSS is making my head hurt. Available for a limited time as a link.
Josiah is responsible for all links… and me not getting any sleep.
Josiah’s been bugging me to put it up, so here it is: a new post. Since Josiah is so excited – why doesn’t Josiah do the notes?
I urge you all to bug him… constantly.
Funtime Ben
(P.S. – Remember you need to subscribe to get the show.)
UPDATE: Just Josiah Adds links! Holy Crap!
“I Get Around” from Dragonette off the album ROBOPOP
“Living a Lie” by Aqueduct from their album OR GIVE ME DEATH
“Wet & Rusting” by artist Menomena on album FRIEND AND FOE
“Bonsai Tree” off the album LIGHTNESS by Peter & The Wolf
Off the album DISCO ROMANCE, Sally Shapiro’s song “I Know”
From Mew off the album FRENGERS, “Snow Brigade”
From Blonde-Redhead off the album 23, the song with the same name.
I realize those aren’t ALL the songs we played. Linked are the one’s I know. We were a bit tipsy and didn’t give the band name and song title for EVERY song. So to make up for it, more fun links:
Best Commercial Ever
There. I’ve made my contribution.
Just Josiah
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