- Bad Weeds San Francisco *Queer!*

Corkey Mineola

Bad Weeds San Francisco. It brings queer San Francisco-- and the world -- to your gay iPod!

  • Bad Weeds 198: Super Sexy Cookie and Hunky MC2! ARCHIVED from 2006!!

    THIS PodCast was originally recorded in November 2006.
    What a funny bit in the background when Cookie is talking about doing some sketchy deal regarding a drag queen named Page Turner and Versace.

    Cookie Dough passed away suddenly on January 29, 2015.  I am so grateful he was a part of my life. 

    Cookie Dough and MC2 discuss "Mercury Rising," their show which is currently featured on Bad Weeds (BWSF 197 and 199).

    Listen to the intervew with Cookie and MC2

    Check out CookieVision!


    email corkey banner
    3 March 2015, 6:29 am
  • in Colorado, millions live on...
    if I was in a movie theater
    sitting beside my beloved
    munching popcorn contentedly
    and figuring out if this
    new thing is the
    best one
    the last
    thing that I'd
    expect is for a man in full metal jacket
    gear to shoot us...
    kill me, injure my husband...

    for all the dead, the wounded, the witnesses, the families and friends
    and for the millions that live on
    in peace

    end the cycle of violence
    21 July 2012, 2:29 pm
  • Cracked Pitcher
    IN a moment of
    I poured hot water
    into a thin glass pitcher

    Audition later tonight.
    Doing it so I can build a relationship.
    Getting gigs in SF is one grand game of networking.

    17 July 2012, 3:03 pm
  • Fog ... bleh
    "The fog creeps in on little cat's feet..."  Robert Frost

    ... and the cat pees in my bed.

    that's how I feel about fog.  pb
    16 July 2012, 2:01 pm
  • Is it time to take it down?
    Every time I contemplate pulling the plug on Bad Weeds I just can't do it.  Why can't I do it?
    Here is a list of the reasons I keep it up:
    1.  It is an archive of interesting stuff from my life for at least 2 intensive years from 2005 to 2007.
    2.  I still see that people from around the world listen to the episodes.
    3.  I think the world can still use a queer voice from San Francisco.  Especially when they are fucking hanging queers in Iran and threatening to outlaw us in Uganda.
    4.  I still might have more to say.
    5.  I just named my Tumblr account Bad Weeds San Francisco
    6.  I want to do some theatre art in SF under the aegis of Bad Weeds

    14 July 2012, 3:16 pm
  • hitchin a ride
    30 December 2010, 9:45 pm
  • My Father's Birthday
    Today is my dad's 82nd birthday. Happy Birthday Dad!

    Dad died ten years ago, just 21 days shy of his 72nd birthday, on December 9, 2000. It's strange to me that he's not here.

    When I was a kid my dad decided that he did not like having his birthday five days after xmas anymore. So, for just maybe one or 2 years, my mother staged Dad's "half-birthday" on June 30.

    I don't remember a lot about his half-birthday. Except that we all felt that it was yet another attempt on the part of my father to hijack a perfectly good day of the year and make it all about him!

    Nearly all Saturdays were my father's days. In so far as we were all pressed into service to work on whatever projects dominated his agenda that day.

    But here it is, legitimately my dad's 82nd birthday, and he's not able to lay claim to it.

    Maybe I'll go change my Honda's oil in his honor.
    30 December 2010, 8:56 pm
  • Bad Weeds 243: Three Plates Spinning
    30 July 2010, 8:07 pm
  • Bad Weeds 242: Actor's Story
    CLICK HERE for Patrick's story about coming back to the stage and his latest project... Broadway Bound at Chanitcleer's Theatre in Castro Valley, CA CLICK HERE for tickets!
    25 July 2010, 4:40 pm
  • When does a podcast become a museum
    Should BadWeeds be retired?
    4 April 2010, 4:29 pm
  • Bad Weeds are Hard to Kill
    Hello Weedlings!
    I used to post podcast episodes on this site... fairly frequently!
    Now, not so often anymore... well none in about about a year.

    I leave the podcasts up because I like how they represent a time in my life -- a story. I'm particularly proud of the episodes from my trip to Uganda in 2006.
    Some of the stuff is a bit racy... I guess I might tone it down if I did more episodes. I'll let you find that stuff on your own!

    I'm thinking about starting it up again with a focus on my journey as an artist. We'll see.

    Stay tuned!
    31 August 2009, 10:09 pm
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