The Tech Wizard

George Somers

A podcast for all those who want to learn about REAL technologies for REAL people. Reviews, how-to's and more from an actual computer teacher. Let me take the confusion out of today's technology. No geek talk, just plain English. "Technology! It's not just for geeks anymore!"

  • Special Announcement - Podsafe for Peace

    While I am preparing my next episode, I wanted to share with you a special project that I'm really excited about. It's called Podsafe for Peace. A group of independant musicians has released this collaborative Christmas anthem. All proceeds from the sale of the song, which is available online at will go directly to UNICEF.

    To get the song, go to To HEAR the song, download the episode here.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Theme Music: Bay Bridge by Sympatico
    10 December 2005, 1:42 am
  • Episode 7: A Soundseeing Tour of Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, CA
    I know, I know. Two episodes in two days! It's so out of character for me. Once you get over the shock, download this new episode (by clicking this posting's title) . Better yet subscribe to the feed in iTunes, Odeo or other aggregator. This episode is a sound seeing tour of Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey, California. Temperature: about 70 degrees F. I hope you feel like you are there yourself. I suggest you pick up a bowl of clam chowder. You are going to want to when your done listening to it.

    Theme Music: Bay Bridge by Sympatico
    21 November 2005, 6:41 am
  • Episode 6 - Subscribing to Podcasts
    TTWP Episode 6 - 11/19/05

    Update: I inadvertently uploaded an episode of the Biddy Cast (Lascivious Biddies) which may contain some language not appropriate for some of my listeners. My apologies to anyone who may have been offended. A corrected episode 6 is now available by clicking the title of this post or clicking here.

    Today's podcast is all about podcasting and how to get podcasts. In case you are new to this new media form, consider this your introduction to this new world. I'll share some of my favorites with you and share a commentary with some reflective thoughts I had after listening to one of my favorites. So, enjoy the show!
    Get iTunes version 6 - Audio and Video Podcasts

    Speaking of great podcasts, here are a few of my favorites. Search for them on iTunes

    Tech- Geek News Central Podcast, HomeNetworkHelp, Radio Leo, TWIT (from Leo Laporte of TechTV fame), MacCast, One Minute Tip, Diggnation, Typical PC User (another good podcast for new computer users),
    Teaching - Connected Learning (David Warlick), One Big Head (Jeff Moore), Teach42 (Steve Dembo), EdTech Musician (just to name a few)
    General/Other- 1954 and Counting (SF Giants), Gold Rush (SF 49ers), Adam Curry: Daily Source Code (Language!), Digital Photography Tips from the Top Floor, Mashup of the Week, Podfinder (highlights new and interesting podcasts), The Bitterest Pill, and various old time radio shows (making a comeback and inspired me to do a class at school of OTR), The Word Nerds, BiddyCast

    Podcast: Biddycast
    9/30/2005 episode:

    Interview with Amanda (Guitar) about her musical training and influences. I present some reflections on the importance of arts education.

    Stay tuned for our next podcast with more tips and tricks to make your life easier in the digital age.

    Feature Music: Betty, Lascivious Biddies
    Theme Music: Bay Bridge by Sympatico

    There's a wonderful digital world out there. Go live it!
    20 November 2005, 7:56 am
  • Odeo
    The following link is to set my feed up with Odeo, an online service for obtaining podcasts. Check it out at

    Episode #5 Link

    My Odeo Channel (odeo/59d0405caf79dceb)
    3 October 2005, 4:57 am
  • Episode 5: Printing Photos without a printer?
    Yes, I'm baaaack! Back and ready for action!! In this episode of TTWP, I take my digital pictures from computer to prints without a photo printer. I cover what's available from two commercially available photo printing do-it-yourself kiosks. Plus, another music track feature by Duarte.

    Episode #5 Link
    Feature Music: Batucaje by Tom Duarte (from the Diamante album)
    Theme Music: Bay Bridge by Sympatico
    7 July 2005, 11:48 pm
  • Error in link for Episode 3
    Well, despite my best efforts (I swear I checked everthing!), the link to the Steve Jobs Keynote address in which Apple's CEO gives us a preview of the podcasting features just fulfilled last week had a typo. Oops! The original post has now been corrected and the information is also repeated below. It's about an hour long, but it's worth a look for the times listed below. Sorry for my slip.

    1. Steve Jobs address to the Apple Worldwide Developer's Conference -- see it here
      1. includes mention of plans for incorporating podcasting into ITunes version 4.9 in 6:50 - 12:25 minutes.
    5 July 2005, 9:06 pm
  • TTWP Episode 4: Digital Camera Buyer's Guide and more!
    Whoa! This one is a long one! 1 hr. long and 13 MB is size! I guess I had a lot to cover and had fun doing it! :) Don't worry, this won't be my typical length. Topics covered include my Digital Camera Buyer's Guide, BIG news from Apple on iTunes 4.9, e-mail feedback and more!

    I should have TTWP Episode #5 in 10-14 days. My feature for that podcast will be a discussion of things you can do with the digital pictures in your camera. What do you want to learn? Let me know. I'm your online computer teacher!! Just e-mail me!!

    Comments? Questions? Email me at [email protected]. Enjoy!

    Episode #4 Link
    Feature Music: Gloria by Tom Duarte (from the Diamante album)
    Theme Music: Bay Bridge by Sympatico
    Other Links: Audible Faith
    3 July 2005, 12:43 am
  • ITunes 4.9 with Podcasting is here!
    Hello Tech Wizard Podcast listeners,

    Yes, it's true. iTunes 4.9 is here! Why should you care? Because now you can download and even subscribe to podcasts within iTunes itself, making more that 8,000 podcasts available to you with the click of your mouse. While the Tech Wizard Podcast is not on this list, it will be soon. If you choose to subscribe, iTunes will check for new podcasts daily and download the podcasts YOU want to hear as new episodes are released. It's truly easy and fun! Go to and download version 4.9 NOW! And when my podcast becomes available via iTunes, I'll let you know.

    There are literally THOUSANDS of podcasts available covering almost any topic that interests you. Download them one at at time and or subscribe (for FREE) and you'll get new episodes automatically.

    Check it out and enjoy!

    P.S. A new podcast will be released very soon and will include a digital camera buying guide and more! Don't miss it!

    P.P.S. Thanks for the tip, Eric!
    29 June 2005, 5:57 pm
  • Missing Link from Episode 3
    Oops! In my show notes for Episode 3, I forgot to include the link for the Yahoo! News article (originally from PCWorld Magazine) entitled Secret TiVo Tips and Tweaks. Here's the link. Sorry.
    27 June 2005, 8:05 pm
  • Episode 3 is here!
    Yes, Episode 3 of The TechWizard Podcast is now available. In it, I cover the following...
    1. Updates from Episodes 1 and 2
      1. Email
      2. Logitech Harmony 880 Universal Remote NEW
    2. Words You Should Know: MP3, bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, compression
    3. Product of the Day: Tivo (PVR's)
    4. New email list lets you know when there' s a new episode available
    5. Steve Jobs address to the Apple Worldwide Developer's Conference -- see it here
      1. includes mention of plans for incorporating podcasting into ITunes version 4.9 in minutes 6:50 - 12:25.
    Music by Sympatico, Bay Bridge (courtesy

    Additionally, you will hear the debut of my daughter, Ashley, and my son, Jordan, as they assist me with the podcast.

    Just click the link below to download it to your computer. There's no need to subscribe using additional software.
    14 June 2005, 5:35 am
  • New Email List
    I have created a new e-mail list for the podcast. Simply subscribe using the promotional box at the top to this page and you will be notified of new podcasts as they come available. If you don't want to deal with aggregator software for obtaining your podcasts, let ME tell YOU when the new podcasts are available from Then just return to this website and download the new podcast. It's free and it's easy. I hope you find it useful.
    4 June 2005, 7:13 am
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