Beer Podcast Show – Beer Blues and Barbecue Show Podcast – Big Foamy Head

Big Foamy Head

Big Foamy Head is all about Beer, Blues and Barbecue

  • Show 160 - Beer Death March
    13 November 2013, 6:02 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Show 159 - Seven Year Itch

    monroebeer We couldn't let a whole year go by without a show. We managed to get everyone together for a round or two of beers in front of recording devices, and this is what you get.
    We had a wide range of beers on this show - from Belgians to Hop Bombs, and relived some moments from Memphis in May, along with a new friend or two. Through in some good music and you've got yourself another BFH Show.
    Scratch that itch with this testament to hops and barley.
    7 July 2013, 7:38 pm
  • 55 minutes 42 seconds
    Show 158 - IPAs for Retards

    beer_104074 In celebration of National IPA Day, we present a tutorial on the nuances of hops and IPAs for our hop-challenged friends. Actually, we just drink some great beers and babble on endlessly about Vince Gill, beer festivals, hot chicken, t-shirts, and beertards.
    We kick it off with a Great Divide 18th Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA. Oh yes we did. Sacrifical Beer Virgin Clark weighs in with his insightful comments on it («its good»), we have a short-fill beer and a meh beer, and we have a three-way with John Hiatt, Joe Bonamassa, and Vince Gill. Wait, that didn't come out right...

    Listen up to this hop-soaked show and judge for yourself.

    4 August 2012, 1:03 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Show 157 - Lips of Brett

    dsc_8417-480x318 We drink a brett beer that may or may not be half assed. Depends on what you are looking for and whether you are all about the Styles. We're talking about the collaboration between New Belgium and Lost Abbey called Brett Beer that takes a beating on the beer boards. We give you the straight poop on whether its poop or not. Segue to a discussion of the Arc Angels, a great Texas rock group you may never have heard of, and a hint about earlier musical collaborations. We catch up on the latest beer events around towns including bicycle beers and drunk running.
    We bring Ziggy Stardust back up with a special, rarely heard recording of a tour rehearsal featuring Stevie Ray Vaughn. Right before he quit the... collaboration. See a pattern here?
    And here is the link to that amazing session with Stevie Ray Vaughn and David Bowie in Dallas
    Then we get a little darker with some old homebrew Rick found in the back of the fridge from our friends at The Beer Report.
    And then we tie up YET ANOTHER COLLABORATION! Listen up kiddies, its good stuff.
    7 July 2012, 8:25 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Show 156 - Palate Wrecker

    Why on earth, you might ask, would you want to wreck your palate. Much like climbing Mt Everest, in the immortal words of George Mallory - «Because it was there!» Actually we had a much better and more hedonistic reason - because it was darned tasty!! We are of course talking about Green Flashes «Palate Wrecker - Hamiltons Ale».

    Beers sampled and discussed on the show...
    Stone «Ruination»
    Green Flash «Hop Head Red»
    Green Flash «Palate Wrecker»

    Tom Petty «You Wreck Me»

    Life in Nashvegas - CMA's, Bonaroo - other things Dick did not attend, but had to deal with traffic issues.

    YouTube'ing the 80's - a great way to kill 3 hours!

    Bowie and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is 40 YEARS OLD.

    Literal Versions of the songs.

    Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version *ORIGINAL*

    The Queens Jubilee - Sir Paul (with Rusty Anderson) and other entertainers, old but still bringing it.

    Outtro Song - Grace Potter, Joe Satriani, Steve Kimock, Reed Mathis, Willy Waldman and Stephen Perkins cover Cortez the Killer at the Jammy's.

    Pop a cold one, sit back and relax - enjoy some beers and Music with the fine hosts of BigFoamyHead!

    Listen here!

    25 June 2012, 2:03 am
  • 30 minutes 53 seconds
    Show 155 - Rise of the Big Beers

    gbow1There has always been a special place in our hearts for the big beer, and the barleywine of course. Join us for some big fine beers from Sam Adams (yes, those guys) Imperial Series. One is a homerun, the other a swing and a miss. We also indulge in a little Hebrew number from Schmaltz, Jewbelation 15. And we pontificate about two new breweries, Texas Big Beer and Elevation Brewery and their journey to success. A couple of cool tunes and cool brews and you have a Big Foamy Head show.

    Listen up and rise to the occasion.

    25 May 2012, 2:19 am
  • 35 minutes 16 seconds
    Show 154 - The Deviant Show

    deviantdalesIt took a beer this good to drag our asses out of retirement and produce a NSFW show. Join us as we sample Deviant Dale, an imperial version of Dale's Pale Ale. Oskar Blues hit a home run with this one. It's an 8% tallboy can that will leave you smiling. Great nose, great taste, and an extra large serving. Modus Hoperandi from Ska Brewing makes an appearance as well and Rick elaborates. On the other hand, we have a drain pour beer called Ass Kisser Double IPA on this show as well. Truly disgusting, and we call it that way. Musical entertainment this show features a trip down the psycobilly highway with some rocking music from SuperSuckers and Nashville Pussy. That's their name, don't wear it out. We also offer a feeble excuse on why we haven't produced shows for a year. Will this be a last gasp? Or will we resurrect ourselves? Listen up and let us know what you think.

    16 April 2012, 8:13 pm
  • 54 minutes 15 seconds
    Weyerbacher Beer Show - Show 153

    Weyerbacher makes some exceptional beer and we try out three of their best. Interviews with Chris Wilson of Weyerbacher and some Mississippi Beer Activists bring you up to date on some hop and barley goodness.

    In Memoriam:
    • Weyerbacher - Imperial Pumpkin Ale
    • Weyerbacher - QUAD
    • Weyerbacher - Blithering Idiot
    19 February 2011, 5:04 pm
  • 10 minutes 44 seconds
    Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines - Laura Lodge

    The last and final interview from the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywine festival. This is another interview that is long overdue. Laura and her brother Bill do a remarkable job organizing this event. Simply remarkable.

    Mike Paige from the Hop Barley and the Alers continues with the interview duties.

    Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines 2011 - Laura Lodge.

    23 January 2011, 3:07 am
  • 9 minutes 8 seconds
    Big Beers 2011 - Grimm Brothers Brewhouse

    BigFoamyHead continues to focus on startup breweries - our fourth interview from the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywine festival is with Grimm Brothers Brewhouse - established in 2010 in Loveland. I've been wanting to interview these guys for a long time. I have been following Aaron's progress setting up this business with quite a bit of envy - and he's one of the nicest people I know. There's some great advice in here - namely if you want to do this, just do it!

    Mike Paige from the Hop Barley and the Alers continues with the interview duties.

    Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines 2011 - Grimm Brothers Brewhouse!

    20 January 2011, 5:56 am
  • 12 minutes 3 seconds
    Big Beers 2011 - Crazy Mountain

    BigFoamyHead continues to focus on startup breweries - our third interview from the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywine festival is with Crazy Mountain - established in 2010 in Eagle County. Kevin gives a great (and honest) insight on the battle for tap handles and breaking into the market.

    Mike Paige from the Hop Barley and the Alers continues with the interview duties.

    Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines 2011 - Crazy Mountain!

    18 January 2011, 7:10 am
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