Haven Today

Haven Ministries

Telling the Great story ... it's all about Jesus.

  • Crossing the Finish Line: A Tribute to Charles Morris
    With a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other, Charles Morris has shared the great story thats all about Jesus for a quarter century. And today he crosses the finish line.
    26 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • The DoÂ’s and DonÂ’ts of Prayer
    Do you know the dos and donts of prayer? Jesus spoke about them during his Sermon on the Mount. And its so important we hear his words.
    25 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • Prayer Throughout the Bible
    How important is daily prayer? Look no further than the Lord Jesus. Whenever his whereabouts were unknown, his disciples found him praying.
    24 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • The Lord's Prayer
    Its the only thing the disciples ever asked Jesus to teach them how to do. And his answer teaches us, too! On today's program, David Wollen and Charles Morris look at the Bibles most famous prayer.
    23 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • Why Pray?
    Prayer is nothing more than the Gospel lived out in our relationship with Jesus where we have all the need and he has all the answers.
    22 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • Prayers for Millennials and Gen Z
    The generation gap seems larger today than ever. So how does the church reach young people with the gospel? And what sort of prayers do they need?
    19 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • Praying for the Next Generation
    Many are worried about the next generation. Will they follow Jesus? And how do we pray for them? On today's program we meet up with two young Christians who help us answer these questions and more.
    18 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • Lamenting in Prayer
    Sometimes our souls have nothing left but lament and sorrow. Theres a place for such prayer. In fact, the Lord welcomes it.
    17 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • A Prodigal Comes Home
    She left home at 18. She no longer wanted to live by her parents' rules. But no matter how far she ran, she could never outrun the love of God. Today, listen in as Barbara Juliani shares her story.
    16 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • Praying for Adult Children
    It was a wise person who once said that, when it comes to prayer, truly were all amateurs. Today, join David Wollen for a conversation with a man whose faithful prayer has made a difference.
    15 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • Jonah's Call and Response
    He was a reluctant prophet, upset that God wanted to save a city of terrible people. But the Lord still used Jonah in a mighty way.
    12 April 2024, 8:00 am
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