Box Angeles

Through humorous rants and reflections, host Mike 'Box' Elder extracts insightful commentary from Los Angeles based professionals on what it takes to achieve success in the entertainment industry.

  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    #340: Frank Caeti

    Actor Frank Caeti stops by the bungalow and discusses struggles with the business side, having an exitential crisis looking back on his career, and more!


    Frank's IMDb and Instagram @frankcaeti.


    00:00 - Introduction.
    01:30 - Frank slates his name.
    03:30 - Going to producers for a lead in Modern Family.
    05:20 - Experiences auditioning for big roles, like Ron Swanson and Michael Scott.
    11:59 - Not having as many big opportunites.
    13:48 - Struggling with the business side of acting.
    18:00 - Being artisticly proactive.
    24:38 - Emailing reps in small batches.
    26:27 - Frank and Mike's chracter types.
    32:33 - Reflecting on Frank's career to this point.
    39:00 - Comparison and envy.
    42:32 - Subsidizing artists.
    46:57 - Appreciating all gigs.
    48:24 - Day jobs.
    53:55 - Livng our truths.
    59:18 - Who took a chance on Frank.


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    10 February 2025, 8:15 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    #339: Maya Adrabi

    Casting Director Maya Adrabi stops by the bungalow and discusses the problem with self tapes, callback rates, how she feels about using your space in auditions, and more!


    Maya's IMDb and Instagram @mayashoots.


    00:00 - Introduction.
    02:16 - Maya slates her name.
    03:14 - AHC video explanations on auditions.
    05:06 - The problem with and rise of self tapes.
    11:36 - When self tapes make sense.
    13:12 - Pushing back on self tapes.
    14:40 - Turning down work.
    15:25 - Casting's relationship with production companies.
    16:51 - Spreading out work across the AHC office.
    18:20 - Mike's high audition numbers for AHC.
    22:20 - Callback rates.
    24:00 - The SAG-AFTRA talent pool runs deep.
    32:22 - Giving feedback to actors.
    34:22 - Casting (and this industry) is fear based.
    39:17 - The old adage that casting is rooting for you.
    42:17 - Full body shots.
    44:17 - Blacklist actors.
    47:12 - The idea of using your space for an audition.
    53:04 - Props in auditions.
    54:08 - Maya starting out in acting.
    1:03:04 - Who took a chance on Maya.


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    27 January 2025, 8:15 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    #338: Alex Rubens, Returns

    Writer Alex Rubens stops by the bungalow and discusses his shift to working on more animated shows, the intricacies of being a showrunner, wanting to write when he isn't working, and more!


    Alex's IMDb.


    00:00 - Introduction.
    01:41 - Alex slates his name.
    05:38 - Dating, therapy and podcasts.
    10:03 - Moving to animation since our last interview.
    14:42 - How does one become a showrunner.
    22:02 - Showrunner duties on Krapopolis.
    23:55 - Differences between writing animation and live action.
    27:11 - Making corporate decisions as a showrunner.
    29:15 - Post production in animation.
    31:06 - Writing alongside animators.
    33:33 - Rick and Morty interactions and cult phenonemon feedback.
    36:38 - The Rick and Morty writer's room.
    39:10 - Writing puberty jokes on Big Mouth.
    41:51 - Writer interviews.
    44:30 - Animation not being WGA.
    46:07 - Sourcing writing talent.
    47:26 - Working all year.
    52:37 - Casting.
    55:20 - Avoiding positive feedback as a showrunner.
    57:55 - What Alex does to step away.
    1:04:34 - Who took a chance on Alex.


    The full video and pics --

    Alex' first Box Angeles --

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    16 December 2024, 8:15 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    #337: Kimia Behpoornia

    Actor Kimia Behpoornia stops by the bungalow and discusses performing in Asssscat, the pressure of booking things without auditioning, walking around Los Angeles, and more!


    Kimia's IMDb and Instagram @childclown.


    00:00 - Introduction.
    01:37 - Kimia slates her name.
    03:15 - Casting workshops.
    04:56 - Embarassing yourself and bad shows.
    08:21 - Asssscat.
    13:32 - Taking improv in elementary school as a shy kid and taking a ton of classes.
    19:59 - Attending UCLA for theatre.
    21:50 - Unique college theatre classes.
    25:40 - Pursuing acting and reps after graduating.
    29:04 - Working day jobs like teaching kids to swim.
    32:36 - Starting to book work early.
    36:35 - Taking a break from commercials.
    44:09 - What Kimia gets herself versus agents.
    45:16 - Booking Abbot Elementary without auditioning.
    50:01 - Processing things after they happen.
    51:40 - Surviving off of acting and reflecting.
    55:27 - Budgeting time.
    57:13 - Walking around LA.
    1:01:02 - Who took a chance on Kimia.


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    28 October 2024, 7:15 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    #336: Jeremy Brandt

    Actor Jeremy Brandt stops by the bungalow and discusses how one audition can change everything, his contract as the Captial One guy, working a day job as a United pilot, and more!


    Jeremy's IMDb and Instagram @Jer_Brandt.


    00:00 - Introduction.
    02:17 - Jeremy slates his name.
    03:29 - Being the spokesman for Capital One.
    06:53 - Celebs doing commercials.
    09:42 - What having a contract with Capital One entails.
    16:22 - What commercials Jeremy was doing prior.
    18.26 - Expecting Capital One to be small when auditioning.
    23:46 - Winning and reading the room.
    29:50 - How many commercials in the first Capital One run.
    33:03 - Why Jeremy hasn't done a podcast.
    34:44 - Going to UCLA and then being a snowboard instructor before going to flight school.
    42:45 - Working as a United pilot until being furloughed after 9/11.
    44:44 - Giving acting a shot after a cross country road trip.
    46:58 - Jeremy's current day job as a United airlines pilot.
    52:48 - Does Jeremy get recognized when flying.
    58:35 - Always being one audition away.
    1:01:34 - Who took a chance on Jeremy.


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    21 October 2024, 7:15 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    #335: John Rosenfeld, Returns

    Acting teacher John Rosenfeld stops by the bungalow and discusses the mood of actors right now, his problem with audition classes, why he shifted his focus from acting to teaching, and more!


    John's IMDb and Instagram @johnrosenfeldstudios.


    00:00 - Introduction.
    02:19 - John slates his name.
    03:02 - Bald brotherhood.
    07:18 - Dissappointment and finding the nuance in each student.
    11:58 - The mood of students right now.
    14:43 - Doing things in your control.
    16:58 - John drives and loves sports.
    19:58 - Does TV feel like homework.
    21:15 - Audition classes.
    29:53 - Online classes.
    35:23 - John's actor and coach tree.
    39:23 - Coaching famous people.
    45:02 - Why John pivoted to teaching.
    52:19 - Would John act today.
    57:14 - How many students does John decline.
    1:00:03 - Advice for co-star auditions.
    1:02:36 - Who took a chance on John.


    The full video and pics --

    John's first Box Angeles --

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    9 September 2024, 7:15 am
  • 27 minutes
    #334: Robert Ulrich & Christine Russell

    Casting Director Robert Ulrich & producer Christine Russell stop by the bungalow and discuss their new musical The Civility of Albert Cashier, why it's so relevant today, and more!


    Robert's IMDb and Instagram @rj.ulrich.
    Christine's IMDB and Instagram @christinerussell2033.


    Get your tickets to The Civility of Albert Cashier at the Colony Theatre in Burbank Aug 31 - Sept 22.


    00:00 - Introduction.
    02:24 - Christine slates her name.
    02:50 - Representing composers as an agent.
    05:08 - Why The Civility of Albert Cashier now.
    09:37 - Do people know the Albert Cashier story.
    10:30 - The long journey to get it on stage.
    12:09 - Why such a limited engagement and Broadway aspirations.
    14:17 - Syncing up with Robert.
    15:52 - Robert slates his name.
    17:10 - How Robert got involved with The Civility of Albert Cashier.
    20:45 - The excitement for this musical.
    21:18 - More producing in the future.
    22:17 - Why The Civility of Albert Cashier now.
    24:23 - Inviting celebrities to the show.


    The full video and pics --

    Robert's first Box Angeles --

    Support Box Angeles (and access the audio archives) on Patreon.

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    26 August 2024, 7:15 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    #333: Stephanie Kato

    Yoga instructor Stephanie Kato stops by the bungalow and discusses how yoga translates to the real world, how she sequences her classes, the decision to walk away from acting, and more!

    Steph's IMDb and Instagram @stephkato_.

    00:00 - Introduction.
    02:14 - Steph slates her name.
    03:38 - Yoga for actors and mindfulness.
    06:54 - Yoga translating to the real world.
    08:30 - Studying in Bali.
    13:27 - Using storytelling to guide class and "peak pose".
    16:15 - Using both Sanskrit and English.
    17:10 - Economics of Yoga.
    18:34 - How Steph choregraphs her sequences with writing, drawing and playing.
    25:52 - Rituals and time manangement.
    28:33 - Memorizing sequences.
    31:00 - Hecklers in class.
    34:03 - How much does Steph practice yoga.
    37:03 - Describing yoga.
    38:15 - What is the point of Shavasana.
    43:37 - Stephisms and being proud of students.
    46:19 - Pet peeves for class.
    49:34 - Steph acting as a young child in LA while living in Tuscon.
    53:02 - Moving to LA as an adult but struggling with day jobs and limiting beliefs.
    58:18 - Being content with the decision to walk away.

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    19 August 2024, 7:15 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    #332: Sara Tomko

    Actor Sara Tomko stops by the bungalow and discusses the long journey of Resident Alien, the importance of working day jobs, finding success later in life, and more!

    Sara's IMDb and Instagram @saratomko19.

    00:00 - Introduction.
    02:25 - Sara slates her name.
    03:20 - The ups and downs of Resident Alien.
    06:32 - Never being comfortable even after "getting the one".
    13:55 - Residuals versus smaller audience from a cable network.
    15:34 - Day jobs.
    20:24 - Finding success later in life.
    25:15 - Sara's audition growth and trajectory.
    29:35 - How much is Sara auditioning now.
    36:12 - Self tapes.
    40:32 - How to handle and stay creative in the down times.
    49:40 - Time mamanagement.
    57:02 - Who took a chance on Sara.

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    Support Box Angeles (and access the audio archives) on Patreon.

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    22 July 2024, 7:15 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    #331: Jason Winer

    Director Jason Winer stops by the bungalow and discusses starting out in improv, his overall deal with 20th Century Fox, actor networking, and more!

    Jason's IMDb and Instagram @jasonwiner.

    00:00 - Introduction.
    01:58 - Jason slates his name.
    02:10 - Directing a pregnant Julie Bowen in the Modern Family pilot.
    04:32 - Dealing with unexpected situations as a director.
    09:25 - The lack of new comedy television.
    11:24 - Starting out in improv comedy at iO Chicago.
    15:10 - Studying performance at Northwestern.
    17:16 - Surviving in LA as an actor partly via selling MTV the show The Blame Game.
    20:15 - Transitioning from in front of the camera to behind it.
    28:50 - Working with or against perfectionism.
    32:25 - How does improv background effect directing.
    35:00 - Getting a meeting about Modern Family.
    37:40 - Editing improvised scenes.
    40:27 - Jason's overall deal with 20th Century Fox.
    44:49 - Eric Andre needs to act more.
    45:43 - How involved is Jason in casting.
    51:00 - Finding new talent on crews like producers, casting, costume, etc.
    54:44 - The prep a director does for an episode.
    1:00:08 - Who took a chance on Jason.
    1:01:26 - Keeping up relationships with directors and actor networking.

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    Support Box Angeles (and access the audio archives) on Patreon.

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    17 June 2024, 7:15 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    BA #330: Jeff Greenberg

    Casting director Jeff Greenberg stops by the bungalow and discusses how he got started in casting, how many people he auditioned for the leads of Modern Family, his opinions on self tapes, and more!

    Jeff's IMDb and Instagram @jeffgreenbergcd.

    00:00 - Introduction.
    01:59 - Jeff slates his name.
    04:53 - Did David Hyde Pierce crash the Frasier audition?
    10:50 - The greatness of the show Frasier.
    12:30 - Does Jeff watch the shows he casts.
    15:28 - How Jeff shifted from acting to casting in the 80s.
    19:56 - Getting the big break to cast Cheers in season 5.
    24:18 - Working alone for Jeff's whole career.
    27:02 - Ty Burrel being the hardest person to cast in Modern Family.
    32:21 - Do notes from networks upset Jeff.
    33:03 - How many people did Jeff read for the leads in Modern Family.
    38:55 - The number Jeff auditions for leads verses submissions and salary involvement.
    42:24 - Giving feedback to actors that you continually bring in to test.
    44:28 - Does Jeff keep track of analytics in general.
    49:23 - What does casting value the most in a new actor.
    52:30 - Jeff's lists and stacks.
    54:24 - Self tapes versus in-person auditions.
    1:00:10 - Who took a chance on Jeff.

    The full video and pics --

    Support Box Angeles (and access the audio archives) on Patreon.

    Follow Box Angeles on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.

    3 June 2024, 7:15 am
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