Dorktown Podcast

Dorktown Network

Mikey, Bells and Producer Becky tell stories, play games, drink craft beer, talk podcasting, Star Wars, music and interview the occasional cool person.

  • Don't Look Crazy In The Eye | Dorktown 230

    Bells tells a story. We play an Or Game. There is a surprise call or two. Clovis and Rambo are referenced. You know, classic Dorktown.

    What? Like we haven't been here the whole time?

    Click to download: Dorktown230.mp3
    25.5MB | 55:55 | Fowl Language!
    PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet & Instagram us @dorktown. Follow Mikey @thefresnan.
    4 February 2019, 7:40 pm
  • It Just Keeps Coming - Night Of Network Superstars: Dorktown #229
    This week, we join Dorktown, already in progress. Joining the "progress" this episode, from the Dorktown Network of podcast is:
    If you think this episode gets rammy, you would be right. There is an Or Game and Netflix Reco segment to attempt to keep things together. It works, for the most part. There is a badass Music Break from Haunt. But mostly there is a lot of fun. That's what we're here for, thank you for joining us.
    Try not to walk under a ladder while listening.

    CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: DorktownPodcast229.mp3
    36.7MB | 1:20:11| FOWL LANGUAGE WARNING!

    PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet & Instagram us @dorktown. Follow Mikey @thefresnan.
    29 May 2018, 1:20 pm
  • What Happens When You Die? [Dorktown Podcast]

    Hey there. Dorktown has returned and we have some questions for you.

    Seriously, we have questions.

    Like, "What happens to you when you die?" Woah, that's like, heavy, Doc.

    Some other things might go-down in this episode. Like Ratt collab-ing with Marvin Gay, classic 80s movies being developed into TV shows, the Han Solo movie, Dorktown declaring it won't be begging for money like some other podcast we know, and much more fun.

    CLICK TO LISTEN: Dorktown228.mp3
    23.3MB | 51:03 | Fowl Language!

    PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet & Instagram us @dorktown. Follow Mikey @thefresnan.
    12 March 2018, 12:49 am
  • The 12 Best Things In Disneyland: Dorktown Podcast #227

    As the wise man, David Lee Roth, once said: "I heard ya missed us, we're baaaack!"

    The longest hiatus in podcast history is over. We hit the ground running with a list about Disneyland, Bells brought his keyboard from childhood, Speak & Spell tests the podcast's smarts, there is a complete breakdown of (maybe) the worst Jungle Cruise Captain ever, the Foo Fighters came to Fresno and we recorded a bootleg of it, we finally review The Last Jedi and much more!

    Happy to be back, thanks for waiting, dork.

    CLICK TO PLAY: DorktownPodcast227.mp3
    35.1MB | 1:16:46 | FOWL LANGUAGE!

    PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet & Instagram us @dorktown. Follow Mikey @thefresnan. Website:
    8 January 2018, 8:26 am
  • Paper or Tote? This Is A Serious Question. Dorktown #225
    Yes. A new Dorktown! It's been a dang while and it's nice to be back.

    We're going to play really fun Or Game this week. Who knew things could get so heated about paper grocery bags?!

    Things get hardcore with Farooq too and stick around for some uncomfortableness at the end.


    25.0MB | 54:56 | Fowl fowl language!
    We are glad you're here. Thanks for listening!
    PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet us.
    25 July 2017, 1:36 pm
  • Zima Dorks: Dorktown Podcast #224

    Take it easy on the Zimas and Bass beers, ok? Settle in and have some fun with us. We're going to play a booze-themed Or Game, listen to some Wee Beasties, make a podcast recommendation, talk a little Star Wars and much more Dorkness.

    LISTEN: DorktownPodcast224.mp3
    30.1MB | 1:05:48 | Fowl fowl language!

    Thanks for listening!

    PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet us.
    -Dorktown Podcast blog. Mikey’s blog.
    27 June 2017, 5:25 am
  • Hanging Out, Fidget Spinning and Stomping Feet: Dorktown Podcast #223

    It's been a little bit, nice to be hanging with you again. This week, Bells comes through on a promise to start a new game then debuts a new "show" from Dorktown called "Stomp Yer Feet". We play some Sparklejet as Mikey gets pissed off about the one time he was forced to cut them off. Plus, there are no good "Silicon Valley" podcasts and more hang-fun. Click to stream or download!: DorktownPodcast223.mp3
    22.6MB | 49:31 | Fowl Language! Thank you for listening! PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet us. -Dorktown Podcast blog. Mikey’s blog.
    6 June 2017, 5:48 am
  • That's Ice T, Not Ice Cube. Dorktown Podcast #222
    Rieeeeed! We are back to hang out with you and play games. In fact, we play a very brotherly style Or Game, lot's of fun lies within. Along with some It'll Grow Back.  And maybe give out a Netflix reco or two.  Wake up, Louie. WAKE UP! It's Dorktown, Episode 222! Click!: Dorktown222.mp3
    32.6MB | 1:11:12 | Very fowl language! Thank you for hanging with us.

    PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet us. -Dorktown Podcast blog. Mikey’s blog.
    16 May 2017, 7:44 am
  • Bells Had A Great Quesadilla: Dorktown Podcast #221
    Welcome back. America's longest running "hang-out" podcast missed you. We have some things to listen for.
    • Let's talk about being dudes.
    • Producer Becky is in a mood to cut.
    • Bells comes up with the oddest Or Game yet.
    • Music Break: The Light Thieves.
    • Bells is okay with Dorktown.
    • Mikey doesn't seem to go places.
    • Tom Seaver is more important than Cher.
    Click to listen!: DorktownPodcast221.mp3
    31.2MB | 1:08:09 | Fowl Language Thank you for hanging with us. PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet us. -Dorktown Podcast blog. Mikey’s blog.

    25 April 2017, 7:35 am
  • It's Bell's Birthday: Dorktown 220

    It's Bell's Birthday!! We sing. We drink beer. We Or Game. We dork out about notebooks.  We report on the hot podcast. We get drunk. We do the things. Oh and Bells has some exclusive Star Wars Land in Disneyland info!! Click to listen: Dorktown220.mp3
    Thanks for listening! Check out And Mikey on Snapchat: trenchrun22. 
    29 March 2017, 5:11 pm
  • Is It Cool If I Bring My Boom Box In Here?: Dorktown #219
    Welcome back to America's longest running hang-out show! We go through a few things... Bells used to go into local restaurants with his boom box blaring... because Bells. We play an Eddie Murphy OR GAME. We talk about the hottest show in podcasting. We personal brand. We drink beer. We have a music break from Mike Seay (no not THAT Mike Seay). We try to make you feel old with some [now old] music hits. We have an update on Bell's cell phone and MORE DORK! Click to listen: DorktownPodcast219.mp3
    31.2 || 1:08:21 || Fowl Language PODCAST LINKS -You can also find this pod on iTunes and Stitcher. Like our Face and Tweet us. -Dorktown Podcast blog. Mikey’s blog.

    15 March 2017, 5:01 am
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