Pocket Planet Radio


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  • Pocket Planet Radio 29-04-07 Virtual Hallucinations
    A tour of the virtual hallucinations building on UC Davis Island in Second Life in the Company of Professor Peter Yellowlees
  • Pocket Planet Radio 10-07-05 London Bombings: Interview with mobloguk's Alfie Dennen
    The most striking images of the July 7th London bombings came from ordinary people. Alfie Dennen started moblog.co.uk, he's also behind werenotafraid.com
  • Pocket Planet Radio 22-07-05 London Bombings the Tube Challenge Interview
    We speak to Geoff Marshall the man behind tubechallenge.com an attempt to raise money for the victims of the London bombings
  • Pocket Planet Radio 20-07-05 Wil Wheaton remembers Star Treks James Doohan
    James Doohan the actor who played Scotty in Star Trek died today. Fellow Trek actor and blogger Wil Wheaton www.wilwheaton.net shares his memories of the man
  • Pocket Planet Radio 19-07-05 Harry Potter Global Reaction, Analysis and Review
    The Harry Potter Podcast. With the Half Blood Prince out in shops we ask two Potter experts with several NEWTS between them to give us their thoughts on the book. And we attempt to answer the only question that matters about Severus Snape http://odeo.com/claim/feed/f9820c2c78a201dd
  • Pocket Planet Radio 16-07-05 Forgotten Voices AIDS and HIV in India
    Interview with Sandeep and Srinavas who run the voices project a grassroots effort to document the lives of people with HIV or AIDS in India
  • Pocket Planet Radio 14-07-05 The Comets
    Rock turned fifty in July. The Comets, of Bill Haley and The Comets fame, were inaugurated into the Hollywood Rock Walk - this podcast features an interview with three of the band members
  • Pocket Planet Radio 12-07-05 London Bombings: The Police Raids in Leeds
    We interview a journalist based in Leeds following the police raids on premises in the city as part of their investigation into the London bombings
  • Pocket Planet Radio 08-07-05
    As the numbers of dead rise in London in the wake of the bombings there - what has reaction been in Madrid, and will reaction in Britain mirror that in Spain.
  • Pocket Planet Radio 06-08-05 Atheism and belief in God. Interviews with among others a Christian Youth Leader, a holocaust survivor, the co-president of Atheists United and a Vietnam veteran
    A holocaust survivor, vietnam vet, a Christian youth leader, and the co-president of Atheists United talk about their beliefs
  • Pocket Planet Radio 07-07-05
    Reaction from people living and working in London to the terror attacks.
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