Liberadio(!) with Mary Mancini & Freddie O'Connell

Mary Mancini & Freddie O'Connell

Mary Mancini and Freddie O'Connell - a couple libs and their guests sitting around talking.

  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast April 19, 2010 A Conversation with Justin Bieber, Part 1
    We apologize, but by the time our show aired, Justin Bieber had to cancel. We're sad but we forge ahead with the Liberadio(!) "To Do" list, Freddie as a bicycle valet, the Davidson County Democratic Party straw poll debrief, and a rundown of the news. Plus, Federal Public Defender Kelley Henry joins us live to tell us the story of her client Gaile Owens, one of two women on Tennessee's death row, and Tennessee Attorney General Bob Cooper issues an opinion [pdf] on the constitutionality of yet another vanity license plates. Beep, beep, who got the keys to the...ZOMG! Jesus is Lord! [25.4MB]
    20 April 2010, 4:19 pm
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast April 19, 2010 A Conversation with Justin Bieber, Part 2
    In the second hour we tell you all the fun facts that weren't reported about self-described "Tea Partiers," and we speak to Ian Millhiser, Policy Analyst for Center for American Progress about the upcoming Supreme Court nomination - what it means to a court primarily made up of conservatives "nuts" and what the confirmation process will look like. Then, it's once again time for Karl Frisch and the Media Matters for America Smackdown - this week Karl takes Maureen Dowd and the Sunday morning talk shows to the mat - and a quick but important word about a bill that would outlaw some forms of birth control in Tennessee (which has passed in both the House and Senate and is on its way to the Governor to be signed). [23.4MB]
    20 April 2010, 4:15 pm
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast April 12, 2010 Don't Confuse Your Census with Your 1040, Part 1
    The Liberadio(!) "To Do" list is long this week and includes marijuana jokes, coveting the Seattle Center Monorail (and flume ride), and a historic march. Plus, love him or hate him, you know Barney Frank would never try to bite the head off a baby bunny - or would he? And we are disgusted with Sarah Palin's unchallenged and unrelenting display of disrespect for the highest office in the land and chagrined - again - at what Tennessee Republicans and, therefore, Tennessee Democrats have decided is going to be the issue to talk about in this campaign. Then, we begin the breakdown of what's going on with voter roll purges in Benton County. [28.14MB]
    13 April 2010, 1:24 am
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast April 12, 2010 Don't Confuse Your Census with Your 1040, Part 2
    We talk to Neal Darby, Jr., Senior Partnership Specialist Team Leader with the U.S. Census Bureau and he answers all our questions about the 10 questions. Then, we continue our discussion about the controversial Benton County voter roll purges - who was affected, why, and why can't we locate the laws that the election administrator said were followed during the purge process? [19.82MB]
    13 April 2010, 1:23 am
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast April 5, 2010 A Day without a Kleinheider, Part 1
    Play ball! It's opening day but we don't have just baseball on our minds - there's the Easter weekend, some jobs chatter, college hoops, and the Tennessee state legislature can't say boo to the coal lobby so the feds are coming in to take a good hard look at the quaint little practice of mountaintop removal. Plus, A.C. Kleinheider, who provided the solo byline for Post Politics - the go to place for state and local political news and views - until he was let go last week, joins us for a little debriefing, dodging, and dancing. Was he really fired as the result of a racist email? [26.92MB]
    6 April 2010, 12:17 am
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast April 5, 2010 A Day without a Kleinheider, Part 2
    Our listeners can't get enough Kleinheider and neither can we so he stays and our listeners ask him some tough questions. Will he or won't he comment and tell? And Karl Frisch of Media Matters talks Tiger Woods, Jesse James, Justin Beiber, and Ludacris...until he gets back on track and pulls the curtain back on Sarah Palin's new Fox talk show. Then? You guessed it, we get another fix of Kleinheider. Will he be back again next week? [23.14MB]
    6 April 2010, 12:15 am
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast March 29, 2010 Part 1
    Bits and bobs of news from health care to buses, Mumpower to Haslam. Plus Al Gore gets it right, how much racism is part of the Anti-health insurance reform protests, and an interview with Commissioner Reagan Farr (he lets us call him "Commish"), of the Tennessee Department of Revenue [30.61MB]
    29 March 2010, 11:34 pm
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast March 29, 2010 Part 2
    In this hour we interview Andrew Hysell, director of the Campaign for Healthy Kids for Save the Children and Joan Randall, chair of the Tennessee Obesity Task Force. We also hear two long-time news reporters hold national Republicans leaders to account for their ridiculous posturing and rampant hypocrisy - finally! - and we hear two Democratic state legislators hold state Republican leaders to account for the same. Plus, what should government do? Rep. Glen Casada (R-Franklin) thinks it should abandon its most precious resource. But Rep Sherry Jones (D-Nashville) disagrees. [18.8MB]
    29 March 2010, 11:33 pm
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast March 22, 2010: Part 1: Yes We Did (Part 2 in a Series)
    There's really one one news story this morning - woohoo! health care reform legislation! - and really one "to do" item - call and thank your congressperson who voted for woohoo! health care reform legislation. And then there's the congressmen from Tennessee who didn't vote for it. Call those guys too. Plus, what's good about the newly passed legislation and Tony Garr, executive director for Tennessee Health Care campaign joins us to talk about why it's specifically good for Tennesseans. [27.47MB]
    22 March 2010, 9:17 pm
  • Liberadio(!) Podcast March 22, 2010: Part 2: Yes We Did (Part 2 in a Series)
    So just what was the contemporary Republican party's agenda during this health care reform debate? Freddie's got a few ideas. Plus, we take your calls, don't answer a few questions, and talk to Karl Frisch of Media Matters (who bought Limbaugh not one but TWO plane tickets to Costa Rica) and Mark Naccarato of SEIU Local 205. [23.13MB]
    22 March 2010, 9:16 pm
  • 2 minutes
    Liberadio(!) Podcast March 15, 2010: Part 1: A One-Track Mind in a Multitasking World
    16 March 2010, 9:15 pm
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