This Is Hell!

This is Hell!

Longform interview Hell since 1996.

  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    Sustaining a Politics of Extermination an Climate Chaos / Omar El Akkad
    Award-winning author Omar El Akkad joins “This Is Hell!” to talk about his new book, "One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This”, published by the Penguin Books. Check out Omar’s book here: Keep TiH! free and completely listener supported by subscribing to our weekly bonus Patreon podcast or visiting
    10 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 51 minutes
    Worker-to-Worker Organizing / Eric Blanc
    Labor scholar Eric Blanc joins us to discuss his new book published just today by the University of California Press titled, "We Are the Union: How Worker-to-Worker Organizing Is Revitalizing Labor and Winning Big." "The Moment of Truth" with Jeff Dorchen follows the interview. Check out Eric's book here: Help keep This Is Hell! completely listener supported and access bonus episodes by subscribing to our Patreon:
    5 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    The Dark History of American Orphanhood / Kristen Martin
    Journalist and cultural critic Kristen Martin joins “This Is Hell!” to talk about her new book, "The Sun Won’t Come Out Tomorrow: The Dark History of American Orphanhood”, published by the Bold Type Books. Check out Kristen’s book here: Visit Kristen’s website: Keep TiH! free and completely listener supported by subscribing to our weekly bonus Patreon podcast or visiting
    2 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 52 minutes
    Hitler's Takeover Was Completely Constitutional / Timothy Ryback
    Historian Timothy W. Ryback joins us to discuss his Atlantic essays, "How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 Days: He used the constitution to shatter the constitution," "The Oligarchs Who Came to Regret Supporting Hitler They helped him in pursuit of profit. Many ended up in concentration camps," and, "‘Herr Hitler, Do You Really Believe Me Capable of Such a Dirty Trick?’ The chancellor rewarded loyalty with loyalty. Until he didn’t." Timothy is director of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation in The Hague. He is the author of several books on Hitler’s Germany, most recently, "Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power." "The Moment of Truth" with Jeff Dorchen follows the interview. Check out Timothy's writing at The Atlantic: Check out his new book here: Help keep This Is Hell! completely listener supported and access bonus episodes by subscribing to our Patreon:
    26 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    A New Political Ecology Is Needed to Change the World / Erald Kolasi
    Physicist Erald Kolasi returns to “This Is Hell!” to talk about his new book, "The Physics of Capitalism: How a New Political Ecology Can Change the World”, published by the Monthly Review. Check out Erald’s book here: Keep TiH! free and completely listener supported by subscribing to our weekly bonus Patreon podcast:
    22 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 56 minutes
    Chuck has Covid pt. 2: Technoauthoritarian Frontiers / Quinn Slobodian & Greg Grandin
    Chuck is out of action this week COVID, so we are featuring past interviews with upcoming guests who all have new books coming out on the days we are scheduled to interview them in upcoming weeks. Today's episode features two listener-favorite historians. First up is Quinn Slobodian on his 2023 book "Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy." Greg Grandin follows with a discussion of his Pulitzer Prize-winning 2020 book "The End of the Myth: From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America." A classic Moment of Truth with Jeff Dorchen follows the interview. Help keep This Is Hell! completely listener supported and access bonus episodes by subscribing to our Patreon:
    21 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 49 minutes
    Chuck has Covid pt. 1: Socialist Futures / Jodi Dean & Erald Kolasi
    Chuck is out of action this week COVID, so we are featuring past interviews with upcoming guests who all have new books coming out on the days we are scheduled to interview them in upcoming weeks. Today's episode features two guests whose work imagine a more emancipatory, dignified, sustainable future should socialist imperatives govern the future of human development. First up is political scientist Jodi Dean, who joined us in 2022 to discuss her book "Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States" from 1804 Books. Physicist and researcher Erald Kolasi follows in a 2021 interview in which he outlines his vision for a more ecologically sustainable future as discussed in his Monthly Review article titled "The Ecological State." Rotten History from our dear friend and comrade Renaldo Migaldi follows the interview. Help keep This Is Hell! completely listener supported and access bonus episodes by subscribing to our Patreon:
    19 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    Law Enforcement Needs to Get Serious About the Far Right / Mike German
    Mike German, co-author with Beth Zasloff of the new book, "Policing White Supremacy: The Enemy Within," returns to This is Hell! Mike is a former FBI agent who went undercover in the far right whtie supremacsit movement and has appeared on the show a couple of times. "The Moment of Truth" with Jeff Dorchen follows the interview. Check out Mike's book here: Help keep This Is Hell! completely listener supported and access bonus episodes by subscribing to our Patreon:
    11 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 28 minutes
    How Technofacism is Rooted in Silicon Valley / Becca Lewis
    Disinformation and far-right digital media scholar Becca Lewis, who posted The Guardian article, “‘Headed for technofascism’: the rightwing roots of Silicon Valley." Check out Becca Lewis new Guardian piece at this link: Becca served as an expert witness in the defamation lawsuits brought against Alex Jones by parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims. She is currently writing a book on the rise of reactionary politics in Silicon Valley and online. Keep TiH! free and completely listener supported by subscribing to our weekly bonus Patreon podcast or visiting
    10 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
    How Thiel, Musk, and Other Tech Billionaires Bought the Liberal Media / Eoin Higgins
    Journalist and historian Eoin Higgins, author of the new book, "Owned: How Tech Billionaires on the Right Bought the Loudest Voices on the Left." "The Moment of Truth" with Jeff Dorchen follows the interview. Check out Eoin's book here: Help keep This Is Hell! completely listener supported and access bonus episodes by subscribing to our Patreon:
    5 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 29 minutes
    What Different Parts of the World Has That the US Lacks / Natasha Hakimi Zapata
    Award-winning journalist Natasha Hakimi Zapata joins us to discuss her new book, “Another World Is Possible: Lessons For America From Around The Globe”, published by The New Press. Her articles can be found be found in In These TImes, The Nation, and The New York Times. Purchase the book at this link: Natasha Hakimi Zapata’s website: Help keep This Is Hell! completely listener supported and access bonus episodes by subscribing to our Patreon:
    1 February 2025, 12:00 am
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