Four Seas One Family and the Expat Life

James Thomas

Four Seas One Family focuses exclusively on adjustments to life overseas as an expat, immigrant or migrant. Learn from the insights our host and guests bring that will assist in constructing a clear understanding of how being a global citizen can help people from different backgrounds learn more about themselves and appreciate that we all have something to learn from each other.

  • 10 minutes 43 seconds
    How Content Creators Amplify Social Media Addiction
    20 January 2024, 4:59 pm
  • 7 minutes 32 seconds
    Is Critical Thinking a Forgotten Thought
    20 January 2024, 4:57 pm
  • 9 minutes 36 seconds
    Mob Mentality and Social Control

    #mob #mobmentaility #socialcontrol  The right to freely express opinions in democratic nations may unexpectedly become derailed and end up uniting those with related, and sometimes radical, views. Members of these groups may become evangelized and later begin propagating their beliefs or faith outside their sphere of influence. 

    Being a member or part of a community or group can amplify or exaggerate an individual's optimistic and pessimistic sense of security and pride. Is it possible that the commonalities that hold groups together in democratic societies become influenced or abused remotely by nefarious institutions, foundations, and, unsurprisingly, governments? 

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    20 January 2024, 4:53 pm
  • 8 minutes 31 seconds
    Self-Serving Bias in a Democracy (自利性偏差)

    #selfservingbias #democracy #biased Observations and decisions promoted aggressively through corrupted one-way thinking and decision-making processes, which usually come from biased information networks, feed something called a self-serving bias.


    Self-Serving Bias: Definition and Examples

    What Is a Self-Serving Bias and What Are Some Examples of It?

    Conspiratorial Beliefs and Cognitive Styles: An Integrated Look on Analytic Thinking, Critical Thinking, and Scientific Reasoning in Relation to (Dis)trust in Conspiracy Theories

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    Twitter: @4Seas1Family Website: Patreon:

    20 January 2024, 4:50 pm
  • 10 minutes 53 seconds
    Cognitive Dissonance in a Democracy

    #cognitivedissonance  #democracynow  #beliefsandsciences    Unfortunately, it takes some people an extremely long time to acknowledge that some of their beliefs, or ways of thinking, weren't carefully thought out or lacked objective reasoning. It may take a lot of honest self-reflection to rid themselves of beliefs that hold them back from seeing the world as it is instead of how they want it to be

    Cognitive dissonance: What to know

    Dissonance and Political Hypocrisy

    Could You Have a Fear of Politics or Politicophobia?

    ‘No to war!’: Anger over troop conscription rages in Russia

    Democratic Rights Popular Globally but Commitment to Them Not Always Strong

    Million Maga March: Trump supporters protest in Washington

    Colorado Experience: KKK

    Inside the New Ku Klux Klan (ABC)

    It was a modern-day lynching: Violent deaths reflect a brutal American legacy

    Tuskegee Syphilis Study

    The Tuskegee Timeline

    Sand Creek Massacre

    The Horrific Sand Creek Massacre Will Be Forgotten No More

    Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese internment camps

    Internment of Japanese Americans

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    Twitter: @4Seas1Family Website: Patreon:

    20 January 2024, 4:47 pm
  • Confirmation Bias and the Freedom of Expression

    Let us look at how personal and social biases fragment the relationship between people, their communities, and their nation. How do you think those with a vested interest in seeking the crumbling and downfall of nations that allow multiple opinions to coexist further exacerbate disturbances in countries that enable freedom of expression?

    20 January 2024, 4:42 pm
  • 12 minutes 21 seconds
    Religion꞉ Democratic Nations Achilles Heel

    From Protestant Supremacy to Christian Slavery

    9 Devastating Actions White Enslavers Took to Convert Black People to Christianity

    Underground Railroad

    Slave Bible

    Select Parts of the Holy Bible for the use of the Negro Slaves in the British West-India Islands.

    Does the Bible Condone Slavery? The Bible that DID SUPPORT SLAVERY!   

     • The Bible that DID SUPPORT SLAVERY!  

    Slave Bible From The 1800s Omitted Key Passages That Could Incite Rebellion.

    The Revealer  (An opposing view of the Slave Bible) Colonial enslavement of Native Americans included those who surrendered, too

    Slavery and Religion

    Native American Enslavement in Colonial America

    The Attraction of Idolatry

    Enslaved Africans weren’t the only ones who worshipped idols.

    “By the eve of the Civil War, Christianity had pervaded the slave community. Not all enslaved people were Christian, nor were all those who accepted Christianity members of a church, but the doctrines, symbols, and vision of life preached by Christianity were familiar to most.”

    “Black Americans, once freed from slavery, were very active in forming their churches, most of them Baptist or Methodist, and giving their ministers moral and political leadership roles. In the process of self-segregation, practically all black Americans left white churches so that few racially integrated congregations remained (apart from some Catholic churches in Louisiana).”

    Bible Passages Removed

    “Is this a case of government oppression or the Chinese church coming into its own? How to understand “sinicization.”

    “Catholics want the church hierarchy in China to speak up and seek an apology for an offensive school textbook.”

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    20 January 2024, 4:35 pm
  • 12 minutes 10 seconds
    The Implosion of the Democratic World Part 2
    Implosion of the Democratic World Part 2 民主世界毀滅 2

    In this episode, I take a deep dive into how democratic nations are allowing themselves to blindly become subservient proxy elements of foreign governments that exploit their democratic liberties in their nation to create social and political disruption across the board that may easily lead to their democratic nation’s social, political and cultural implosion. This has been a warning! Note: Pay special attention to the graphic elements in this episode's YouTube video as they hold deeper insights into the topic.


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    And, finally, please take a minute to leave us a comment on Apple Podcasts. They really help us out when it comes to the ranking of the show.

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    And if you're listening to our podcast, please subscribe and help us spread the word that we have a lot more in common than we think. We're very interested to hear what you have to say. For Four Seas One Family, I'm James Thomas in Taipei, Taiwan. And remember to take care of yourself wherever you are in the World.

    12 April 2021, 5:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 43 seconds
    First Warning: State-Sponsored Subversion - 104

    @subversion @statesponsored @fakenews @4s1f

    This is a spotlight why democratic nations and their citizens must stay vigilant of how their rights and freedoms are being used against them by external forces that disrupt the core that holds their governments and national identities together. Please leave a comment if you have anything you would like to say or share concerning this topic. If you found what we have to offer of value, please click on the “subscribe” and “bell” buttons to help us spread the word that we have a lot more in common than we think. We’re very interested to hear what you have to say. Twitter: @4Seas1Family Website: Patreon: FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright.

    22 February 2021, 4:00 am
  • 16 minutes 21 seconds
    African American Relationship with Africa vs. China – 4S1F103

    Social mayhem affecting black communities in the United States appears to have reached a breaking point. Many African Americans are searching for the rights and freedoms they felt they never received in the United States and began looking towards their ancestors' lands for corrections and solitude.


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    Please subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts to get automatic episode updates of our podcasts.

    And, finally, please take a minute to leave us a comment on Apple Podcasts. They really help us out when it comes to the ranking of the show.

    If you found what we have to offer of value, please click on the "subscribe" to keep up to date with our current episodes.

    And if you're listening to our podcast, please subscribe and help us spread the word that we have a lot more in common than we think. We're very interested to hear what you have to say. For Four Seas One Family, I'm James Thomas in Taipei, Taiwan. And remember to take care of yourself wherever you are in the World.

    8 January 2021, 3:35 am
  • 12 minutes 2 seconds
    Comparing America's and China's Cultural Revolution - 4S1F102

    #blacklivesmatter #blm #culturalrevolution It seems like history always finds a way to repeat itself. However, the way it is repeating itself in America could lead to uncontrollable circumstances that could easily or eventually lead to its demise. America

    7 December 2020, 4:00 am
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