FOREVER MIDNIGHT - Horror Movie Podcast.

Forever Midnight - Horror Movie Podcast

Horror Movie Podcast

  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Ep -319: Night Of The Demons 2.

    In this episode Jef picked a flick for the crew that he has been wanting to check out forever, 1994's "Night Of The Demons 2"! The FM3 talked about the original Night Of The Demons way back on episode #73: Halloween Quig-out! (Night Of The Demons & The Barn), so check that one out if you are curious, the guys may have talked a lot of shit but at the end of the day they all agree that the original is at the very least a classic or at the very very least a "classic wank"! So getting to go back to party with Angela for Halloween was very exciting! While the spirit of the first film definitely haunts this sequel, Jef, Josh and Brian talk at length about its laundry list of shortcomings and try their HARDEST to fill an old stiff sock with all the things they loved about this straight to video mess-terpiece. Sit back, grab an ice cold holy water and get ready to battle some demons with Forever Midnight!

    28 February 2025, 9:51 am
  • 1 hour 42 minutes
    Ep -318: Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf.

    In this episode Jef, Josh and Brian decide to keep riding the Werewolf train and pull Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf off the VHS shelf at the studio. What better way to enjoy a sequel to one of the all time classic werewolf flicks than on videocassette with your buds?! Soon after the FM3 realized something was off, everything went dark - Is it the VCR? Could it be a bad duplication? Maybe the Forever Midnight crew is having a collective stroke and everything is hairy!? Whatever is happening, it doesn't matter if the moon is full or if you have your pockets filled with garlic, Your sister is a werewolf and there's nothing you can do about it except to sit back and enjoy this brand new episode of Forever Midnight! 

    21 February 2025, 10:11 am
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Ep -317: An American Werewolf In London.
    In this episode one of the incredible Top Wolf's from Patreon chose one of Jef, Josh and Brian's collective favorites "An American Werewolf In London"! It is insane that the FM3 have not done a proper episode on what might be the best Werewolf movie ever. All it took was a wonderful Patreon Patron putting up some hard earned cash to make the crew watch and talk about a good movie for a change.  So grab your backpack, stick to the roads and beware the moon because Forever Midnight is heading to London! Awooooooooo!!!  
    14 February 2025, 8:44 am
  • 1 hour 29 minutes
    Ep -316: Wolf Man (2025).

    In this episode Jef, Josh and Brian figured since they just watched and talked about The Wolf Man (2010), why not check out Wolf Man (2025) that just hit theaters?!? What is the worst that could happen? Could this film actually be good? Could this film bring something new to the screen that folks have yet to see in a wolf man movie? Mayhaps, but you lovely folks will need to tune in and listen as Jef, Josh and Brian put on their white coats and grab the defibrillators because this is a job for THE MOVIE DOCTORS!! 

    7 February 2025, 8:07 am
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    Ep -315: The Wicker Man (1973 & 2006).

    In this episode the FM3 dive head first into the folk horror madness that is "The Wicker Man"! But what better way to do that than by watching "The Wicker Man" (1973) back to back with "The Wicker Man" (2006)!! Sure we got slightly forced by a top dawg Patron into watching both of these, sorta like being pushed into a burning wicker dude effigy, but Jef, Josh and Brian wouldn't have it any other way. So sit back, wait for the smoke to fill your lungs and the smell of a burning goat hit your sniffer as you quickly realize that maybe you won't be escaping without also having to watch both of these freaky folk horror movies. Join us!

    31 January 2025, 7:59 am
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Ep -314: The Wolfman (2010).

    In this episode Brian finally picks a personal fave of his " The Wolfman" (2010) much to the chagrin of Jef and Josh. But Brian is certain that his co-hosts will indeed love this star studded remake and will be hearing how much they love it as they record this newest episode. However, Brian is in for a rude awakening, much like waking up after a long night of werewwolfin' around town slashin' boobies and eatin' bobbies! So sit back and join the FM3 as they chat about The Wolfman!

    24 January 2025, 9:54 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Ep -313: Possum.

    TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault/Abuse/Missing Children

    In this episode the FM3 Talk about the bleak and cold film Possum from 2018. Brian picked this one for the group thinking it was going to be a scary supernatural puppet adventure but it ended up being far darker and more horrible than he or the rest of the crew could imagine. All in all it is a very well done film, but it is a heavy fucked up one. This is one of those films that is NOT for everyone. 

    17 January 2025, 7:42 am
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Ep -312: Nosferatu.
    In this episode, the FM3 were very excited to hop back in the theater for the last big horror film of 2024 with Robert Eggers Nosferatu! This most recent remake of the 102 year old classic had Jef, Josh and Brian very curious as to what new things were going to be brought to the table. Would it be a cookie cutter re-do or would it be a new fangled re-imagining? The crew talks at length about this newest horny bloodsucker and all his dusty shenanigans, the countless other times they have seen this story and how damn good a filmmaker Robert Eggers truly is! It's Friday, kick back and chill with your dudes at Forever Midnight. (If you only wanna hear the chat about Nosferatu 2024 fast forward to the 15 minute mark and enjoy!)  
    10 January 2025, 10:46 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Ep -311: BloodTide.
    In this episode the FM3 DIVE into a horror film from 1982 that none of the crew had seen or for that matter even heard of called "BLOODTIDE" starring James Earl Jones, Martin Kove, Deborah Shelton and more! This Greek hunk fest got the guys schweaty and ready to hit the beach and do some treasure hunting with Darth Vader himself! But wouldn't you know it, there is a monster on the loose and somebody has to stop it! This weird overlooked flick from the 80's is a trip and Forever Midnight suggests you take that trip at least once, but don't forget your sunblock! Thanks so much to friend of the Podcast Neil Pearlmutter of the local Santa Rosa Roxy 14 Cult Film Series for putting this one on the radar for Josh, Jef and Brian. You can stream BloodTide on TUBI, PLEX or grab a new 4K BLU-RAY from Arrow Video!   
    3 January 2025, 9:12 am
  • 1 hour 19 seconds
    Ep -310: Don't Open Till Christmas.

    Happy Holidays!! This year the FM3 tackle another little known Christmas horror film in hopes they will one day reach into their stocking and pick a winter wonderland winner. Josh, Jef and Brian saddle up on some reindeer and fly into 1984 with high holiday hopes that "Don't Open Till Christmas" is a decades old gift from Saint Nick  just collecting dust in the rafters of some old video store. So hop in the sleigh and join the Forever Midnight crew as they unwrap this Santa Slasher! 

    Now Streaming on Plex, and Shudder!

    20 December 2024, 8:01 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Ep -309: Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet Of Curiosities.

    It’s Friday the 13th and there is no better way to celebrate this spooky holiday than with a brand new episode from your friends at Forever Midnight! This episode is special because one of the FM3’s top tier Patrons from Patreon picked not one but two episodes of Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet Of Curiosities. If you wanna play at home check out Episode 7: “ The Viewing” & Episode 4: “The Outside”.  Enjoy the episode and more importantly enjoy this special dark day Friday The 13th!! If you want to choose a movie for us to watch and talk about, join us over at !


    13 December 2024, 8:00 am
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