Q&A Episode - TRT, Cutting Weight, and Success | Starting Strength Radio #305
Rip answers questions from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.
21 February 2025, 12:00 am
1 hour 13 minutes
Fast Cars, New Cars, Favorite Cars with Bobby Campbell | Starting Strength Radio #304
Rip talks to his friend, master mechanic Bobby Campbell, about cars, cars, and more cars.
14 February 2025, 12:00 am
47 minutes 14 seconds
What is a Lifter? | Starting Strength Radio #303
Rip talks about what types of people go to gyms and the differences between them - lifters, gym bros, personal training clients and so on.
7 February 2025, 12:00 am
1 hour 31 minutes
Having a Beer with Jim Steel | Starting Strength Radio #302
Jim Steel drops in at the studio for a drink, to exchange stories, and discuss various things related to training and life.
31 January 2025, 6:00 am
46 minutes 52 seconds
A Fork in the Road with Glenn Reynolds | Starting Strength Radio #301
The Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds, joins Rip on Starting Strength Radio to discuss recent political events, training, and other goings on.
24 January 2025, 6:00 am
42 minutes 29 seconds
Best of Comments from the Haters! | Starting Strength Radio #300
A glorious edition of Starting Strength Radio to commemorate episode 300, a compilation of the best of Comments from the Haters!
17 January 2025, 6:00 am
1 hour 20 minutes
Q&A Episode - Last Meals, Weight Gain, and Close Calls | Starting Strength Radio #299
Rip answers questions from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.
10 January 2025, 6:00 am
1 hour 7 minutes
How Programming Works | Starting Strength Radio #298
Rip discusses how effective and efficient programming is based on structuring progression based on how quickly the lifter can add weight to the bar. All lifters begin as novices, making the novice linear progression the universal program until diminishing capacity for adaptation forces slower progress and a shift to more complex program organization.
3 January 2025, 6:00 am
1 hour 6 minutes
How We Get Strong | Starting Strength Radio #297
Rip and company discuss how appropriate stress forces adaptation that drives phenotypic change. Progressive increases over time produce strength, size, and capability.
27 December 2024, 6:00 am
1 hour 33 minutes
Q&A Episode - Lagging Shoulder, 3 Questions, and Going Against Conventional Wisdom
Rip answers questions live from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.
20 December 2024, 6:01 am
1 hour 31 minutes
Training Past Your Prime | Starting Strength Radio #295
Rip discusses training by older lifters, covering how the process of gaining strength remains the same as for younger lifters, but differs in some important ways that must be considered to yield the best outcome.