We Have To Go Back is a weekly podcast that discusses two Lost episodes each week. The podcast is scheduled to lead up the the Lost 2014 10-year anniversary reunion event in Hawaii.
In episode 62 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we bring this podcast to a close as we look at the LOST epilogue, "The New Man in Charge" and we discuss our trip to Oahu for the Lost 2014 fan event. In our discussion about "The New Man In Charge" we discuss the questions that were answered in the short episode, whether or not we cared about those questions, and what we gained by watching the episode.
In our discussion about our trip to Oahu, we discuss each of the LOST 2014 events, share out experiences at various LOST filming locations, and talk about some of the things we did as a family while in Oahu. We share some of the things we'd do differently next time, what our favorite moments of the trip were, and we talk about the next 2 LOST fan events that are being planned. Read More...
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In episode 61 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at the LOST series finale, "The End." Recorded on location in Hawaii and joined by our bookie, Emilee O'Leary (with occasional commentary from Barb), in episode 61 we talk about all of the highs and lows of the "The End." We talk about the epic showdown between Locke and Jack, Hurley's growth and role as the island's protector, Kate fulfilling her mission, the character arc of Jack, and those who escaped the island. We also talk about the clues that were given throughout the episode during the flash sideways scenes that hint at what is happening with the Losties. Read More...
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In episode 60 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at LOST season 6 episode 15, “Across the Sea” and season 6 episode 16, “What They Died For.” In "Across the Sea" we get an entire episode dedicated to the origin and back story of Jacob and the Man in Black. We meet their real mother and their impostor mother, how Man in Black became the smoke monster, and we gain a better understanding of each brother's role with and on the island.
In “What They Died For” we take the information we gained in "Across the Sea" and see Jack step up to be the island's new protector. We also see a final encounter between Ben and Widmore, a shocking attack on Richard Alpert, and more hints on the role Desmond will play in the finale. Read More...
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In episode 59 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at LOST season 6 episode 13, "The Last Recruit" and season 6 episode 14, "The Candidate." In "The Last Recruit" we see Jack and Claire together for the first time since they found out they have a familial connection, many of Locke's followers are killed by mortar fire from Widmore's group, and we FINALLY get the long overdue reunion between Jin and Sun. In the flash sideways we see connections between Sayid, Sawyer, Miles and Kate while also seeing connections between Jack, Desmond, Claire, Locke, and Bernard.
In "The Candidate" we finally get to see the true character of Locke coming out. We also see the deaths of three characters that are original cast members, but Locke is not satisfied. In the flash sideways we learn how Locke ended up in the wheelchair, the fate of Anthony Cooper, Jack tries to fix Locke. Read More...
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In episode 58 we take a look at LOST season 6 episode 11, “Happily Ever After” and season 6 episode 12, “Everybody Loves Hugo.” For those of us who can't get enough Desmond and Penny (or Charlie), "Happily Ever After" gives us all the stuff we love. Desmond's life in the flash sideways is dramatically different from the life we've seen until Charlie takes control and helps wake Desmond up. Along the way Desmond encounters Charles Widmore, Eloise Hawking, and Daniel Faraday. On island, Desmond is subjected to an electromagnetic experiment by Charles Widmore.
In "Everybody Loves Hugo," Hurley takes the lead after Ilana's death. He leads the beach team to the Black Rock and then to an encounter with the Man in Black. In the flash sideways, Hurley is a wealthy business owner and philanthropist, known the world over for his generosity. When a blind date fails to show up, he has a chance encounter with Libby. Intrigued by their encounter, he asks her out on a date and is awakened when they kiss. Read More...
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In episode 57 we take a look at LOST season 6 episode 9, "Ab Aeterno" and season 6 episode 10, "The Package." In "Ab Aeterno" we finally discover the mysterious back story of Richard Alpert. Through flashback we see how he got to be on the Black Rock, how he was manipulated by Man in Black and Jacob, and why he doesn't age.
In "The Package" we learn more of Jin and Sun's flash sideways story the reveals how Jin wound up in the refrigerator at the restaurant. On the island, Sun loses her ability to speak English and finds it difficult to communicate with the rest of her group. Locke encounters Charles Widmore and declares that a war is coming. Read More...
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In episode 56 we journey back to episodes 7 and 8 of LOST season 6, "Dr. Linus" and "Recon." In the Ben Linus centric episode, "Dr. Linus," we see Ben in a new light. He's a high school history teacher and he's a mentor to a promising young student, Alex Rousseau. On the island, Ben deals with the remorse of his actions and inactions that have led to the deaths of many people including Alex and Jacob.
In "Recon," Sawyer is sent on a recon mission to Hydra island by the man in black. He meets Zoe and Charles Widmore. In the flash sideways, we see Sawyer as a police detective partnered with Miles Straume. Sawyer is still looking for Anthony Cooper and intends to kill him when he finds him. Sawyer also has a date with one of our Losties, Charlotte Staples Lewis. Read More...
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In episode 55 we take a look back at two action-filled and mythology-filled episodes from season 6 of LOST, "Lighthouse" and "Sundown."
In our conversation about "Lighthouse" we discuss our first impressions when it is revealed that Jack has a son named David and his flash sideways story mirrors his on-island comments to Hurley about being a bad father. We discuss Jacob's messages to Hurley and how this episode will be a turning point for Jack. We also talk about the new information we learned about the temple people and very interesting scenes we had of Claire and her squirrel baby.
In our discussion of "Sundown" we talk about the great themes involving Sayid and his desire to prove that he is not the bad man that people think he is. We talk about the great fight scenes of Sayid vs. Dogan and Sayid vs. Keamy. We share some of our opinions that have changed since the first time we saw this episode, the great dialogue and manipulation by the man in black, and the resurgence of Ilana's team. Read More...
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In episode 54 we dig deeper into the final season of LOST by taking a look back at season 6 episode 3 & 4, "What Kate Does" and "The Substitute."
As we discuss "What Kate Does" we point out some of the ways that the writers and producers tied in characters from the previous stories into the flash sideways world. We also discuss similarities in how Kate found herself once again with Claire as Claire goes into labor. We share our favorite moments from the flash sideways stories as well as the on-island story that is following team Jack. We discuss the strange developments surrounding Sayid, and the mystery of Dogan. We also talk about Sawyer's decision to leave the temple, and his brokenness as he continues to mourn the loss of Juliet.
In our discussion about "The Substitute" we cover the flash sideways story of John Locke. We talk about the differences and similarities of this world and the previous stories and we take a few minutes to take some verbal punches and Locke's boss, Randy. We also discuss the on-island story of Man in Black and he begins to try and recruit those on the island to his side. We talk about what the recruitment means, throw out some questions to the listeners, and talk about Sawyer's decision to leave the island with the Man in Black. Read More...
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In episode 53 we enter into the home stretch of our LOST rewatch podcast and begin LOST season 6 with the two-part season premiere, "LA X" Part 1 and "LA X" Part 2.
In our discuss of "LA X" we share some of the memories we had when we watched the episode for the first time and tried to figure out what was going on in the flash sideways stories. We discuss many of the plain and subtle differences in our characters in the flash sideways vs. the original story, and talk about how the story is different to us now that we know the ending.
In our discussion about the on island happenings, we talk about finally getting to see the temple and how we feel about the information that we were given and the new characters that were introduced. We also talk about Sayid and how he has been changed by the temple waters, what Jacob knew would happen and what is plan was with the Oceanic candidates.
We also talk about the story lines surrounding Man in Black, Ben, and Richard. We discuss insight that we gained from listening to the DVD commentary from Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, and questions that we're looking to answer as we rewatch LOST season 6. Read More…
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In episode 52 we come to the end of LOST season 5 with our look back at "The Incident" part 1 and part 2. We see Jacob visit Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Ilana, Jack, and Hurley off the island, and we also learn more about Juliet via flashback. We also see Jacob on screen for the first time and are introduced to the mysterious "man in black."
We discuss all of the flashbacks as well as the various twists and turns taken as Jack continues his drive to detonate the hydrogen bomb and reset the timeline. We also talk about the relationship dynamics between Jack and Sawyer, Jack and Kate, Kate and Sawyer, and Sawyer and Juliet.
Of course, we also discuss all of the great storyline surrounding Locke, Ben, Richard, and Jacob. We wonder what might have happened if Ilana would have arrived at the foot of the statue sooner, how Ben fell right into the same manipulations he's used on many others, and what we thought about this episode when it first aired. Read More...
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