Amar Talks

Amar Talks

Talking about Love. Answered by music.

  • 57 minutes
    Amar Talks PRINCE
    Amar remembers the musical artist PRINCE and his impact on MUSIC. 
    20 April 2017, 4:30 pm
  • 55 minutes
    Amar Talks WAR
    Amar Talks WAR Amar Talks about the nature of WAR.  Is the War happening outseide of us or does it originate from within? Also Available at   
    8 April 2017, 10:30 am
  • 43 minutes
    Amar talks about the power of being a LOVER.  The Female Edition Also Available at www. 
    7 April 2017, 8:30 am
  • 40 minutes
    Amar Talks GOD
    Amar Talks ask the deep producnd questions about LOVE. on this episode of Amar Talks WE talk about GOD. 
    13 March 2017, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Amar Talks PEACE
    Amar Talks PEACE A LIVE discussion about the PEACE in our WORLD.
    9 March 2017, 12:30 pm
  • 56 minutes
    Amar Talks Miracle
    Amar Talks Miracle.  The worlds greatest artist answer the deep profound questions about love, with your HOST Amar.  Amar Talks about the power and the energy of the Miracle.   Listen LIVE. Also Available at www. 
    2 March 2017, 8:30 am
  • 54 minutes
    Amar Talks Protection
    Amar Talks Protection you for you, and those you love.  Amar Talks Protection for the ones in your life.  It's loving you, loving me and loving we. As Amar Talks about how to evoke the protection of God through the love of Angels.  Listen LIVE. Also Available at www. 
    1 March 2017, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Amar Talks Thanks
    Amar Thanks you for saving his life with LOVE.  Amar Talks Thanks for the more the 10,000 people who reached out around the world to give support to him during his Motorcycle Accident in Thailand.   Listen LIVE. Also Available at www. 
    28 February 2017, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Love or Money
    On the next Love We Live, WE talk about Money.     Is Money the root for good or evil? Is Love the Currency of the Universe?   Join WE LIVE FROM KEY WEST FLORIDA.   
    10 June 2012, 11:00 pm
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