The What Cast# 475 - The Ghost Hunting Ghost
You know how in most cop movies, there are always 2 partners that go out an get involved in shenanigans, and solve crimes? What if that sort of thing happened in paranormal investigations? Maybe instead of 2 humans, you get 1 human and his spirit partner. Well, folks, apparently that is an actuality. For those that missed it, Netflix has been running new episodes of Unsolved Mysteries for 5 seasons now. The latest was just released a few weeks ago, and one of the episodes centers on a gentleman named Dom and his spirit partner “Becky”. We decided to focus on this episode, in particular, and discuss the tests that Dom had to undergo to prove that “Becky” was real, and whether or not “Becky” is what she claims to be.
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18 October 2024, 9:09 pm