In today's world costs are only going up and paychecks are getting smaller. It's time to take matters into your own hands and learn everything you can to save your hard earned money! Tune into The Frugal House each week as I cover money saving tips and tricks on everything from buying groceries to home decor and fashion. As you begin creating your frugal house, you'll be amazed how much further your money goes and how much more you have!
At the start of a new year we all have big goals, and one of those goals should be to finally take control of where your money is going. Whether you are in debt or not we all need a budget. Join in this week as we talk with Rachel Cruze, Daughter of Dave Ramsey and author of Smart Kids Smart Money. You’ll learn easy ways to start budgeting and the importance of having a road map for your finances. For extra help checkout a new series of Southern Savers – Creating your 2014 Budget.
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Everyone always asks me “How do we save money on produce?” Hands down growing it, is probably the your best bet if you want to save the most. This week we are talking with a few experts on starting your own backyard farm. We will talk vegetables, but also raising your chickens and goats! Do you need a lot of land? Our first guest Angela England, author of Backyard Farming on an Acre or Less, will share how she provides over 40% of her families produce on only 1/4 acre!
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AndroidRSSIf you are just getting started don’t forget to check out all the resources your local extension office has. We will discuss with SC Extension Agent Tony Melton about getting your yard ready for garden and all the resources your extension office has to help you get started.
In the end, channel your inner child and let’s get ready to play in the dirt and start to save big bucks by getting dirty and growing our own food. You can’t save anything if you don’t try!
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Is it taboo to give someone a thrifted gift for the holidays? I would say a thirfted gift is actually more thoughtful than a store bought gift. Blogger and DIY expert The Nester from joins me to share what to grab and what to avoid in thrift stores and how to find the perfect gift for someone on a limited budget.
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Most folks will shop online during the holiday season. A majority of those shoppers are savvy and look for coupon codes and sales, but how many are earning cash back from their purchases. This isn’t a credit card scheme, this is just a simple extra step online before you shop. By taking a few extra seconds you could earn over $100 on your holiday shopping! A big thanks to this weeks guest, Allison Jones from who walks us through the basics of earning cashback.
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AndroidRSSBefore you do your shopping, make sure to also use the Black Friday item search on to see what store has the best deals on your top items.
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Tune in and learn quick and easy ways to save a bundle on your gift giving this year. Whether you are shopping online or in local stores there are a number of things to do that can easily save you half off top gifts. One big resource is to use the Black Friday deal search on See what store has the best price on the items you are looking for.
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We all have a desire to be a better cook or to save more money. It’s time to put your desires into action and figure out exactly how to start menu planning. Not only will Menu planning push you to try new recipes and grow as a cook, you’ll also save a ton of money!!
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AndroidRSSWe started with the basics this week and covered every aspect of menu planning. Whether you want to map out a menu for a month, or want to take it one week at time, learn tips and tricks to make dinner time less stressful.
A few resources we mentioned this week:
Search for specific items on sale –
Learn how to Coupon –
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One of the largest expenses folks think of with babies is diapers. Figuring out how to afford 2 to 3 years of diapers is something that can break the bank of any family. Because of this, many are choosing to turn to cloth diapers. This week we talked to an expert on cloth diapering, Erin Odom, author of The Cloth Diaper Convert who shared tips on how to get cloth diapers on the cheap, plus what accessories you need and don’t need. To help figure out how cloth diapers works for a typical family we also talked with Amy, a soon to be mom of two who is 17 months in on cloth diapering and preparing for her second go round.
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AndroidRSSTune in and get your questions answered and get ready to tackle a huge expense in a frugal way. If we can’t convince you to jump on the cloth diaper bandwagon then check out all the details on how to build a disposable diaper stock pile on the cheap.
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Many of us look at big box stores and think we are already saving by shopping there and don’t think about additional ways to save. Target stores have so many ways for shoppers to save on top of their weekly sales that you’ll be amazed. If you aren’t already using coupons, mobile coupons, cartwheel offers and price matching, then tune in to learn how the pros grab all the top deals in Target.
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Babies are expensive! Odds are that’s not news to you, but guess what? There are lots of ways to cut down on costs. The biggest way is on food. Rather than buying little pouches and containers of food at $1.50 each, try your hand at making your own. This week we talked with two experts in the field of baby food: Catherine founder of and Caroline the writer behind Hear from them how easy and cheap it is to make your own gourmet meals for our little folks. We even tackled organic baby food, so you have no excuses to not get started!
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Folks seem to think that having a budget or trying to save money means sitting at home and doing nothing. This week we are tackling that myth head on! Learn how to cut cable but still have plenty to watch, or learn to save on movie tickets if you do want to go out.
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AndroidRSSWith entertainment, we have to also talk about hospitality and parties. We spoke with Ruth from who gave great tips on how to plan a party on a budget. In the end whether you go big or small, it doesn’t cost much more to have a few families join you for dinner. Learn good recipes to cook, and ways to decorate on a dime.
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