Brink Zone Radio – Will Brink

Whether you are involved in competitive weight training or are a weekend warrior or somewhere in between - you need to understand the science behind your goals. Will Brink, writer, athlete and expert distills the essence of the facts on nutrition, training, weight loss so that you can understand and use the data. You’ll benefit from his years in the fitness industry and the solid information from his experts to build your body and plan for optimum results.

  • 28 minutes 56 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – Where Do Your Supplements REALLY come from?

    Nutritional supplement companies want people to believe the products they sell are made by them in pharmaceutical grade facilities using the best possible ingredients using the latest science,
    and designed people with qualifications to formulate such products. The actual truth is nothing like that. In this episode of BrinkZone radio I reveal how the vast majority of nutritional supplements are
    Actually produced from start to finish with an industry insider (me!) breaking it down and giving the facts the slick marketing fails to show.

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    2 September 2013, 4:00 am
  • 40 minutes 20 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – US Navy SEALs: Exercise training, eating, and supplements

    The US Navy SEALs are some of the most elite special operations units in the US military. How do they train, eat, and supplement during their training to become these elite level soldiers? This week we go to the source for that information, speaking with Mark Divine. Mark was an active SEAL for almost a decade and has been involved with the ongoing training since retiring. How has it changed since he was in the SEAL teams to modern day? In this show, you’ll find out the real deal from the legit source on how they train, eat, and supplement to survive

    The post Brink Zone Radio – US Navy SEALs: Exercise training, eating, and supplements appeared first on

    19 August 2013, 5:55 pm
  • 40 minutes 42 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – Sarcopenia, The Ignored Epidemic

    Sarcopenia – defined as an age related loss of muscle mass and function – is a major public health threat. Millions of people have sarcopenia, and it impacts every aspect of your life, from increased risk of disease to being unable to simply function in ever day life. It’s THAT important! Although loss of bone mass (osteoporosis) has been on the radar of main stream medicine for decades, sarcopenia is now starting to get the attention it should. By researchers and the medical profession in general. In this show, you will learn what sarcopenia is, what the major causes are, and how it’s prevented and or treated, with my guest, Dr. Lopez.

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    29 July 2013, 4:01 am
  • 37 minutes 2 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – Reversing Diabetes, A “Real World” Example

    It can’t be done by everyone who has been diagnosed with type II – as there are genetic influences and other factors – but make no mistake, for a large % of people with type II diabetes, it can be reversed or at the very least, GREATLY improved.

    This show, I use the example of one person to show how diabetes can be reversed.

    The post Brink Zone Radio – Reversing Diabetes, A “Real World” Example appeared first on

    15 July 2013, 4:01 am
  • 31 minutes 56 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – Steroids in sports, what do you really know?

    The recent MLB steroid scandal has made steroids in sports a hot topic again.

    Most people only know what they hear about these drugs from the media, and the objective facts, few and far between.

    This week, I cover steroids in sports with attorney Rick Collins, an authority on steroids and the law and a well known author who covers the topic of Performance enhancing drugs in sports. Forget what you have heard on some sports talk show on this topic. We will cover the reality behind performance Enhancing drugs in an objective science based manner minus the hyperbole and hysteria over these drugs in sports.

    The post Brink Zone Radio – Steroids in sports, what do you really know? appeared first on

    17 June 2013, 4:01 am
  • 48 minutes 12 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – Vitamin D3, panaceia or scam?

    Vitamin D3 is now claimed as a cure for everything from cancer to heart disease to erectile dysfunction. What’s the truth?

    What does the science actually say? How does one know the right dose for them? Can it raise testosterone? How much is too much and is it toxic at high doses?

    Can it really help fight the major diseases of our society?

    Learn the answers to those questions and many more in this show.

    The post Brink Zone Radio – Vitamin D3, panaceia or scam? appeared first on

    27 May 2013, 4:01 am
  • 25 minutes 9 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – Whey Protein: What You Need To know

    What makes whey protein so unique from other proteins? How does whey positively impact your health?

    What makes one whey protein better than another?

    There’s far more to whey protein than most people realize, and in this show people will learn what’s so unique about whey as well as learn what marketing terms to avoid to choose the whey that’s right for them.

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    13 May 2013, 4:01 am
  • 46 minutes
    Brink Zone Radio – High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), overrated or the optimal form of exercise?

    HIIT training has become very popular recently, but what is HIIT training? Who will benefit from it? What’s the difference between HIIT and interval training? Is it superior to aerobics? In this show we answer those and many other questions about HIIT training with researcher Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan.

    The post Brink Zone Radio – High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), overrated or the optimal form of exercise? appeared first on

    15 April 2013, 4:01 am
  • 43 minutes 19 seconds
    Brink Zone Radio – The fat burning zone for weight loss: myth or science?

    BrinkZone Radio, with host Will Brink, examines the “fat burning zone” with guest Dr. Jose Antonio. People are often told to exercise at lower intensity to “burn” more fat, but is that accurate advice or outdated? This weeks show answers that important question that seems to cause endless confusion. Learn what the most efficient use of your time is to burn the most calories if losing weight is your goal.

    The post Brink Zone Radio – The fat burning zone for weight loss: myth or science? appeared first on

    25 March 2013, 4:01 am
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