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A podcast about games, by two guys who like to think they know things about games.

  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Sloshcast 1: Pee Ess Four
    In this, our first episode, we talk about the newly announced Playstation 4 and everything that happened during the unveiling event.
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Sloshcast 2: 04-03-2013
    We talk about gears, pirates, emotions, and things we didn't know existed. Or, specifically: - Gears of War Judgement - Gran Turismo 6 - The WiiU - Singleplayer - Black Ops 2 DLC - Rambo - Jerry Bruckheimer - Prey 2 fan site - Cyberpunk 2077 - Beyond: Two Souls - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: Pirate Game
  • 55 minutes 41 seconds
    Sloshcast 3: 11-03-2013
    We talk about crumbling infrastructures, business models, and women. Or, specifically: - Sim City - Tomb Raider - Arma 3 alpha - Anita Sarkeesian's "Women in Video Games" - God of War: Bros before Hos/Foes controversy
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