Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – Allen Morris

{Ace Abbott utilizes the archives of his 36 year aviation career that took him to 44 countries for his aviation-themed interviews. His layover venues varied from tents in Korea, to five-star hotels in Paris, and jail cells in Venezuela. After a 5 ½ year career in the Air Force that allowed him to fly F-4 Phantom fighter jets throughout the Far East, he returned to civilian life to become a Learjet charter pilot.

  • 37 minutes 8 seconds
    Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – VETERAN 777 CAPTAIN PROVIDES CLARITY ON FLIGHT 370

    Bob Engelman, a recently retired, but veteran Boeing 777 Captain with United Airlines will provide clarity to many of the gray areas relating to Malaysian Air flight MH 370. Bob has experience flying his Boeing 777 in the Southeast Asia area and will provide the listener with some clarification of the confusion that seems to be dominating the major media outlets. His experience is invaluable in unraveling some of the doublespeak that has been presented by the media.

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    19 March 2014, 8:57 pm
  • 51 minutes 20 seconds
    Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – Captain Joe Townsend-Airplane Accident Survivor

    A veteran airline pilot, Captain Joe Townsend, survives a horrific airplane crash while flying a small propeller aircraft. Unfortunately, his two daughters and his wife did not survive. Joe hung to life by his fingernails and the medical staff performed yeoman efforts to keep him alive. This emotionally traumatizing loss of his family did not bring him down. He discusses in his book and in this interview how he made an improbable comeback both physically as well mentally and emotionally. His story takes poignancy to the highest level.

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    10 February 2014, 5:00 am
  • 44 minutes 10 seconds
    Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – Drone(UAV) Safety

    Guest Harrison Wolf is a man who is on the cutting edge of drone technology and safety. His position at the University of Southern California Aviation Safety Department involves many aspects of drone safety, but he is focused on the human factors involved in the “piloting” of these devices that are also refered to as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). His knowledge and understanding of the human factors in UAV operation will be brought to light in this interview as our guest is amongst the leaders in this burgeoning field of study

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    27 January 2014, 7:05 am
  • 58 minutes 45 seconds

    His Apollo 15 venture to the moon was more than 40 years ago but ex-astronaut Al Worden reveals the same mental clarity that allowed him to become an astronaut and be selected as the Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot. His informative discussion presents the listener with unique insight into the space program and how to get your space vehicle from A to B (Earth to Moon). One does not need to be a “Trekkie” to appreciate the multifaceted demands of performing the exacting duties of an astronaut . Al Worden will whet your appetite for space travel! His book, Falling to Earth, spiked my blood pressure into the “hypertensive” region.

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    17 December 2013, 3:46 am
  • 48 minutes 37 seconds

    Swayne Martin, a young aspiring aviator, will share some of his exhilarating pilot experiences, as he and Ace elaborate on the many subtle and joyful nuances of being at the controls and in command of one’s aircraft. While the proverbial, “Golden Age of Aviation” is in the past, the thrill of flying will endure for eternity, as will the bonding brotherhood of pilots of all ilks.

    Ace ventured into the retirement phase with no retirement pension program, but the richness of his aviation experiences and relationships will leave him forever wealthy. (Final paragraph of The Rogue Aviator)

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    4 December 2013, 10:02 pm
  • 48 minutes 11 seconds
    Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – Private Jets: Justifiable Extravagance

    The use of the private jet is often regarded as a mode of travel only used by the rich and famous. On the contrary, it is frequently used by businessmen who are not even amongst the wealthy one-per centers. Clay Lacy was a pioneer in the dynamic world of Learjet charter and remains very much involved with this company, Clay Lacy Aviation. He will expound on his iconic career as he discusses some of the nuances of corporate jet charter.

    Richard Hodkinson, also a seasoned veteran as both a Learjet pilot, and now as a fleet manager for Clay Lacy Aviation will provide additional information relating to jet charter. He will further elaborate on the many advantages of traveling in a private jet that allows for greatly enhanced efficiency for the executive traveler. The private jet is also critical to the travel of celebrities as it allows them to relax without enduring the possible prying eye of the general public and the paparazzi.

    Sports stars, particularly the PGA golf pros, who engage in extensive travel, rely on private jet travel to help them meet their demanding schedules as well as spend more time at home with their family. My experience flying Jack Nicklaus in the Learjet during the mid-70s, revealed to me in a glaringly obvious fashion, that his use of the private jet was critical to his professional and family life.

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    30 September 2013, 9:10 pm
  • Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – The Drone Dilemma: Updated

    As the drone dilemma intensifies, the subject has now become a front-and-center media issue. The White House Press Secretary and the soon-to-be named director of the CIA, John Brennan, are engaged in a very thoroughly choreographed soft-shoe dance to avoid the possible bombshell of a potentially volatile statement. This issue will be discussed with guest Jim Worden, along with the many aspects of non-warfare, civilian uses for drones.

    Will we soon be riding on commercial jets that would be classified as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), also referred to as drones? Ace and his guests will discuss this likely impending possibility as they also discuss the many other nuances and considerations of a world where drones will be playing a very large role, both as law enforcement entities and vehicles of convenience for farmers, search and rescue people, as well as many roles that have yet to be considered. The many conflicts and controversies already evolving are just the tip of an iceberg of what might be analogous to a Brave New World.

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    13 August 2013, 4:45 pm
  • 42 minutes 6 seconds
    Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – ASIANA SFO CRASH: UNDERLYING CAUSES

    Airplane accidents frequently result from subtle underlying precursors. It is very obvious that Asiana Flight #214 that splattered into SFO on Saturday, July 6 touched down well short of the runway. It is also very obvious that the pilots allowed the airplane to get too low and too slow. This accident will unequivocally be tagged by the NTSB final investigation as pilot error. Even during the preliminary discussion NTSB chairman Deborah Hersman stated that the aircraft was at an airspeed well below the target airspeed for the approach.
    What set of prevailing circumstances allowed the pilots to fly this aircraft into this dangerous flight regime? Ace Abbott, his program guest, veteran airline captain and training pilot Bill Hurd, along with a student of human behavior and best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell (author of the Outliers), offer the premise that Oriental cultural anomalies were likely a contributing factor. The concept of “saving face” along with a military mentality of deference to authority, and a male-macho culture played a role in the accident.
    For a unique perspective and some insightful discussion of the nuances relating to cockpit culture and the need for clear and honest communication, this discussion will provide such.

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    10 July 2013, 8:43 pm
  • 48 minutes 16 seconds
    Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – “Aviation Books for the Beach”

    The bookshelves are filled with great aviation adventure stories. From Richard Bach’s quasi-mystical writings to the renowned aviation author, Ernest Gann, there is an aviation adventure that will capture the fantasy of the aviation enthusiast, as well as those readers not focused on pilot-oriented literature.

    The vast majority of aviation literature is not only entertaining but quite often informative. Many of the aviation- themed novels are based on the real world reality that occurs at airports and airplanes. The techno-thriller modus operandi of Tom Clancy is frequently demonstrated by aviation authors.

    The memoirs of the World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and contemporary Middle East airborne skirmishes will often allow the reader to project himself into the pilot’s seat and create a near virtual-reality of adrenaline pumping, pulse-racing aviation scenarios. Amazon Books list hundreds of aviation books and many of them are showcased with the “look-inside”feature

    JR Hafer, who has reviewed more than 100 aviation books will join Ace Abbott for a book review discussion.

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    17 June 2013, 4:01 am
  • 39 minutes 4 seconds
    Ace Abbott’s Aviation Affair – The Drone Invasion Intensifies

    The world of drones/UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) is growing at an exponential rate and it is a potential issue that can have wide spread implications and consequences. Interestingly, the mainstream media is keeping the drone dilemma on the back burner. It is a potentially volatile political issue, both with the immoral bombing of many innocent citizens in the Middle East, and the possibility of severe violations of our Fourth Amendment rights.
    How will the burgeoning technology and use of drones affect us as U.S citizens and the rest of the world? The proliferation of drones is a worldwide phenomena, as more than 70 countries now have drones or drone technology. What are some of the non-governmental uses of UAVs? For an entertaining and educational discussion of the multifaceted use of drones, Ace will interview a veteran retired pilot and drone expert, Jim Worden

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    24 May 2013, 2:42 pm
  • 40 minutes 51 seconds

    Since the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, aviation has continually provided a very forward-looking optimistic view of the future. We know aviation will remain in a state of evolution, but we have to ask the question, how will that evolution adapt to the many potential obstacles to growth that are currently being experienced? The recent increased minimum flight time (implemented in August 2013) required for commercial pilots will certainly play a big role in this process. The reduction of pilot certificates being issued has resulted in a greatly diminished pilot community. As general aviation withers, corporate aviation proliferates.

    Will the issue of expensive training be solved by more utilization of advanced simulator training? It is the most plausible avenue. Will new pilots lose interest without the many stimulating intangibles that pilots experience during actual flight? The thrill of being a military fighter pilot is nearly in the dustbin of history, as many of the new pilots are being trained to fly drones. Many pilots will reject a career of flying drones. How long will a fossil fuel last? Will biofuel be available in the same mass quantities as is today’s aviation fuels? Are solar powered airplanes feasible?

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    13 May 2013, 4:01 am
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