Wake Up America: Get Real! – Don Gould

World Traveler and Foreign Policy Expert Don Gould talks about serious matters impacting our world today! After years abroad stomping over every continent on this planet, Don came home and is ready to WAKE UP AMERICA! Our foundational values, our economy, our unity are under assault daily and it time we fight back to save this GREAT NATION! Together, we will dissect Radical Islam, Political Correctness, Class Warfare and the Incompetent Economic lack of direction offered up by the Obama Administration. We will also discuss the REAL Obama and his destructive goals for this Nation. Join us to GET REAL and be a part of the solution!!!!!!!

  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – 031113


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    11 March 2013, 4:01 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – China’s Secret War with America

    Don and Suzette provide details of a secret Cyber War that China is waging against the US Government and against major US companies. US National Security and major US technology trade secrets are being lost and compromised by insidious Chinese attacks. This secret war conducted by units of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s Cyber Command has been ongoing for several years while the Obama administration simply continues to talk about possible fines and trade sanctions!! Is Obama ever going to GET REAL with our enemies??

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    4 March 2013, 5:01 am
  • 59 minutes 28 seconds
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – The Muslim Brotherhood’s Civilization Jihad

    Don and Suzette unveil the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood and their shocking “Civilization Jihad” plan to destroy our way of life in America. Many of the frightening details of this ongoing infiltration and undermining of government agencies and American institutions are hidden from the American people and even from our Congressional members. Americans must Wake Up, Understand and Fight this plan to destroy our country. Don and Suzette also discuss some of their personal experiences in working and living around the world in this episode of “Wake Up America: Get Real!”

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    25 February 2013, 5:01 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – Benghazi Dissected – Find out what really happened!

    Our government and media are responsible for the greatest cover-up since Watergate! It all started with an illegal war to take down Qaddafi in Libya, leading to the distribution of weapons to Islamic terrorists in Syria, to the recruitment of Islamic Jihadists to fight yet another illegal war in Syria. Don dissects and breaks down the illegal and outrageous foreign policies and Presidential actions leading to the attack that killed Chris Stevens and others at Benghazi. Don and Suzette also cover Obama’s dereliction of duty and the cover-up that is still ongoing in this episode of “Wake Up America: Get Real!”

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    19 February 2013, 12:51 am
  • 55 minutes 14 seconds
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – The Systematic Destruction of America’s Christian Values and Morals

    Today we are going to discuss how Obama and his legions of sycophant followers are systematically attempting to destroy America’s Christian Morals and Values on the altar of Tolerance and Diversity. Our special guest today is Pastor Roger Mattox, President and Co-Founder of Oasis International Ministries a Poteau, Oklahoma based Christian Ministry building churches in Ghana and Liberia, West Africa. Oasis also supports a major orphanage in Ghana as well as providing support to Pastors attending Bible School in Ghana. Don, Suzette and Pastor Mattox will also discuss the difference in people coming to Christ in Africa versus what is happening in America. We will also address potential responses to America’s falling away from the God of our fathers and founders.

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    11 February 2013, 5:01 am
  • 1 hour 52 seconds
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – Obama’s Weak and Irresponsible Foreign Policy Fails on All Fronts

    From the time President Obama was inaugurated in 2009 he has pursued a weak and irresponsible Foreign Policy that has placed Americans at greater risk than any time since the American Civil War. He actually seems to believe he is the Piped Piper of Hamelin who in the Middle Ages blew on his magic pipe and led the children of the German town away never to return. In this incompetent American President’s case he seems to actually believe he can turn on his overblown rhetoric and the world will follow him into a peaceful utopia from which we will never return. His belief defies logic based on his own atrocious track record. He promoted and supported the Arab Spring with his rhetoric, weapons and direct military support from US and NATO forces. The Arab Spring brought Radical Islam (Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, etc) to power in many Middle East countries. As riots and unrest are again spreading across the Middle East, the Radical Islamists Obama helped bring to power are murdering their own people in the streets This Incompetent President’s promised peaceful solution with Iran has failed as Iran continues to negotiate and stall while continuing their pursuit of Nuclear Weapons with all haste. Don and Suzette will discuss Obama’s many foreign policy failures in this episode of Wake Up America: Get Real!

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    4 February 2013, 5:01 am
  • 57 minutes 36 seconds
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – Obama’s Divisive Attack on the 2nd Amendment (Gun Control)

    The atrocious attack on the Sand Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut by an obviously deranged Adam Lanza resulted in the deaths of 20 children and six adults. Lanza also fatally shot his mother prior to the attack and finally committed suicide as police closed in. Americans across the length and breadth of our country mourned and prayed for the victims, their families and the people of Newtown. President Obama, never one to let a crisis go to waste took the opportunity to launch a divisive attack on America’s gun culture and the 2nd amendment to our Constitution. Don and Suzette Gould in counjuction with Glenn Wilson of Liberty Town Hall take a hard look at this latest divide and conquer foray by Obama the most divisive president America has ever seen. The Wake Up America: Get Real! team in conjunction with Glenn will examine the impact that the Presidents’s 23 Executive Orders and his proposed legislation has had in further dividing an already polarized America.

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    28 January 2013, 5:01 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – Reverend Flip Benham’s – Operation Save America!

    As the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Abortion decision known as Roe v. Wade rolls round this week, Don looks into the battle against the genocide of our nation’s future citizens. In the 40 years since this unbelievable Pro-Abortion decision more than 55 million unborn babies have been terminated in Abortion Mills across America. Reverend Flip Benham unrelentingly takes up the cross daily to stop this ongoing American genocide through his organization, Operation Save America. In this eye-opening interview, Rev. Benham describes how he pursued and brought a number of key abortion activists including Jane Roe to Christ and to the Pro-Life movement. Flip also describes his various encounters with law enforcement and a number of incarcerations during which he taught fellow prisoners to read and also brought many to Jesus Christ.

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    21 January 2013, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Wake Up America: Get Real! – Inaugural Episode – After the Fiscal Cliff

    The President and Washington DC’s congressional establishment breathed a sigh of relief at their 11th hour avoidance of a fall over the so-called “Fiscal Cliff”. The majority of American’s took a look at their first 2013 paycheck and asked “Why did my take home pay drop so much?” Please join Don Gould as he discusses the major downside of Obama’s lauded “Grand Bargain” with Josh Bernstein, political writer and strategist extraordinaire. This Fiscal Cliff bill in conjunction with Obamacare increases middle class taxes across the board in a major way. Additionally, this Spend-Spend-Spend-Tax-Tax-Tax President has made no secret of his intention to go after additional taxes and spending. Obama also lied in stating that his administration has saved over one trillion dollars. The reality is that he has increased spending by more than one hundred billion dollars and still has no budget in place.

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    Don Gould – Link to:http://www.dongould.us

    Josh Berstein – Link to:http://www.joshbernsteinpoliticalwriter.com

    The post Wake Up America: Get Real! – Inaugural Episode – After the Fiscal Cliff appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    14 January 2013, 5:01 am
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