Host Carol Romine is a modern day mystic who, at age four, began experiencing transcendent encounters with Divinity that revealed the ultimate truth of who we are and why we’re experiencing life—initiating an extraordinary lifetime of mystical Divine interactions and profound paranormal experiences. Join Carol in this ground-breaking program where she brings her enlightened perspective to conversations with experts—bridging spirituality and science in a way that connects the dots of our “perceived” reality to the “true” energetic nature of everything … Awakening The Divine Conscious You™.
Join host Carol Romine and her guest, research scientist Dan Willis, as they discuss the nature of sacred geometry in relationship to the structure of matter and the ability to release discordant energetic patterns (subconscious emotional blocks and physically manifested disease) through the coherence of thought and the energetic intention of divine love. Dan will discuss his scientific background as Dr. Marcel Vogel’s research assistant, and his personal energetic interaction with an interdimensional being who revealed the sacred geometric structure of all matter, triggering Dan’s life-long scientific quest to understand the energetic relationship of sacred geometry to consciousness and the structure of matter. Dan will share the science behind the interrelationship of consciousness to the geometric patterns found in all of nature—revealing that the structure of water is universally resonate with everything in nature … including the human body. You’ll learn that through the crystalline nature and structure of the pineal gland we are always structuring and restructuring ourselves and our realities through our thoughts. You’ll gain insight into why coherence is the key to disintegrating discordant patterns and restructuring matter. Dr. Marcel Vogel believed that “Love is the glue of the universe”—and he was absolutely correct. The vibration of love is the energetic nature of everything, and the conscious intention of divine love acts as the conduit through which body, mind, and spirit comes into harmonious energetic alignment. Join host Carol Romine and Dan Willis in this thought provoking show that is sure to trigger an awakening in your mind and a desire to learn more about the true energetic nature of everything … as revealed in Carol Romine’s book, “Avatars of Consciousness Awaken to Your Divine Destiny.”
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Join host Carol Romine and her guest, research scientist Dan Willis, as they venture a little deeper “down the rabbit hole” in order to connect the dots of our perceived physical reality to the true quantum nature of everything. Dan will discuss his scientific background, his experience as Dr. Marcel Vogel’s research assistant, and his mystical interaction with an interdimensional being that initiated his search to understand the interrelationship of energy, matter, geometry, and consciousness. You’ll learn that Dan’s search not only revealed how conscious intention affects the matter of our bodies, our world, and our universe—but that the energetic intention of thoughts can be scientifically recorded. You’ll be amazed as Dan discusses the Delawarr camera project, which utilized the principal of radionics and demonstrated the ability to tune in to anyone or anything—regardless of time or space … past, present, or future—to generate an image capturing the energy of the person or event. This is definitely a show that will capture your attention, blow open your mind, and leave you wanting to understand more about the fascinating fabric of the Divine that connects everything and everyone in our Universe.
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Now more than ever it is important to find our spiritual center and live what we know to be true. And that truth is that we are always connected consciously and energetically to what we love and nothing of love is ever lost in any transition. But even when we embrace this spiritual truth, we are challenged as human beings to live this truth through our hearts when experiencing unexpected and oftentimes devastating personal loss. Join host Carol Romine and her guest Karla Kay, author of the book Grief—The Universal Emotion of Loss, as they discuss the challenges of moving through the human experience of loss, while holding fast to the knowing that there is no true energetic separation … only the illusion of separation created by the veil of human embodiment. All of us experience the emotion of loss—whether it is the loss of a loved one to death or a career we have enjoyed for many years or a home we love or a marriage that is ending in divorce, but that doesn’t mean that we are powerless to shatter the emotional hold that grief and loss can have on all aspects of our life. You’ll gain insight, understanding, and hope as Carol Romine and her guest Karla Kay share their experiences and discuss how to move through your own personal experience of loss, transforming the emotions of grief and loss into love and peace … and knowing that life and love after loss is truly possible.
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Everything that exists is made manifest from the Divine Conscious Vibration of Love. At the very core of each of us is an energetic vibration … and that vibration is love. In actuality, we are—in our purest state—love itself. When the natural flow of divine love (universal life force) becomes blocked or diminished within us, then discordant patterns result. These discordant patterns can trigger negative emotional responses, disharmonious thoughts, or the onset of physical illness or disease—changing what we experience, our realities, and ultimately the destiny we manifest. Join host Carol Romine and her guest Patricia Williams, a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner as they discuss the extraordinary attributes of Reiki when used as a transformative tool of energetic upliftment, higher conscious awakening, and healing. You’ll learn the science and the truth behind Reiki … a technique that taps into and utilizes the natural vibration of love that lies dormant and underutilized within each of us. Reiki not only creates a sense of connectedness, upliftment, and well being, but it can also release discordant patterns and trigger phenomenal emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical healing. Today’s conversation will explore our basic energetic nature in relationship to consciousness and love, revealing that we are not powerless in our own life and that a profound, natural energetic tool lies dormant within each of us.
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Do you believe that thoughts are energy and have the power to impact every aspect of your life? Have you ever wondered why conscious intention is able to affect matter? Today’s show will reveal the scientific discoveries of Dr. Marcel Vogel, proving that conscious intention affects matter. Over 30 years ago, Dr. Marcel Vogel, head research scientist at IBM and a brilliant inventor with over 100 patents, scientifically proved the profound truth that conscious intention affects matter and that the power of conscious intention is not limited by time or space. Dr. Vogel’s initial discovery, which he referred to as the “squiggle” that changed everything, opened a path of scientific study that he would pursue for the rest of his life. Join host Carol Romine and her guest Dan Willis, a close personal friend and research assistant of Dr. Vogel, as they discuss some of the extraordinary scientific discoveries of this pioneering genius who was years ahead of his time. You’ll gain a new perspective on just how powerful and life changing your own conscious intentions can be. You’ll discover that before Dr. Emoto Masaru was studying the affect of conscious intentions on water crystals, Dr. Vogel was pioneering this work through utilizing Vogel Crystals to store, amplify, transfer, and cohere conscious intention into water. You’ll learn about Dr. Vogel’s ground-breaking scientific studies in association with Medical Doctors, documenting the ability of Vogel Crystals to remove discordant energetic patterns from the human body. There is no doubt that Dr. Vogel is one of our greatest scientists and inventors, but his pioneering work in the area of consciousness and intention in relationship to matter and healing will prove to be a legacy that will pass the test of time and endear him to humanity.
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Have you ever wondered why affirmations, conscious intentions, positive thinking, and creative visualizations don’t seem to yield the result you seek? The reason might not have anything to do with your ability to focus your consciousness and intend your heart-felt desire. The issue may actually be that you have emotional blocks in your subconscious mind that are interfering in the process. If you have any subconscious emotional blocks that are not congruent (in harmony) with your intentions, you will be hard pressed to manifest your dreams, no matter what technique you utilize or how diligently you try. Much like an arm wrestling contest, any pre-existing subconscious emotional block will triumph over even our most ardent conscious intentions. Our subconscious is far more than an isolated aspect of our consciousness housing our suppressed desires and individual memories. It holds the key for us to be able to live our lives more joyfully while manifesting new realities, and even our destiny. But even more phenomenally, our subconscious mind is not just ours alone. Our subconscious mind is simultaneously the universal collective unconscious. Our own individual subconscious is identically the same in energetic essence as our divine “all-knowing” consciousness. Not only does our subconscious mind store all knowledge: past, present, and even future–it also stores the absolute knowing of everything. How is this possible? It is because we are all simultaneously experiencing and connected as one, inseparable Divine consciousness. Thus, anything that is, was, or will be can be perceived through energetically interacting with our very own subconscious mind. But just how do we connect and engage in dialogue with our enigmatic subconscious mind? Join host Carol Romine and her guest Angela King, AP, DOM as they discuss the truth of us, the untapped potential of our extraordinary subconscious mind, and N.E.T. (Nero-Emotional Technique). Learn about the science behind this powerful, transformational tool that allows you to pinpoint hidden emotional blocks, release them, and change your life. Discover the truth about your own subconscious mind and how N.E.T. can help you to manifest your dreams while simultaneously helping you to awaken to your true divine nature.
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