What’s Wrong with My Pet? – John Rossi,DVM,MA

Dr. Rossi, nationally known author of the popular series, “What’s Wrong with My Pet,” knows just about everything you ever wanted to know about pets and maybe a few things you don’t want to know! Whether it’s skunks, ferrets, foxes, snakes, lizards, turtles or alligators, or just your beloved cat or dog, Dr. Rossi is on the case. From bad breath to a bad diagnosis, choosing a new pet, going to vet school, or avoiding raccoons, he’s your vet. His guests are often nationally known authorities from the world of animals -- veterinarians, zookeepers and some just down-to-earth animal lovers. You’ll love their stories as well as their expertise. Of course there also will always be plenty of good old-fashioned answers to “what’s wrong with my pet”?

  • 14 minutes 42 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – “ACT” on Fleas & Ticks!

    Dr. Rossi’s special guest this week is Dr. Kathleen Heaney, Associate Director of Scientific Marketing Affairs at Merck Animal Health. Dr. Heaney explained how Merck’s new flea and tick treatment product Activyl works. Activyl features Indoxacarb, a chemical totally unknown to fleas, and for which there is no known resistance. This new chemical undergoes bioactivation, in which enzymes inside the flea activate the lethal nature of the chemical. The property of Activyl makes it a unique and effective product for use on both dogs and cats.
    Dr. Heaney then described Activyl Tick Plus, which adds the tick controlling power of permethrin. While extremely effective, this product is ONLY for use in dogs. This new product appears to be a fantastic alternative to flea control. Pet owners are strongly encouraged to listen as Dr. Heaney shares many details about this exciting new product ONLY available through veterinarians, as well as finding more info online at http://us.activyl.com/
    Dr. Rossi also discussed a recent study about the prevalence of a normally tropical disease within the US spread by Kissing Bugs called Chagas’ Disease. This study found that while dogs usually show no clinical signs, they may serve as a source of infected blood for vector insects. Previous studies have shown that there is a definite correlation between the presence of infected dogs and the number of human Chagas’ Disease cases in Latin America. Hence, clients with dogs in rural areas of the US should be aware of the risk for this disease, even though it is believed to be rare in the US. Dr. Rossi then listed acceptable plants for use around cats, and you’ll just have to listen to hear more about how to keep your kitties safe!

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    And as always, don’t forget to get a copy of Dr. Rossi’s latest and most personal book “All Things cold and Slimy,” available in hardback, softcover, and in e-format, or check out the different animal titles in Dr. Rossi’s expanding pet health series, “What’s Wrong With My Pet?,” at: http://www.amazon.com  http://www.itunes.com http://www.barnesandnoble.com and http://www.booksamillion.com or just ask your local independent bookseller or pet store for a copy today!

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    31 January 2013, 10:56 pm
  • 30 minutes 5 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – All Under One Woof!

    Dr. Rossi’s guest this week was Susan Towler, owner of “The Barking Lot,” a boarding house for dogs. The Barking Lot is one of the new wave of dog boarding facilities that maintains dogs with minimal caging, or boarding without borders! While dogs do have their own rooms, a significant portion of their day is spent with a group of dogs.
    This encourages increased exercise, and socialization, as well as reducing stress in many cases. Sue emphasized, however, that dogs housed this way must be carefully introduced to each other and constantly supervised. She watches carefully for early signs of aggression and shares these with our listeners, useful for any canine group situation. Sue finished with some funny stories that you’ll just have to listens to believe! And her final advice, for anyone considering such a business is Be patient, Be prepared, and Get earplugs!

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    Dr. Rossi also discussed several important recent stories in the news, including how chewing gum can be deadly to your dogs, a promising new potential treatment for one kind of an aggressive tumor, and the science behind the “wet dog” shake!

    Don’t forget to get a copy of Dr. Rossi’s latest and most personal book “All Things cold and Slimy,” available in hardback, softcover, and in e-format, and check out the different animal titles in Dr. Rossi’s pet health series, “What’s Wrong With My Pet?,” at: http://www.amazon.com  http://www.itunes.com  http://www.barnesandnoble.com http://www.booksamillion.com or just ask your local independent bookseller or pet store for a copy today!

    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – All Under One Woof! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    21 January 2013, 5:01 am
  • 33 minutes 55 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Cuddly…or Just Creepy?

    Dr. Rossi’s guest this week is Ron Smith, the owner of a most unusual pet shop, named “House of Reptiles.” The average listener, however, might think of it as a “house of horrors” since the shop features snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, salamanders, tarantulas and scorpions! Nevertheless, Ron cheerfully explained why many people have a fascination and affinity for these animals, and explained some of the important factors needed for keeping them healthy in captivity. The legalities of owning reptiles were also discussed. Finally, Ron shared with us some of the challenges of running a large pet shop. You can find Ron and all of his closest “creepy” friends at http://www.thehouseofreptiles.com
    Dr. Rossi also discussed some of the latest pet news, including an interesting new twist on therapy dogs, the most contaminated place in your vet or doctor’s office, and just exactly what are the “dog days of summer?” Tune in to find out more!
    And as always, check out the different titles in Dr. Rossi’s pet health series, “What’s Wrong With My Pet?,” or his latest and most personal book “All Things cold and Slimy,” available in hardback, softcover, and in e-format at http://www.amazon.com, http://www.itunes.com, http://www.barnesandnoble.com, now also http://www.booksamillion.com, or just ask your local independent bookseller or pet store for a copy!

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    14 January 2013, 6:04 pm
  • 39 minutes 28 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Pets, or Pests?!

    Happy New Year Pet Lovers! Welcome back after a brief holiday break to another edition of WHAT’S WRONG WITH MY PET? with your vet, Dr. John Rossi–

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    Dr. Rossi’s guest this week is Clint Wilkinson, an animal rescuer who works with Wildlife Solutions, one of the largest animal rescue organizations in the United States. This is Clint’s second appearance, back by popular demand! This show featured a lively discussion and lots of “creepy” stuff… including a great deal more information about rodents. Clint began with a description of the cardinal signs of rodent infestation. These signs are important because many people never see a live rodent, so tune in to find out more! Clint also briefly mentioned the possibility of his involvement in a new TV show, called “Extreme Infestations.” In addition to rats and mice, he also spoke about squirrels, raccoons and opossums. You can reach Clint at 1-800-2GO-WILD (1-800-246-9453) or at: http://www.wildlifesolutions.com
    Dr. Rossi also discussed recent concerns about the quality of certain compounded medications. One study found that the amount of medicine in one compounded product varied from between 40-152% of what was listed on the label! Another study he shared revealed some of the latest news about Injection Site Sarcomas in cats. Surprisingly, this study showed that sarcomas aren’t just associated with vaccines anymore.
    Finally, Dr. Rossi wanted to give a special thanks for those who attended his most recent book signing in Florida in support of his latest (and most personal) book, “All Things Cold and Slimy.” This peek into veterinary medicine, as well as each title of his popular pet health series, “What’s Wrong With My Pet?” are available in hardback, softcover, and in e-format at http://www.amazon.com, http://www.itunes.com, http://www.barnesandnoble.com/, and now also http://www.booksamillion.com, or just ask your local independent bookseller or pet store for a copy!

    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Pets, or Pests?! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    7 January 2013, 5:39 pm
  • 35 minutes 51 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – A Real Life Veterinary Columbo

    Dr. Rossi’s guest this week is Dr. Alan Weldon, a Board Certified Veterinary Internal Medicine Specialist. Dr. Weldon’s special interest lies in solving difficult medical mysteries. To that end, he has become extremely proficient in performing ultrasounds. Scores of veterinarians from South Carolina to Florida call upon him to help diagnose difficult cases. In fact, he travels so much his motto has become “Diagnose and Adios!” Dr. Weldon works on a wide variety of species, from small animals to horses. This experience has led to some very interesting stories, several of which Dr. Weldon shared with us on this program. In addition, he clarified many of the benefits of ultrasonography, over radiography. The discussion was fast paced, informational, and packed with humor. A must listen!
    Dr. Rossi also covered several of the most recent discoveries in veterinary medicine, including some very surprising ones. The first study suggested that certain dietary supplements may actually improve canine behavior. The next story revealed that cataracts may sometimes be treated with certain dietary supplements. Dr. Rossi then shared information about kittens that were fed a wide variety of foods, and the major impact it has on their feeding behavior later in life. Finally, he issued two brief pet health warnings.

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    And don’t forget last minute Christmas shoppers, for those pet lovers on your list check out the various titles in Dr. Rossi’s series of pet health books, “What’s Wrong With My Pet?,” or his heart warming veterinary autobiography, “All Things Cold and Slimy,” available in the various e-format, softback, and hardback editions at http://www.amazon.com, http://www.itunes.com, http://www.booksamillion.com, and http://www.barnesandnoble.com


    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – A Real Life Veterinary Columbo appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    24 December 2012, 5:01 am
  • 27 minutes 6 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Cold-Blooded Love

    Dr. Rossi’s guests this week are Karl and Cyndi Betz, a married couple who are experienced reptile keepers. This lively discussion included the responsibilities, dangers, and politics of keeping reptiles, as well as the psychological benefits on their children and family. An argument for keeping venomous snakes was presented by Karl, and Cyndi followed with an extremely informational segment on keeping and breeding Chinese Fox turtles. To learn more about this fascinating hobby, go to: http://www.venomousreptiles.org/ OR http://www.localityrosys.com/
    Dr. Rossi also discussed how your pet’s lameness may not be arthritis, and in fact could be neuropathy associated with diabetes. He encourages you to have your veterinarian run blood work whenever your pet is lame. He then briefly discussed what great pets skunks make, and explained some of their captive requirements, including diet, vaccinations, etc… Next he shared recent information about scent-gland tumors in gerbils and how they are usually benign and surgical outcome. This led to a general discussion about tumors in rodents. Finally, Dr. Rossi repeated his concerns about Christmas decorations and your pets and how to keep them safe this season.
    As always, Dr. Rossi’s series of pet health books, “What’s Wrong With My Pet?” is available on http://www.Amazon.com, http://www.iTunes.com and now http://www.BooksAMillion.com.

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    You can also find his original and very popular book on snakes, (the one that started it all, “What’s Wrong With My Snake?”) as well as his comprehensive work on snakes in Volume 1 and 2 of “Snakes of the United States and Canada,” and the updated Volume 3 which includes “Natural History and Care and Captivity,” a great reference resource for herpetologists AND reptile hobbyists.

    And of course Dr. Rossi’s latest work, a collection of personal stories of the life of a vet in his latest, “All Things Cold and Slimy.” is available in multiple formats. If you love pets, go online or inquire with your local bookseller today!

    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Cold-Blooded Love appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    17 December 2012, 5:01 am
  • 27 minutes 43 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Cooking for a Wild Bunch

    Dr. Rossi’s guest this week is Betty Grogan, the manager of the commissary at the Jacksonville Zoo, in Florida. Betty is responsible for the diets of everything from rodents to rhinoceroses. She starts her day at the zoo at 5am every morning to coordinate the massive effort to provide 325 individual diets for zoo animals. She must for analyze input from curators, veterinarians, and keepers before formulating each diet. Betty is aided in this task by 4 assistants, The quantities and types of foods that she deals with are mind boggling! And she shared some very funny stories relating to this challenge. This show is a must listen for any wild OR domestic animal lover! And if you’d like more information about a great zoo, go to http://www.jacksonvillezoo.org/

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    Dr. Rossi also discussed risk factors for urinary tract infections (UTI’s) in cats, and things that you can do to help prevent them in YOUR cat. Also, Dr. Rossi repeated his warning about holiday decorations and pets, including a humorous reminder for owners!

    If you’d like more of Dr. Rossi’s tips and wallet saving advice for pets and their owners, check out his pet health series “What’s Wrong With My Pet?” available in various formats. And you’ll also find his heart-warming book, “All Things Cold and Slimy,” which includes many very personal stories, making a great gift for the holidays at http://www.jacksonvillezoo.org/, http://www.iTunes.com, http://www.5thcornerpublishing.com and now now you can find also find them at http://booksamillion.com/

    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Cooking for a Wild Bunch appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    10 December 2012, 5:01 am
  • 1 minute 7 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Techs, Tips, & Ticks

    Dr. Rossi’s returning guest this week is Andrea Works, a veterinary technician. Andrea shared with us her passion for animals and her job. She explained the requirements for becoming a veterinary technician, and gave details of her training. And she related several stories about some of her more difficult days, and shared some of her wilder stories, as well.

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    Dr. Rossi also discussed a recent article describing stress-inducing factors in the veterinary clinic on pets. Some of these stressors were a big surprise, and you’ll have to tune in to find out! Finally, he brought us up to date on emerging tick-borne diseases in cats, ending with some great tips to reduce the ticks in YOUR back yard.

    As always, you can find more of Dr. Rossi’s pet tips in his “What’s Wrong With My Pet?” series of books, or read more about the life of a veterinarian in “All Things Cold and Slimy,” all available on AMAZON.COM and iTunes.

    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Techs, Tips, & Ticks appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    3 December 2012, 5:01 am
  • 34 minutes 3 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Veterinary News Update

    Dr. Rossi flies solo in this episode of “What’s Wrong with My Pet?” He covered some of the latest news from the world of veterinary medicine. He began with Holiday Warnings, and listed a wide variety of foods that may be harmful to your pets, as well as Christmas Hazards, and even gave a recent example from his own practice. The list includes some items you would never expect to be dangerous, so tune in to find out!
    Dr. Rossi then presented a shocking study that revealed the health risks of bird feeders, to humans AND pets. The next news item featured the surprising case of the toddler and the tapeworm. Tips are presented that may help prevent all kinds of worm infections in people.
    After the break Dr. Rossi discussed the behavioral effects of steroids. It has long been known that steroids affect human behavior. This study suggests that animals may also be affected.
    Another study shared by Dr. Rossi offered a new treatment for atopy, which is an inhalant allergy. This study introduced HCA (Hydrocortisone Aceponate) as an effective alternative treatment for this problem. l
    Lastly, a case of toxicity of Tea Tree Oil was presented in pet snakes. This adds another species to the list of animals that may show toxic effects from Tea Tree Oil.
    As always, Dr. Rossi ends with the reminder to ADOPT a pet when possible. For more of his tips and pet health advice, check out his “What’s Wrong With My Pet?” series of books on Amazon.com, iTunes.com, or at 5thcornerpublishing.com

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    26 November 2012, 5:01 am
  • 33 minutes 1 second
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Voices of Experience

    Dr. Rossi’s guest this week is Dr. Kandra Jones, a veterinarian with 35 years of experience. She is also a member of the Florida Board of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Jones shared with us some of the changes that have occurred in veterinary Medicine over her years of practice. These include the improvements in anesthesia and in-house laboratory equipment, among others. Veterinarians now commonly use ultrasound and other diagnostic tools that heretofore were not available.

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    However, Dr. Jones then discussed how current economic pressures are affecting modern veterinary practice. Because many pet owners are struggling financially, they cannot afford the best that veterinary medicine offers. This led to a lively discussion between the doctors about the challenges to maintain high quality veterinary medicine despite economic upheaval. Dr. Jones finished with a pointed story about a cat you just won’t believe! You can find her at: http://www.mandarinvet.com/
    Dr. Rossi also shared information from a recent article that showed that many human doctors are not aware that animals get many of the same diseases as humans, and that veterinarians have board certified specialists, as well. This reduces collaboration and cooperation between human doctors and veterinarians, thereby potentially affecting medicine for patients of both animals and humans. Dr. Rossi then presented a detailed discussion of a common disorder of ferrets, called Multiple Endocrine Disease Syndrome.
    You can find more information and tips on ferrets, and many other animals, as Dr. Rossi has written based on his extensive years of practice by checking out his “WHAT’S WRONG WITH MY PET?” series of books, most available in e-book format as well as printed on Amazon.com and iTunes. And there you can find his latest, and most personal book, “All Things Cold and Slimy” in all forms, as well. Check them out, today!

    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – Voices of Experience appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    19 November 2012, 5:01 am
  • 31 minutes 52 seconds
    What’s Wrong with My Pet? – No Train — No Gain!

    Dr. Rossi’s guest this week is Linda Brocker of Bark Busters in NE Florida. Linda is a dog behavioral therapist and trainer who discussed a variety of canine behavior problems. These included: aggression towards people and other dogs, separation anxiety, and destructive behaviors. She attributed many of these problems, and others to a lack of leadership, exercise, and stimulation.

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    Linda also stressed the importance of ruling out an underlying medical problem first, because it is difficult to correct any behavioral issues without fully addressing any possible existing medical conditions that can impact behavior. She then shared with us a humorous story of training two Yorkies for excessive barking. If YOU have any canine behavioral issues, Linda encouraged you to contact the Bark Busters representative near you by visiting their helpful website at: http://http://www.barkbusters.com/
    In this show Dr. Rossi also extended his condolences to those in the Northeast affected by Hurricane Sandy, and presented some advice to help any pet owner who may face such a disaster with their animal someday. It is important to have several things ready in case of an emergency, and these include everything from a suitable carrier to having your pet micro chipped. This is an important topic for all pet lovers, so don’t miss it!
    In other news, Dr. Rossi shared research from some recent medical articles about your pet’s health. One of these showed a connection between stair climbing in puppies and potential problems later in life. Other information given offered another alternative in treatment for acute Lyme Disease.
    As always, Dr. Rossi reminded us in these economic times of the importance of considering adopting a pet. Finally, he was happy to announce the paperback release of his very personal veterinary autobiography, “All Things Cold and Slimy,” as well as the hardback and E-versions already available at Amazon.com and iTunes.

    The post What’s Wrong with My Pet? – No Train — No Gain! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    12 November 2012, 5:01 am
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