Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord

Intuitive Astrology with Molly

Weekly astrology energies in easy-to-understand terms for living a conscious life. Astrology and conscious inspiration with author, teacher, and guide Molly McC

  • 39 minutes 59 seconds
    Venus Retrograde In Aries and Pisces and Venus Star Point ~Part 2 ~ Returning To Goddess Frequencies

    Venus is now retrograde and embarks upon a highly personal 6-week journey of self-discovery, re-creation, reconnection, and renewal. She travels without aspects for 3 weeks in March, and then sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, which is supporting her transformation and self-empowerment. TheVenus Star Point conjunct the Sun on March 22 at 2 degrees begins a new 8-year cycle, focusing on new aspects of Self that are birthing now. Venus RX re-enters Pisces on March 27 and has her final conjunction in our lifetime with Neptunein Pisces at 29 degrees, followed by the North Node. Then in April, she connects with Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus before stationing direct at 24 deg 37 Pisces on April 12. Perhaps one of the biggest Venus retrograde journeys in decades as she will rebirth herself with thehigher goddess frequencies and become more of who she truly is in this lifetime. More to share in this podcast episode.

    Your Soul’s Next Starting Point ~ Pisces and AriesTransits in 2025 to 2026

    A deep dive analysis of how the Pisces and Aries degreesin your chart will be experiencing fated endings, spiritual alignments, and powerful beginnings from 2025 to 2026. Includes 5 prerecorded videos with teachings, energy work and practices, and 2 replays.

    3 March 2025, 7:10 pm
  • 37 minutes 12 seconds
    Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Feb 26 to March 5 ~ Active Mercury, Venus Stations Retro, Pisces New Moon

    We are in the Piscean depths of cosmic transition now, and a Pisces New Moon at 9 deg on Feb 27 invites us to trust the endings that are necessary for the soul to move on. The significance of this cycle can be hard to grasp in our everyday lives, but when we zoom out, we will start to see how there is a divine flow to the simultaneous endings and beginnings of this year. Mercury is active in Pisces and Aries this week, nowentering retrograde territory and asking us to be more mindful of how we travel between the different worlds of the last signs and first signs of the zodiac. Venus stations retrograde on March 1 at 10 deg 50 Aries and begins her self-improvement journey back into Pisces until April 12. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.

    2025 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ New soul assignments now arriving! We’re accelerating into new frequencies as 2025 opens up new chapters on the planet and in our personal lives. Four outer planets move into Fire and Air signs, plus 3 Mercury retrogrades, Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Jupiter in Cancer, and a lot more! Use code ‘2025’ to get it all for $44 USD ~

    26 February 2025, 9:15 pm
  • 43 minutes 53 seconds
    Major Astrology of March 2025 - Venus Retro, Virgo Eclipse, Aries Eclipse, Neptune In Aries

    March begins to pivotally change the trajectory of our lives over the next year, as multiple cosmic influences herald endings, completions, and powerful new chapters. The changes will appear especially as you may feel true closures and shifts that confirm your new frequency. The double retrogrades in Venus and Mercury covering the same territory in your chart require slowdowns, thoughtful considerations, adaptability, and not overly investing in anything just yet, especially as both planets return to Pisces. Eclipse season focuses on how you are physically, mentally,and spiritually adjusting to the global shifts, and listening to your body actively. Neptune enters Aries on March 30, a significant astrological event of the ages, as we are now owning our Creator Self along with our spiritual development to embody a new intuitive, advancing human. Much more to share in this podcast episode.  

    New! The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 2025 to July 2026, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to embrace more intuition, compassion, soul gifts, and healing. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Pisces and Virgo in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.


    Dancing With Your Quantum Light Body ~ In this 50-minute guided visualization, you will integrate cellular renewal with heart chakra expansion by inviting in cleansing, healing frequencies; activate quantum light body expressions; connect with soul wisdom from other personas, archetypes, and messengers from other timelines or dimensions; open up "junk" DNA and dormant cellular wisdom in this timeline; expand your quantum light body energies into all physical systems of the body; and feel a physical shift as you dance with your light body and the integration process.

    24 February 2025, 5:41 pm
  • 34 minutes 20 seconds
    Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Feb 19 to 26 ~ Strong Pisces, Active Mercury, World Endings Continue

    A strong Pisces planetary presence is underway, guiding us to go higher with love, compassion, detachment, and forgiveness as we continue through a year of big evolutionary changes. Worldwide closures, endings, and karmic completions will continue as we approach eclipse season. Mercury in Pisces connects with Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn this week as we trust our intuition more regularly, even when facts and specifics seem unclear. Mars stations direct on Feb 23 at 17 deg Cancer, providing a standstill of reflection and how to proceed ahead with more trust in oneself. All planets are direct from Feb 24 to Feb 28, which can be a beneficial time to gather together your priorities and next steps, even though eclipse energies and March retrogrades will surely test them. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.

    Gathering of the Shamans Event in Sedona - May 2 to 4, 2025 -

    Words That Teach, Words That Heal Online Writing Course - April 2025 -

    "Soul Growth Astrology" ebook on sale for 99cents!

    19 February 2025, 6:49 pm
  • 35 minutes 37 seconds
    Mars Direct in Cancer and Leo ~ Part 3 ~ An Empowering Spiritual Return

    Mars stations direct on February 23 at 17 deg Cancer after being retrograde since December 6, 2024, beginning at 6 deg Leo. Mars has been in the watery realms of memories, the past, previous emotional imprints, his internal world, unprocessed feelings, family, home, and loved ones. His journey now switches into forward gear as he moves ahead with (hopefully) a renewed, heal sense of his unconscious self that has led to greater self-awareness. Mars in Cancerreceives emotional support and closure from planets in Pisces, as well as spiritual evolution through a trine to Neptune in Aries at 0 deg from April 18 to 20. Then the third opposition to Pluto in Aquarius at 3 deg from April 25 to 28requires a further changed sense of self. Much more to share in this podcast.

    Let’s laugh together on IG:

    2025 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ New soul assignments now arriving! We’re accelerating into new frequencies as 2025 opens up new chapters on theplanet and in our personal lives. Four outer planets move into Fire and Air signs, plus 3 Mercury retrogrades, Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Jupiter in Cancer, and a lot more! Use code ‘2025’ to get it all for $44 USD ~


    17 February 2025, 4:49 pm
  • 31 minutes 23 seconds
    Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Feb 12 to 19 ~ Supersonic Advancements; Mercury and Sun enter Pisces

    Aquarius season winds down after weeks of ongoing world developments and shifts that signal we’re working with higher frequencies more often and at a faster pace than ever before. And it’s only going to accelerate throughout 2025! The Leo Full Moon on Feb 12 accentuates intense change and powerful ownership of your creator abilities, especially as Uranus in Taurus breaks apart our comfort zones and any evolutionary processes we’ve been resisting. Mercury enters Pisces on February 14, followed by the Sun entering Pisces on February 18, which now highlights 4 planets and the North Node in the final sign of the zodiac. Completions, endings, and karmic closures are clearly emphasized. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.

    ~The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 2025 to July 2026, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to embrace more intuition, compassion, soul gifts, and healing. Let's dive into what this meansfor you personally as we explore the energies of Pisces and Virgo in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.


    12 February 2025, 5:18 pm
  • 42 minutes 11 seconds
    Taming the Flames - Venus Prepares To Retrograde in Aries - Part 1

    Venus prepares to station retrograde on March 1 at 10 deg 50 Aries and is now in the territory that she will renovate, recreate, and revalue in your natal chart into May. Venus was last retrograde in Aries in 2017, but this 2025 rebirth journey is more personal and significant as she interacts with theAries eclipse point 3 times; has a New Venus Star Point at 2 deg Aries right after the Aries Equinox; travels simultaneously with Mercury retrograde in the same area of your chart; and then undergoes deeper transitions when she re-enters Pisces on March 27. We’ll look at the themes and expressions of Venus retrograde in Aries in this Part 1 episode. (Part 2 will be in March and Part 3 will be in April.)

    Your Cosmic Codes: 12 Universal Spiritual Laws In Your Astrology Chart ~ Journey through 12 Spiritual Laws and realign your astrology chart to create new energetic openings, manifestations, and experiences in your life. More details here:

    Let’s laugh together on IG:


    Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learnmore about your astrology chart here:


    10 February 2025, 6:26 pm
  • 52 minutes 37 seconds
    Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Feb 5 to 12 - Mercury Cazimi, Leo Full Moon, strong Uranus

    Aquarius season continues to bring in galactic codes, shocking changes, and more disruptions as we move into the middle of February. February 8 and 9 offer harmonious connections between the Aries and Aquarius areas of your natal chart as 3 empowering aspects occur simultaneously: Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius; Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries; Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries. Confidence, growth, and healing developments are highlighted. Then we have a Mercury-Sun cazimi at 20 deg Aquarius with realizations and expanded awareness streaming through. The Sun and Mercury then square Uranus in Taurus at 23 deg, followed immediately by the electrifying Leo Full Moon at 24 degrees on Feb 12th. Powerful creative breakthroughs with multidimensional frequencies are taking us out of comfort zones and old energy fields. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.

    Your Cosmic Codes: 12 Universal Spiritual Laws In Your Astrology Chart ~ Journey through 12 Spiritual Laws and realign your astrology chart to create new energetic openings, manifestations, and experiences in your life. More details here:

    Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmic talents, flush out and release expired cellular energy, call in more of your star family connections and gifts from other dimensions, embed the earth's ley lines with higher cosmic frequencies, re-align your relationships with solar consciousness, and immerse into newly encoded diamond frequency potentials. Check it out:


    5 February 2025, 6:28 pm
  • 41 minutes 6 seconds
    Uranus in Taurus In 2025: Wild Changes, Quakes, and Shakeups

    Uranus now moves through the remaining degrees of Taurus until July 6, 2025, and will activate a square to the natal USA Moon in Aquarius, Pleiadean degree points, and features prominently in the March 14 Virgo Lunar Eclipse. The changes unfolding dramatically in Taurus will lead to the accelerated developments when Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025 for 4 months. Uranus in Taurus will continue to affect the economy, finances, precious metals, minerals, food, agriculture, the earth’s evolution, and our collective value systems that are meant to change during this transit into April 2026.

    2025 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ New soul assignments now arriving! We’re accelerating into new frequencies as 2025 opens up new chapters on the planet and in our personal lives. Four outer planets move into Fire and Air signs, plus 3 Mercury retrogrades, Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Jupiter in Cancer, and a lot more! Use code ‘2025’ to get it all for $44 USD ~


    3 February 2025, 6:53 pm
  • 41 minutes 44 seconds
    Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Jan 29 to Feb 5 ~ Uranus Direct, Jupiter Direct, Venus in Aries

    Dynamics changes are coming in strong and won’t stop this week a lot of cosmic shifts in the works! The Aquarius New Moon at 9 deg 51 on January 29 is boosted by Uranus stationing direct at 23 dg 15 Taurus the next day, amplifying more surprises and shocks. February begins with a magical Pisces stellium (Moon, Venus, Neptune, and NN) all at 28 deg, which sets the stage for the next few months with karmic endings, grand closures, and compassion portals. Then Venus enters Aries on Feb 3, where she will move slowly through the first sign of the zodiac this month before her retrograde begins on March 1 at 10 deg 50 Aries. Jupiter stations direct at 11 deg Gemini on Feb 4, and with the trine to Mercury in Aquarius occurring at the same time, big messages, news, announcements, and inspired directions will light up the path ahead. More to share in this week’s episode.

    Your Soul’s Next Starting Point: 2 Live Astrology Workshops ~ A deep dive analysis of how the Pisces and Aries degrees in your chart will be experiencing fated endings, spiritual alignments, and powerful beginnings from 2025 to 2026. Includes prerecorded video teachings, energy work and practices, and 2 live classes with Molly on February 7, 2025. Replays will be available for ongoing reference.

    The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 2025 to July 2026, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to embrace more intuition, compassion, soul gifts, and healing. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Pisces and Virgo in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.


    29 January 2025, 6:13 pm
  • 39 minutes 40 seconds
    Major Astrology of February 2025 ~ Pisces Stellium, Mars and Jupiter Direct

    February brings in worldwide sweeping changes as a Pisces Stellium begins the month during Aquarius season and continues to play out into May. Venus, Neptune, and the North Node are all conjunct at 28 deg Pisces, signaling big endings, transitions and movements are unfolding that will lead us to the new beginnings that slowly arrive later in the year. Jupiter will station direct at 11 deg Gemini on Feb 4 after a four month retrograde journey, and a message will be louder during the first week of February. What has energy and inspiration to take you forward? Jupiter is ready for it! Venus enters Aries but is moving slowly through the month as her retrograde will begin on March 1 at 10 deg 51 Aries. Venus is moving through a soul regeneration phase as she will experience a rebirth into May. Good news! Mars finally stations direct on Feb 23 at 17 deg Cancer, and this may be a welcomed turnaround since the retrograde began back on Dec 6. February will also give you 5 whole days of ALL PLANETS DIRECT from Feb 24 to Feb 28, so may you enjoy the developments that end the month!

    2 Live Astrology Workshops ~ A deep dive analysis of how the Pisces and Aries degrees in your chart will be experiencing fated endings, spiritual alignments, and powerful beginnings from 2025 to 2026. Includes prerecorded video teachings, energy work and practices, and 2 live classes with Molly on February 7, 2025. Replays will be available for ongoing reference.

    The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 2025 to July 2026, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to embrace more intuition, compassion, soul gifts, and healing. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Pisces and Virgo in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.

    27 January 2025, 5:49 pm
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