Voice of American Education – Rosanna Pittella PhD

[email protected] (Rosanna Pittella PhD)

What is really happening in classrooms across the country? Our nation’s educational system is in shambles. The evolution of education in America has been a process, but by learning from the past we can more compassionately shape the future. We need not give up hope; there is a new model that will work to address the needs of every child. Join Dr. Rosanna Pittella as her expert guests discuss ways to close the learning gap between those that are privileged and those that are not.

  • 13 minutes 53 seconds
    Voice of American Education – 031813


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    The post Voice of American Education – 031813 appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    18 March 2013, 4:01 am
  • 17 minutes 24 seconds
    Voice of American Education – The American Dream School and Amazing Innovations by Courseload

    Mickey Levitan, who is the founder
    and CEO of the amazing company, COURSELOAD Mickey brings us an exciting new innovation that sure will change the face of learning in the coming years and positively impact many generations of students in a very practical way for years to come Before Mickey arrives, Dr. Rosanna Pittella, host describes, for those of new to the show, why VOICE OF AMERICAN EDUCATION is so focused on excellent ideas, services, products and people that will support positive change as we go forward with the America Dream School.
    She answers the questions –
    1. What is the American Dream School’s
    mission, its purpose?
    2. How will it accomplish its mission?
    3. Who are its designers?
    4. Where will the first one be
    5. How do you find out how an American
    Dream school can be established for your community?
    6. How do you get involved?
    Listen and learn about the changing face of American Education and enjoy Voice of American Education on webtalkradio.net with Dr. Rosanna PIttella.

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    Learn more about The American Dream School at www.elementalethics.com and about Mickey Levitan and Courseload at http://www.courseload.com/

    The post Voice of American Education – The American Dream School and Amazing Innovations by Courseload appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    7 February 2013, 12:55 am
  • 26 minutes 51 seconds
    Voice of American Education – 011413


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    The post Voice of American Education – 011413 appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    14 January 2013, 5:01 am
  • 25 minutes 25 seconds
    Voice of American Education – Voice of American Education: Real Heroes and Amazing Math Strategies For Our Children

    Children’s role models these days are often rock stars, hip hop artists, sports figures, and action figures – not ordinary people doing extraordinary things – Walter Yates is just such an amazing ordinary man who has done incredible extraordinary things. His survival of a plane crash in Alaska and his life in the wilderness simply living off the land is the story of what humans can do and endure by using their brains and strengthening their bodies. He will tell us more about his story and his book BREAKAWAY. Niki Hayes is an educator that has a reputation as a woman who raises pit bulls, packs a gun, and raises hell about the State of Math Education” – her book The John Saxon’s Story: a Genius of Common Sense Math is one that shows the power of a methodology that helped children at risk to succeed in a subject in which they previously failed. It’s a must read for parents and teachers who are vested in the success of children. She is with us briefly to tell us about her marvelous book.

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    Sound Engineering and Music by Jason Anthony Huff. Contact him at [email protected]

    All of the books mentioned in this program can be obtained via Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/

    Get details about THE AMERICAN DREAM SCHOOL project at www.elementalethics.com

    The post Voice of American Education – Voice of American Education: Real Heroes and Amazing Math Strategies For Our Children appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    7 January 2013, 4:29 pm
  • 21 minutes 55 seconds

    This week, Joann Giangardella, author of The Girl From The Tower: A Journey of Lies, joins Voice of American Education on Webtalkradio.net to share her own harrowing experience as a child victimized by an adoption program developed in partnership between the Greek and American governments. But most significantly she teaches us about what it is like to be a child at great risk and in an abusive situation, and have no responsible adults to listen, assist, and advocate for er. Dr. Rosanna Pittella, author of How Deconstructing The American Education System Will Reconstruct The American Dream asks compelling questions that help listeners better understand how parents, teachers, and schools can literally save children’s lives and provide them with hope and a love of learning. This show gives practical suggestions as to how schools can identify children at risk, how to help them when they do, and why it is essential that schools go above and beyond in every case of a child at risk.
    Sam Rose, a savvy nutritionist, founder of Rose Nutrition Center, and successful author of The Way Back: Heal Yourself Heal the World comes aboard, too, to speak about his excellent new book that can guide parent and teachers alike about how to get well, be well, and stay well for a lifetime, and how to guide children to do the same.
    The American Dream School mentioned during the show can be found at www.elementalethics.com.
    Dr. Pittella’s book, How Deconstructing The American Education System Will Reconstruct the American Dream is available at www.elementalethics.com as well as through Amazon.com.
    Both books discussed on this show, The Girl From The Tower: A Journey of Lies and The Way Back: Heal Yourself Heal the World can be purchased through Amazon.com.

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    The post Voice of American Education – TUNING INTO CHILDREN AT RISK AND TEACHING LIFETIME WELLNESS appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    13 November 2012, 12:35 am
  • 22 minutes 32 seconds
    Voice of American Education – Imagine if Children Grew Up Learning About REAL Heroes Not Just Celebrities and Knew How To Care For Their Bodies Now and Through Old Age

    Ask the next ten teenagers if they have heroes that they admire. With some luck a couple may name a beloved parent or grandparent. A few may say they don’t know or don’t have any. The few that do will name sports figures, movie stars and the like, that are plastered all over screens and magazines. Are any of them ethical figures, or heroes in any way, or someone who helped others not for a buck, but because it was the right thing to do? Are any of them adventurers or heroes?

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    This week, Alaska’s favorite explorer, Walter “Yukon” Yates, comes to visit in our spotlight to talk briefly about his new book – an amazing tale of how for 14 days he lay critically wounded in a British Columbia woods waiting for a rescue plane—after crashing his helicopter. The first four times the rescue plane flew overhead, it missed him. So Yates dragged the tail of his copter into a clearing. The next time the plane flew over, it saw him and he was rescued. And the first thing he did after healing six months later? He bought a new helicopter. Yates is arguably one of America’s last great living adventurers and the reason he says he trekked across Alaska, mined for gold, built a log cabin and lived off the land alone for a year, was because he could.
    This Voice of American Education week’s interview is with Sam Rose, San is visiting to discuss the evidence mounting that, despite all its perks and privileges, our American way of life is literally hazardous to our (and our kids’) health. Sam will discuss how conditions like obesity, depression, fatigue and life-shortening degenerative diseases are increasing at alarming rates — despite our access to the priciest, most advanced health-care system on the planet. How can we reverse this disturbing trend, take control of our health and enjoy long, vibrant lives? The answer rests in understanding the connection between ill-health and the modern, man-made world. To help people of all ages stay healthier through the winter cold and flu season, you’ll want to hear more about this fascinating and important subject with sought-after nutrition expert Sam Rose.

    Find out more about the American Dream School model project mentioned in this week’s show at elementalethics.com. You can also find out more about Dr. Pittella’s illuminating book, How Deconstructing The American Education System Will Reconstruct the American Dream. and how to order a copy, on that site.

    Sound Engineering and Music by Jason Anthony Huff. Contact him at [email protected]

    All of the books mentioned in this program can be obtained via Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/

    The post Voice of American Education – Imagine if Children Grew Up Learning About REAL Heroes Not Just Celebrities and Knew How To Care For Their Bodies Now and Through Old Age appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    15 October 2012, 10:47 pm
  • 23 minutes 25 seconds
    Voice of American Education – Two Important Lessons for American School Children: The Power of Kindness and the Secret to Ageless Living

    The best parents and the most dedicated educators want the children in their world to understand what is truly important and of value not just in the short term but for their entire lives. It is our responsibility to identify ways for children to enjoy good and satisfying lives and to know how to best take care of themselves.

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    This week, Kirk Sinclair, known as the “The Hiking Humanitarian,” joins Voice of American Education to discuss his excellent book, Kindness Across America, a book about the power of kindness, and the extraordinary importance of promoting community kindness. It’s an interview every good parent and educator should hear!

    This Voice of American Education week’s spotlight is on Rico Cavaglia whose book, Ageless Living: The Ultimate Lifestyle for Health, Vitality, Longevity. Rico talks about how children of all ages must be told and shown how the most important thing in human life is one’s health, understand the role that genes play, and how enjoying life is a critical part of the formula and reminds us all how youth is a state of mind.
    Find out more about the American Dream School model project mentioned in this week’s show at elementalethics.com. You can also find out more about Dr. Pittella’s illuminating book, How Deconstructing The American Education System Will Reconstruct the American Dream. and how to order a copy, on that site.

    Sound Engineering and Music by Jason Anthony Huff. Contact him at [email protected]

    All of the books mentioned in this program can be obtained via Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/

    The post Voice of American Education – Two Important Lessons for American School Children: The Power of Kindness and the Secret to Ageless Living appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    24 September 2012, 4:01 am
  • 27 minutes 49 seconds
    Voice of American Education – Building Confidence, Self-esteem and an American

    Dr. Rosanna Pittella interviews two authors to share some excellent ideas about which they have written popular books that focus on things we can do to help children develop positive self-esteem, overcome challenges, and succeed at whatever they choose. Ann Morgan James, author of “How to Raise a Millionaire,” will discuss the incredible power and positive impact on a child when he or she successfully starts up a small business of his or her very own. Bob Bare, author of “LAUNCH: Harness Your Passion
    and Fuel Your Destiny,” goes the next step and shares the importance of the American entrepreneurial spirit from childhood through adult life and its impact not only on the individual but on people all over the world.

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    For information about a concise publication on the evolution of American Education, and the American Dream School Model: How Deconstructing the American Education System Will Reconstruct the American Dream by Rosanna Pittella PhD, go to www.elementalethics.com

    Find out more the American Dream Independent Community School Model Pilot Project go to www.elementalethics.com and sign up to become part of the most important movement in the history of US education.

    The post Voice of American Education – Building Confidence, Self-esteem and an American appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    2 September 2012, 7:33 pm
  • 24 minutes 49 seconds
    Voice of American Education – HOW CAN WE KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE?

    Dr. Rosanna Pittella interviews esteemed guest, Senator Bill Diamond, of Maine, author of the new book “THE EVIL AND THE INNOCENT” an expert who visits to share critical information about how to protect children from sexual abuse. Senator Diamond discusses a topic about which he has become an expert, as one who has personally conducted hundreds of public hearings and research relating to sexual assault victims and predators.
    JOANNA GIANGARDELLA, AUTHOR OF “THE GIRL FROM THE TOWER: A JOURNEY OF LIES” also stops by for a brief chat. Children are victimized in many ways – sometimes even the most benign and hopeful situations, like the adoption of war orphans. JOANNA GIANGARDELLA, AUTHOR OF “THE GIRL FROM THE TOWER: A JOURNEY OF LIES” exposes the horrific plight of children, herself one of them, sold into white slavery, abused and neglected under the guise of a seemingly gracious adoption of children through a program created in partnership ny the US Government and Greece.
    For information about a concise publication on the evolution of American Education, and the American Dream School Model: How Deconstructing the American Education System Will Reconstruct the American Dream by Rosanna Pittella PhD, go to www.elementalethics.com
    Find out more the American Dream Independent Community School Model Pilot Project go to www.elementalethics.com and sign up to become part of the most important movement in the history of US education.

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    The post Voice of American Education – HOW CAN WE KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    5 August 2012, 8:35 pm
  • 23 minutes 9 seconds
    Voice of American Education – The Secret for Making Children At Risk Feel Safe and Valued

    This week, Towanda McEachern, author of Life Recycled, comes aboard to share amazing insight as to how the right environment and support in schools can save children and give them, a chance at full, productive lives. Dr. Rosanna Pittella, author of How Deconstructing The American Education System Will Reconstruct The American Dream asks compelling questions that help listeners better understand how parents, teachers, and schools can literally save children’s lives and provide them with hope and a love of learning. This show gives practical suggestions as to how schools can identify children at risk, how to help them when they do, and why it is essential that schools go above and beyond in every case of a child at risk. Ms. McEachern speaks from her own frightening experiences, how she overcame them, and how she now uses the pain of the past to help children reach a bright new future.

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    The American Dream School mentioned during the show can be found at www.elementalethics.com.

    The post Voice of American Education – The Secret for Making Children At Risk Feel Safe and Valued appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    23 July 2012, 4:01 am
  • 30 minutes 6 seconds
    Voice of American Education – How Can We Address the Need of the Children Most at Risk?

    Dr. Birnbaum illuminates the most alarming issues, for children whose needs are not being met in current classrooms, for a variety of reasons and provides clear guidance in their resolution and help American children to achieve their American Dream. Dr. Birnbaum pinpoints classroom dynamics, emphasis on aggressive testing, unsatisfactorily prepared classroom teachers and more reasons why children with special needs the American Dream School currently under design.
    For information about a concise publication on the evolution of American Education, the basis of the American Dream School model, How Deconstructing the American Education System Will Reconstruct the American Dream, go to www.elementalethics.com
    Find out more about the American Dream Independent Community School Model and Pilot Project go to www.elementalethics.com and sign up to become part of the most important movement in the history of US education.
    Matthew Pazos of Morgan Financial, the business spotlight included in this show, can be reached by phone at 908-906-6007 [email protected].

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    The post Voice of American Education – How Can We Address the Need of the Children Most at Risk? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

    3 July 2012, 6:33 pm
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