Podcast | The Fundraising Authority

Joe Garecht

Tips and tools on fundraising and development for non-profits of all sizes.

  • 14 minutes 53 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #28: Quick Rules for Successful Silent Auctions

    Silent auctions can be a very effective way to raise many for non-profits… but they can also be time consuming and stressful if they’re not done the right way.

    In today’s podcast, we go over eight quick rules for more successful silent auctions, and show you how to keep your event organized and profitable.  For even more tips on running auction events, check out The Silent Auction Handbook.

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

    11 January 2016, 8:53 pm
  • 13 minutes 47 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #27: How to Launch and Run a Successful Planned Giving Program

    Planned giving is one of those things that most non-profits are interested in… but never really take the time to focus on.  Setting up a planned giving program seems scary, complicated and time-consuming, so many non-profits put it on the back burner.

    The good news is that launching a successful planned giving program is possible for any non-profit (including smaller organizations) and does not need to be overly complicated or resource-intensive.  During this podcast, we take a look at why planned giving matters for every non-profit, and how your organization can easily launch a successful planned giving campaign.

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

    11 November 2015, 6:37 pm
  • 52 minutes 22 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #26: Using Technology to Supercharge Your Non-Profit Fundraising

    One of the biggest changes in non-profit fundraising over the past three decades is the advent of cheap, powerful technology to help organizations communicate with donors and raise money online.

    Advances in non-profit technology have been a huge blessing for most organizations, but they have also been a curse, because many fundraisers can get overwhelmed by the sheer number of tools and data that are available to them.

    In today’s podcast, we’re joined by Amy Sample Ward, the CEO of NTEN (The Non-Profit Technology Network).  Amy is one of the non-profit technology world’s most influential voices, and during this episode she helps us cut through the clutter to learn how to bet use technology to supercharge our organizations.

    To read more about non-profit technology or connect with Amy, visit AmySampleWard.org or NTEN (The Non-Profit Technology Network).  You can connect with Amy on Twitter @amyrsward.

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.


    14 September 2015, 5:08 pm
  • 39 minutes 39 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #25: Understanding Charity Registration

    Whether they know it or not, most non-profits in the United States are required to register in the states where they carry out fundraising solicitations.  But what exactly constitutes a “fundraising solicitation?” and how do you know where your non-profit is required to register?

    Our guest today is one of the country’s foremost experts on charity registration.  Tony Martignetti is the founder of Martignetti Planned Gift Advisors, the host of Tony Martignetti Non-Profit Radio, and the author of Charity Registration: State-by-State Guidelines for Compliance.   Listen to this episode to learn everything you need to know about charity registration for your non-profit!

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

    25 July 2015, 6:18 pm
  • 47 minutes 33 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #24: Tips and Tricks for Raising More Money through Non-Profit Crowdfunding

    Crowdfunding is one of the fastest growing segments of the non-profit fundraising world… as well it should be.  It is a powerful way to raise more money and expand the reach of your non-profit organization.

    Our guest on today’s podcast is Dana Ostomel, an expert in running successful crowdfunding campaigns.  During our conversation, Dana provided some great strategies and tips for how any non-profit – including yours – can raise a significant amount through a strong crowdfunding campaign.  Don’t miss this episode!

    You can learn more about Dana and get more great crowdfunding tips on her site Deposit a Gift.  Also, during the podcast, Dana mentioned that she’s offering Fundraising Authority Podcast listeners a free packet of materials and a free 20 minute crowdfunding coaching call.  Click here to e-mail Dana and get your free goodies!

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

    12 May 2015, 3:16 am
  • 29 minutes 12 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #23: The Power of Storytelling for Your Non-Profit

    Do you know the power of telling great stories?  Does your non-profit use storytelling to help it raise more money and build better relationships with donors?

    Our guest on today’s podcast is Vanessa Chase, an expert in non-profit storytelling.  In addition to some great tips on collecting and sharing stories for your organization, Vanessa teaches us how to develop a culture of storytelling at non-profits big and small.  Join us for a great conversation!

    You can read more from Vanessa at her site The Storytelling Non-Profit.

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.


    24 March 2015, 5:48 pm
  • 54 minutes 19 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #22: How to Knock Your Next Capital Campaign Out of the Park

    What do you think when you hear the words, “capital campaign?”  Does that phrase send you dreaming of a new building for your organization, or perhaps the ability to hire new staff or buy new infrastructure?  Or, like many fundraisers, does the idea of a capital campaign make you grind your teeth and stay up worrying at night?

    Our guest on today’s podcast is none other than The Fundraising Coach himself, Marc Pitman.  Marc is a veteran of dozens of successful capital campaigns, and in today’s episode he helps us learn the ins and outs of running a super-successful campaign.  Get ready to raise some money!

    You can read more from Marc at his website TheFundraisingCoach.com and at his hub for online fundraising training at The Non-Profit Academy.

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

    5 March 2015, 9:29 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #21: How to Build Strong Donor Relationships Online

    The donor cultivation funnel isn’t just for offline fundraising.  Non-profits can and should be building strong relationships with their donors online (including through e-mail, social media and on  their organization’s website).  Great online cultivation leads to more donors, bigger gifts, and better donor relationships.

    In today’s podcast, online fundraising and marketing expert John Haydon teaches us how to supercharge our online cultivation efforts and gives plenty of examples of what’s working… right now… for non-profits around the world.  This episode is packed with useful, ready-to-implement information for your non-profit.  Get out your pen and paper, and get ready to take some notes!

    You can get more great information from John on his website, JohnHaydon.com or by connecting with him on Twitter @JohnHaydon

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.


    22 January 2015, 4:33 pm
  • 20 minutes 6 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #20: The True Fundraising Purpose of Your Website

    Do you ever wonder if you are using your non-profit’s website correctly?  Do you wish you could raise more money online?  The truth is that most non-profit organizations do not understand the true fundraising purpose of their website and online presence.

    In today’s podcast, we talk about the real best use of your website when it comes to raising money, as well as share some tips for using that function to effectively raise money.  Watch out!  This podcast just might change the way you think about online fundraising forever!

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.


    2 October 2014, 4:25 am
  • 22 minutes 27 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #19: Understanding and Using the Fundraising Funnel at Your Non-Profit

    Using the four steps of the fundraising funnel are integral to building a sustainable development program at your non-profit.  If you want to find new donors and keep them giving more and bigger gifts to your organization year after year, you have to understand and use the fundraising funnel.

    In this episode, we take a look at the four components of the fundraising funnel to see how you can apply them at your organization to help you raise the money you need to thrive.

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.


    23 July 2014, 7:57 pm
  • 42 minutes 57 seconds
    Fundraising Authority Podcast #18: Mastering Major Donor Fundraising

    Every non-profit I have ever come across wants to find more major donors to support its work.  How can an organization find, cultivate, and ask major donors for large gifts, particularly if the charity has only limited resources?

    Today on  the podcast, we welcome Amy Eisenstein, AFCRE.  Amy walks us through a step-by-step strategy for finding and engaging more major donors, and teaches us how to build relationships with major givers that lead to lifelong giving.

    After you listen, be sure to check out Amy’s site at Tri Point Fundraising!

    Please note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

    20 May 2014, 9:27 pm
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